We had no trouble with the Sunderland fans. On the way out, quite a few came up to us and with tears in their eyes they wished us luck for next season and said we were the better team on the day. I went to a few Mackem supporters and said well played an I hope they smash League 1 next season, without fail they all thanked me, and were reciprocal in their wishes. I've got no problem with Sunderland supporters they seemed a decent bunch to be honest.
My girlfriend was buzzing when we beat them and said they were a smug bunch, I personally think they're a great set of fans and hope they go up next season.
As we were walking she said a few outside a pub were chanting stuff at us and one while it was raining said to her (she had her hoodie over head head) welcome to Northern weather.
My experience was not one Sunderland fan giving me grief, me leading her to the wrong side of Wembley coming from oop North, being surrounded by Mackems giving me funny looks while I tucked into my subway. Then as I was making my way to the correct side of Wembley one came over and wished me luck.
Got to Wembley early to pick up our tickets, and the place was swarming with Sunderland fans at that point as the majority of Charlton fans had yet to arrive.
Walking through them with my gf, had a couple of comments slung at us, one being "Mendonca is a paedo" and "theres only two of ya?". Just made winning the way we did at the end all the sweeter.
Peado??? Let’s be honest here who was the last peado to play for one of the clubs?
All a bit rugby-esqe imo the clapping of each other, we won they didn’t we were the better side - in nicest way I couldn’t give a toss what happens to Sunderland - they come to london and leave Trafalgar Square in a state get in the fountains etc - someone should tell them they don’t get anything for doing that
All a bit rugby-esqe imo the clapping of each other, we won they didn’t we were the better side - in nicest way I couldn’t give a toss what happens to Sunderland - they come to london and leave Trafalgar Square in a state get in the fountains etc - someone should tell them they don’t get anything for doing that
The Sunderland fan I saw got something for diving in the fountain a big bump and cut on his head 😀.
All a bit rugby-esqe imo the clapping of each other, we won they didn’t we were the better side - in nicest way I couldn’t give a toss what happens to Sunderland - they come to london and leave Trafalgar Square in a state get in the fountains etc - someone should tell them they don’t get anything for doing that
The Sunderland fan I saw got something for diving in the fountain a big bump and cut on his head 😀.
All the Sunderland fans I met after the game were just brilliant.
Outside Wembley I quickly came across a couple of guys who wished us well and took the defeat in a manner that I would find difficult to do myself.
I then had to console a 14 year boy who was in tears but still came up to us to congratulate us.
We then went to Trafalgar Square where I met some Sunderland fans who gave me a beer and we had a good chat. One of them gave one of my boys his scarf and apologised for not having a 2nd one to give to my other boy!
One guy there had seen Sunderland play in seven Wembley finals and seen them lose every one. How hard is that to take? But still he was great with us and wished us the best.
On the way back home in France my eldest boy was crying at how kind they had been to him. My other boy was still wearing the scarf. They started virtually fighting over the scarf but I asked them if that is what the guy who had given it to them would want. I told them that those Sunderland fans had taught them a lesson yesterday: to be graceful in defeat, and not to shout and scream when things don't go their way. Those fans are a credit to their club, to football, and gave my boys a lesson in life. I thank them for that.
We have all three of us vowed to cheer on Sunderland next season when we watch Final Score.
Spoke to a couple on the tube on the way in good as gold and I’m sure they would have had similar experiences with our fans .
on way home a few of our fans goading them on the tube singing Sunderland are shit and we hate Sunderland was a bit knobby but I said loudly we should love Sunderland after those last two Wembley results but they weren’t proper football chants so would have been from our bandwagon posse .
theres bound to be dicks whenever you have a crowd of 76k about even 76 and there’d still be some knobends .
If we were to have lost in that fashion I’d have been pleased if our fans had behaved like they did afterwards , that was cruel beyond belief .
Full respect to them having huge massive numbers following them home and away for years and not just for a few glory games with the wind behind them .
not forgetting they mainly come from miles away from Wembley .
to me (sitting near the middle ) when they sung , which was less than us they were a lot louder but I would put that down to the fact they would have more fans there who go a lot lot more than the majority of our fans , so they know the words.
the season we average 2.5k away from home in the 3rd tier or any tier will be when my supporting nirvana is reached
good luck to em I say they’ve had some proper kicks in the balls as have we and we’re on our way back !
That’s your view I saw more scum than good one in his fifties got off the tube fall of Charlton because thay lost punch and smash the window and laugh as see your view so don’t tell me I’m wrong
sunderland a bit like leeds are 1 club cities hence the big numbers that follow them, from charlton's ground there are 12 pro clubs within 15 miles
the ones hanging around the pubs on the route to the green man were not that friendly - being called a cockney cnut a few times
the Trafalgar square behaviour if that was England abroad would be front page news - i think a good few on here were moaning about scotland fans doing similar.
on a side note i didn't see too much bad behaviour from either set of fans.
I genuinely really like Sunderland fans. PROPER football fans. No animosity before or after the game. Just genuine, decent football fans. Good luck to them next season in getting out of the division. Never forget the sight of that lad putting his hand out down Wembley Way to congratulate us with tears in his eyes. Had to go and give the wee guy a hug. Great support and so humble to see.
All the Sunderland fans I met after the game were just brilliant.
Outside Wembley I quickly came across a couple of guys who wished us well and took the defeat in a manner that I would find difficult to do myself.
I then had to console a 14 year boy who was in tears but still came up to us to congratulate us.
We then went to Trafalgar Square where I met some Sunderland fans who gave me a beer and we had a good chat. One of them gave one of my boys his scarf and apologised for not having a 2nd one to give to my other boy!
One guy there had seen Sunderland play in seven Wembley finals and seen them lose every one. How hard is that to take? But still he was great with us and wished us the best.
On the way back home in France my eldest boy was crying at how kind they had been to him. My other boy was still wearing the scarf. They started virtually fighting over the scarf but I asked them if that is what the guy who had given it to them would want. I told them that those Sunderland fans had taught them a lesson yesterday: to be graceful in defeat, and not to shout and scream when things don't go their way. Those fans are a credit to their club, to football, and gave my boys a lesson in life. I thank them for that.
We have all three of us vowed to cheer on Sunderland next season when we watch Final Score.
That’s a wonderful experience, particularly for your lads.
Imagine going to seven Wembley finals and losing all of them though!
That’s your view I saw more scum than good one in his fifties got off the tube fall of Charlton because thay lost punch and smash the window and laugh as see your view so don’t tell me I’m wrong
Spelling and Grammar Police are going to wet themselves over this post.
There were a bunch on our tube there. One Charlton fan joked he couldn't understand them because they clearly weren't from the North East, wherein they admitted they were all from Surrey.
sunderland a bit like leeds are 1 club cities hence the big numbers that follow them, from charlton's ground there are 12 pro clubs within 15 miles
Population of Sunderland 295k
population of Greenwich 282k
population of London 8.8m
we we have choices they don’t but we have numbers close and nearby
London is the cultural capital of the world, since the collapse of coal mining in this country there is literally nothing else to do in Sunderland on a Saturday afternoon than go to the football.
Couldn't agree more. I left shortly after they lifted the trophy as my 6 year old wanted to go so we were leaving in a sea of disappointed Sunderland fans. One idiot aside all were genuinely friendly and congratulated us and wished us well, I reciprocated.
Talked to my son about school and his U7 football. Genuine, warm and friendly people.
That’s your view I saw more scum than good one in his fifties got off the tube fall of Charlton because thay lost punch and smash the window and laugh as see your view so don’t tell me I’m wrong
So you saw one badly behaved fan ? Maybe 10 or 20? 95% of Charlton fans saw 33,000 plus Sunderland fans who were really decent people & most gracious in defeat.
Cazo you were there and you saw 34,000 Sunderland fans there. You saw more scummy fans than good. So you saw at least 17,000 scummy Sunderland fans ? No one else did.
They are top fans. They have a small number of tw*ts like we do. But overall they are sound and I wish them the very best. They are well placed to have an enjoyable season next season, maybe they need a new manager or their current one to grow a pair, but I sincerely hope they have that season.
sunderland a bit like leeds are 1 club cities hence the big numbers that follow them, from charlton's ground there are 12 pro clubs within 15 miles
Population of Sunderland 295k
population of Greenwich 282k
population of London 8.8m
we we have choices they don’t but we have numbers close and nearby
London is the cultural capital of the world, since the collapse of coal mining in this country there is literally nothing else to do in Sunderland on a Saturday afternoon than go to the football.
I was really pleased that Sunderland made the final as their fans on the whole support a proper football club who also have had owner troubles. Yes there were a few drunk annoying fans giving it to the small club in London fans but on the whole they were brilliant. Worth checking out this blog for the last few minutes and some really good comments about Charlton which I really appreciated. I seem to remember watching his blog after the first game too where he was equally respectful.
sunderland a bit like leeds are 1 club cities hence the big numbers that follow them, from charlton's ground there are 12 pro clubs within 15 miles
Population of Sunderland 295k
population of Greenwich 282k
population of London 8.8m
we we have choices they don’t but we have numbers close and nearby
London is the cultural capital of the world, since the collapse of coal mining in this country there is literally nothing else to do in Sunderland on a Saturday afternoon than go to the football.
Me and Mrs AUN took our nieces for a bit of fresh air in Filey today and I chose to wear a Charlton hoodie due to a bit of a breeze (it is the north after all). After having a bit of lunch we were strolling along the front when this couple walking their little kids in the opposite direction approached. The dad looked at me and said ‘bloody hell, I saw enough of that (meaning the badge on my hoodie) on Sunday, didn’t think I’d get it rubbed in my face in it here’. Turns out he was a Sunderland supporter and him and his missus had been at Wembley. We had a little chat, he thought we deserved it and I wished them well for next season. At no point did I feel he wanted to clump me, he was a nice lad. Said it before but in my experience Sunderland, in the main, are supported by a decent bunch.
As we were walking she said a few outside a pub were chanting stuff at us and one while it was raining said to her (she had her hoodie over head head) welcome to Northern weather.
My experience was not one Sunderland fan giving me grief, me leading her to the wrong side of Wembley coming from oop North, being surrounded by Mackems giving me funny looks while I tucked into my subway. Then as I was making my way to the correct side of Wembley one came over and wished me luck.
Peado??? Let’s be honest here who was the last peado to play for one of the clubs?
All the Sunderland fans I met after the game were just brilliant.
Outside Wembley I quickly came across a couple of guys who wished us well and took the defeat in a manner that I would find difficult to do myself.
I then had to console a 14 year boy who was in tears but still came up to us to congratulate us.
We then went to Trafalgar Square where I met some Sunderland fans who gave me a beer and we had a good chat. One of them gave one of my boys his scarf and apologised for not having a 2nd one to give to my other boy!
One guy there had seen Sunderland play in seven Wembley finals and seen them lose every one. How hard is that to take? But still he was great with us and wished us the best.
On the way back home in France my eldest boy was crying at how kind they had been to him. My other boy was still wearing the scarf. They started virtually fighting over the scarf but I asked them if that is what the guy who had given it to them would want. I told them that those Sunderland fans had taught them a lesson yesterday: to be graceful in defeat, and not to shout and scream when things don't go their way. Those fans are a credit to their club, to football, and gave my boys a lesson in life. I thank them for that.
We have all three of us vowed to cheer on Sunderland next season when we watch Final Score.
on way home a few of our fans goading them on the tube singing Sunderland are shit and we hate Sunderland was a bit knobby but I said loudly we should love Sunderland after those last two Wembley results but they weren’t proper football chants so would have been from our bandwagon posse .
theres bound to be dicks whenever you have a crowd of 76k about even 76 and there’d still be some knobends .
If we were to have lost in that fashion I’d have been pleased if our fans had behaved like they did afterwards , that was cruel beyond belief .
Full respect to them having huge massive numbers following them home and away for years and not just for a few glory games with the wind behind them .
not forgetting they mainly come from miles away from Wembley .
to me (sitting near the middle ) when they sung , which was less than us they were a lot louder but I would put that down to the fact they would have more fans there who go a lot lot more than the majority of our fans , so they know the words.
the season we average 2.5k away from home in the 3rd tier or any tier will be when my supporting nirvana is reached
good luck to em I say they’ve had some proper kicks in the balls as have we and we’re on our way back !
the ones hanging around the pubs on the route to the green man were not that friendly - being called a cockney cnut a few times
the Trafalgar square behaviour if that was England abroad would be front page news - i think a good few on here were moaning about scotland fans doing similar.
on a side note i didn't see too much bad behaviour from either set of fans.
Imagine going to seven Wembley finals and losing all of them though!
population of Greenwich 282k
population of London 8.8m
we we have choices they don’t but we have numbers close and nearby
Couldn't agree more. I left shortly after they lifted the trophy as my 6 year old wanted to go so we were leaving in a sea of disappointed Sunderland fans. One idiot aside all were genuinely friendly and congratulated us and wished us well, I reciprocated.
Talked to my son about school and his U7 football. Genuine, warm and friendly people.
Maybe 10 or 20?
95% of Charlton fans saw 33,000 plus Sunderland fans who were really decent people & most gracious in defeat.
You saw more scummy fans than good.
So you saw at least 17,000 scummy Sunderland fans ?
No one else did.
Worth checking out this blog for the last few minutes and some really good comments about Charlton which I really appreciated. I seem to remember watching his blog after the first game too where he was equally respectful.