A quick question if I may, not that it really matters in the big picture. When talking about "press people", it's not the first time he has laid blame at their door, does he mean the clubs comms department? Or does he actually me people inside the club leaking things to the press?
I can't see how Olly moaning about a ref on twitter on a Saturday afternoon effects the price of fish, but we do know the club leaked like a sieve in the early months.
You do know that Rolly talks complete bollox don’t you?
Do you really think that junior staff were given free reign to say whatever they like on all matters Charlton?
Was it a junior member of staff that thought that a film of a shag in the centre circle was a great idea?
All that happened is down to Rolly. He paid the wages and set the agenda. The buck starts and ends with him.
It does not even slow down with supporters!
He has never accepted that he made any mistakes, it was just a case of bad communication with the supporters (customers) by the Comms department. Those knee-jerk press releases of his weren't his fault either.
Would never wish pain on anybody, but seriously wish that Duchalet fella would develop a really painful wort on his Crown Jewels, you Mr 2 per cent scumbag!
Would never wish pain on anybody, but seriously wish that Duchalet fella would develop a really painful wort on his Crown Jewels, you Mr 2 per cent scumbag!
So some blokes in wigs spray-painted Roland's house, in what looked like a pretty stupid act of senseless vandalism. By the end of the working day Roland had emerged from the woodwork to complain about it, embarrassed himself publicly with his bullshit and ended up with even Simon Jordan digging him out and plenty of listeners talking about what an idiotic, useless owner Roland is.
Lads, I think these vandals might have been playing 5D chess here..
A quick question if I may, not that it really matters in the big picture. When talking about "press people", it's not the first time he has laid blame at their door, does he mean the clubs comms department? Or does he actually me people inside the club leaking things to the press?
I can't see how Olly moaning about a ref on twitter on a Saturday afternoon effects the price of fish, but we do know the club leaked like a sieve in the early months.
You do know that Rolly talks complete bollox don’t you?
Do you really think that junior staff were given free reign to say whatever they like on all matters Charlton?
Was it a junior member of staff that thought that a film of a shag in the centre circle was a great idea?
All that happened is down to Rolly. He paid the wages and set the agenda. The buck starts and ends with him.
It does not even slow down with supporters!
Should I file that under, you don't know but wanted to rant on a tangent?
Listening with headphones at work - will not swear/scream/cry. I will NOT
While I enjoyed the poor old twat mugging himself off, I did have my head in my hands for some of it. As unbelievable as when Katrien was in full swing talking crap.
He claimed he would give the club away free if someone paid for the ground and training ground, £20m was mentioned by Jordan, Roland agreed then back tracked when the point was pushed.
And what exactly would he be basing his valuation of the ground and the training ground on? Is there anything in the published accounts that would give us a clue to what that value should be?
There'll be what it's actually worth, and what he wants for it.
Only just caught up with this. Plain to see he is veritably squirming, wholly contradicts himself re sale and if he really is kidding himself that potential buyers were put off by the mortars that were some out of date crisps being launched then it proves that no realistic agreement was ever made despite the various platitudes. Shocking that he is pointing the finger at the Comms Team, especially as its Head was appointed under his regime by his CEO similarly appointed by him. Hopefully this could perversely work in our favour because, as previously stated, he has made himself a laughing stock, conversely has he made himself anyone in the real World would countenance engaging in business with? It smacks of the last ramblings of a despot that is clinging on to a reputation long since tarnished by his thumbnails, almost Nero-esque. Just do everyone a favour Roland, yourself included, eat humble pie, go away and let us have our Club back so we can try and rebuild from this sorry episode in our history. And - deep breath - thank you Simon Jordan. That was painful!
Just listened to the first 10 mins. He definetly stated "for free + £20 million plus the land value. I hate JW, sucking up to him. SJ ws going at him and the weasel replied wityh "sorry to hear about the Vandlilsim". Well done SJ.
Gets him calling in though. White has a direct line to him and stuff like today is gold. If it warrants laying a few empty platitudes his way to maintain that relationship so be it.
Yet another interesting day in the saga of CAFC. RD really is every bit as deluded as we thought - and now more of the football world know that first hand.
The worry is that somewhere along the line someone - whether Aussies, Americans, Russians, Chinese, Turks, British or simply fans - have to get a deal over the line with this genius of a fool.
I've been in a situation throughout the day which has seen my thought process do a complete about-turn. When I first saw at 6.30 this morning what had happened in Belgium, I thought "Yes I can understand why this has been done, BUT I could not condone the vandalism, in fact I was saddened to see that we have succumbed to such tactics. Then as the day went on and THAT interview came on, and the way Jordan laid into RD I began to think, that while I still don't condone breaking the law, RD wouldn't have given JW the time of day if last nights act hadn't sparked him into action. The interview, to me, confirms the man is completely deluded and seems desperate to get out now. The action that has taken place seems to have been the straw that has finally broken the camels back. However it'll be extremely interesting hear what his 'proposal' is tomorrow night. LDT, can no longer real out the line that 5 groups are still doing DD and things have been agreed etc. etc. He has to now tell the truth or at least agree there are currently no buyers. RD, to me has made a "come and buy this club off me" plea, all we have to do is hope and pray that finally we are at the end game. Unlike others, and I respect everyone's opinion, I think todays events are good news, he sounds desperate to get out, the time for playing games with us is over.
The interview has only just confirmed to you that Duchatelet is deluded Red?
Expect a Belgian journo would like to pick up on this story - Foriegners shouldn't buy English clubs angle - anybody have a a contact to pass it on to them in case they missed it?
This is just another example of the fool's poor mental state. He owned a Belgian club and they protested with ultimately a threat of violence. He never starts from the self critical point of what he has done wrong. I know he has said it was a mistake buying Charlton, but it went wrong because of young comms people and the EFL. If he had listened to people like Mel Baroni, he wouldn't have done such a great job of alienating the fans. We watched our club being run terribly and fans being treated with disrespect and contempt. Also the tit for tat behaviour of our CEO was childish and could only make any rift greater. It all lands on the fool's door as any sane person knows, but he will never understand it.
I've been in a situation throughout the day which has seen my thought process do a complete about-turn. When I first saw at 6.30 this morning what had happened in Belgium, I thought "Yes I can understand why this has been done, BUT I could not condone the vandalism, in fact I was saddened to see that we have succumbed to such tactics. Then as the day went on and THAT interview came on, and the way Jordan laid into RD I began to think, that while I still don't condone breaking the law, RD wouldn't have given JW the time of day if last nights act hadn't sparked him into action. The interview, to me, confirms the man is completely deluded and seems desperate to get out now. The action that has taken place seems to have been the straw that has finally broken the camels back. However it'll be extremely interesting hear what his 'proposal' is tomorrow night. LDT, can no longer real out the line that 5 groups are still doing DD and things have been agreed etc. etc. He has to now tell the truth or at least agree there are currently no buyers. RD, to me has made a "come and buy this club off me" plea, all we have to do is hope and pray that finally we are at the end game. Unlike others, and I respect everyone's opinion, I think todays events are good news, he sounds desperate to get out, the time for playing games with us is over.
The interview has only just confirmed to you that Duchatelet is deluded Red?
@bazjonster, that didnt come out quite right, I've always known he is deluded, he is just putting it out there in front of the listening public. I think that interview has finally done for him, I'm no fan of SJ but he worked hard for CAFC yesterday as against JW who was more of an apologist. I have thought more about this overnight and I'm convinced that this is the end game, he is trapped in a corner and needs to get out, tonights supposed proposal will be of major interest to all of us, and hopefully, some willing investors to offer him £20m or so to give him a way out. I'm hoping @Redhenry group may now re-emerge and end this nightmare, to me the RAT is trapped.
Why does he continue to appear on TS and give interviews? What is he gaining from doing it?
Because he formed a friendship with Jim White who he trusted to be an ally. he, and probably Jim White, hadn’t anticipated Simon Jordan being thrown into the mix.
As as a result I suspect. Jim has now probably burnt his bridges in that respect. If he does get any more interviews it will only be direct with the two of them I suspect.
Jim will have probably spoken to him later and apologised for Jordan. The intention was clearly to stitch up Charlton fans but Jordan turned it on its head.
'you picked the wrong club, with the wrong culture, with the wrong outlook.'
What exactly does he mean by that?
Those knee-jerk press releases of his weren't his fault either.
I honestly mean that .
The worry is that somewhere along the line someone - whether Aussies, Americans, Russians, Chinese, Turks, British or simply fans - have to get a deal over the line with this genius of a fool.
As as a result I suspect. Jim has now probably burnt his bridges in that respect. If he does get any more interviews it will only be direct with the two of them I suspect.