Donny Osmond - Young Love which is rather apt because the girls at school used to think that I looked like him. He still looks like Donny Osmond and I, well, don't!
Worked it out, at my age it’s take some doing believe me. Thought 1966 must be absolutely brilliant, will it be a Beatles classic, Motown anthem, beach boys, look it up, can you bleeding believe Jim Reeves Distant Drums, total let down unlike my life.
Mind you, an adapted version of which rang out at the covered end.
Have no recollection of that song at all.
Just gonna leave this here 😂
Yeah I do.
Mr. Blobbey
Not sure how to interpret that.
However, the biggest hit of the year was Hey Jude and Jude is the name of my baby grandson. That's spooky
It's so funny...
Explains why I grew up to be a pedophile environmentalist.
Let the good times roll....
Let's take this opportunity to remind ourselves of that video
Yes, I rather think I am.
Makes a change from Band Aid, Santa Claus is coming to Town and Jona Lewie.