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Car Park 'Accident' - who's at fault?



  • I like the extra large spaces at our local Asda. Hate coming back to dents on a door! So many car parks are too cramped and asking for accidents!
  • The shopping in the boot explanation is understandable and common.
    The problem is reversing out though. I reckon you can't see what is coming until your car is probably two thirds back out in the driving lane. How is it possible to see what is coming in those circumstances, especially if you're reversing out from between two great big vans?
  • @Rudders22 read the post, you mention both reversing OP stated the other person drove into them (frontwards)

    I would guess You are liable i am afraid, life lesson should reverse into bays. Unless its one which is designed to drive into and reverse out of as previous poster stated.

  • So many drivers now don't even look when they're manoeuvring, drive far too fast in car parks and then there are the idiots who drive the wrong way round them. I try and avoid visiting supermarket car parks during busy times.
  • So many drivers now don't even look when they're manoeuvring, drive far too fast in car parks and then there are the idiots who drive the wrong way round them. I try and avoid visiting supermarket car parks during busy times.

    Too many selfish, impatient idiots in cars full stop.
  • So many drivers now don't even look when they're manoeuvring, drive far too fast in car parks and then there are the idiots who drive the wrong way round them. I try and avoid visiting supermarket car parks during busy times.

    Too many selfish, impatient idiots in cars full stop.
    It's surprising there aren't more accidents - some of the driving I see now is pretty shocking.
  • Swisdom said:

    Someone hit me 2 years ago as I was reversing onto a road. My Insurance company weren’t interested even though the other driver admitted fault at the time as she wasn’t looking. Her car was written off (£600) as it was an old banger. My bumper was £1200. The total of the claim is £15,000 and counting as her kids both “suffered whiplash” and one now has “ trouble sleeping” from a 5mph glancing blow.

    Good luck with your claim. Insurance claims make me sick

    On the other side of the coin.
    I hit someone in an old banger last year, hardly any damage to his car and he was more worried about my car.
    The fella said he'd do the work on his own car and wouldn't even take £50 off me.
  • edited October 2018

    I had an accident just over a year ago when I was turning into my wife's school where she works. The car behind me was on the admission of the other driver in a hurry to catch a school bus. I was correctly positioned and indicating to turn right - he was going at a silly speed round a blind bend and had to go round me to avoid hitting me full on. The driver admitted to 50 , it felt like much more! I had hardly turned and his car caught me a glancing blow which did a fair amount of damage. Had I turned a little more, I'd be dead!

    The bloke was all apologetic and co-operative at the time. The head teacher came out and saw him apologising and taking responsibility. Sadly nobody saw the accident and he completely changed his story - saying I was not indicating - which I was. I had evidence - e.g photographs of where his car stopped and the damage to my car backed up the true story, but he claimed he apologised because he was intimidated by me (I was angry but civil), and the insurance company made it pretty clear it was going to be a 50/50 from the word go.

    I go through it and there is no way whatever I did I could avoid it. It was probably better he tried to go round me as the speed he was going - well your health is more important isn't it? I felt unsupported by my insurance company and still feel any sort of serious investigation would have backed up my story. But of course they have no interest in that. I can understand that it isn't cost effective to always get to the truth! If there are no witnesses, if it is possible to construct a half reasonable lie, you can divert some of the blame it seems!

    A couple of years ago, a guy drove into the side of our car - he was pulling out of a parking bay at the side of the road, we were on the main carriageway. Accident occurred because he was looking left as he pulled into the main road, and we were approaching from the right. My wife was driving at the time, so I had a good view of the back of his head as he pulled out and into us.

    Took photos at the time and provided drawings of what happened. The front of his car was damaged, with the rear near side door of our car taking the bulk of the hit. So far, so straightforward. However, our insurers couldn’t seem to understand what had happened and his lot (London Victoria) tried to make out that we somehow drove into him. He also managed to dredge up a witness although there was no sign of them at the time or in the immediate aftermath when I was taking photos and we exchanged details.

    Long story short, we ended up in court. The guy was a complete prick who told the magistrate he was a “very good driver”. Interestingly, the witness didn’t show.

    Pleasingly, the magistrate found completely in our favour and censured the other driver for not taking the care he should have done when pulling into the main highway.

  • clb74 said:

    Swisdom said:

    Someone hit me 2 years ago as I was reversing onto a road. My Insurance company weren’t interested even though the other driver admitted fault at the time as she wasn’t looking. Her car was written off (£600) as it was an old banger. My bumper was £1200. The total of the claim is £15,000 and counting as her kids both “suffered whiplash” and one now has “ trouble sleeping” from a 5mph glancing blow.

    Good luck with your claim. Insurance claims make me sick

    On the other side of the coin.
    I hit someone in an old banger last year, hardly any damage to his car and he was more worried about my car.
    The fella said he'd do the work on his own car and wouldn't even take £50 off me.
    I take it that it wasn't Elfsborg.
  • Supermarket bays generally should be driven into to put shopping in the boot and not be the idiot, pant sniffer that scratches my paintwork with a trolley.

    I've been lucky enough to watch a couple of car park collisions both of which were the absolute fault of the person driving as opposed to the person reversing slowly out of a bay. The other time was two people reversing into each other in morrisons car park which made me piss myself laughing.
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  • @Rudders22 read the post, you mention both reversing OP stated the other person drove into them (frontwards)

    I would guess You are liable i am afraid, life lesson should reverse into bays. Unless its one which is designed to drive into and reverse out of as previous poster stated.

    Hi Johnny, yeah I agree mate.. at the time I posted I had not rwalised until I saw it that the other driver was going forward.. therefore sadly the originator of this post is going to be at fault.
  • edited October 2018
    You can't decide fault without knowing both sides version of the following here:

    A- what speed the other car was driving forwards if at all
    (If the driver was stationary then 100% @Addickforlife 's fault, if they were moving forwards unreasonably quickly then it'd likely end up 50/50 as cost of challenging would outweigh the benefit of the win for the insurer they'd probably even get away with unreasonably quick as a result of no footage/witnesses.)

    B- what speed our driver reversed

    (if unreasonably quick 100% fault of addickforlife, if at a safe speed AND the other driver was in forwards motion at all see above)

    C- Was there any evidence to confirm A or B or witnesses?
    (Witnesses can make a difference in these cases, depending on their reliability. They can sway you from a 50/50 to 100% favour or against you.)

    Remember they can also swing the decision against you.
  • clb74 said:

    Swisdom said:

    Someone hit me 2 years ago as I was reversing onto a road. My Insurance company weren’t interested even though the other driver admitted fault at the time as she wasn’t looking. Her car was written off (£600) as it was an old banger. My bumper was £1200. The total of the claim is £15,000 and counting as her kids both “suffered whiplash” and one now has “ trouble sleeping” from a 5mph glancing blow.

    Good luck with your claim. Insurance claims make me sick

    On the other side of the coin.
    I hit someone in an old banger last year, hardly any damage to his car and he was more worried about my car.
    The fella said he'd do the work on his own car and wouldn't even take £50 off me.
    I take it that it wasn't Elfsborg.
    I'd of lost the house if it was him
  • edited September 2023
    Dropped my son off at pre-school this morning and when leaving I’ve ever so slightly reversed my Q3 into a Range Rover, like zero speed. The Range Rover driver wasn’t in his car as he was dropping his kid off as well but did see it and I obviously jumped out and had a look at both our cars and had a chat with him.

    He was largely fine about it, no physical damage to either car whatsoever. We agreed and drove off. A minute later, he pulls up and comes over to me saying his sensors aren’t working properly now. We’ve swapped details and now I’m worried he’s going to try and sting me with a bill for the garage. It’s obviously my fault but should I just let the insurance companies deal with it and get make sure I see any quote from the garage if there is one? I can’t imagine that being an expensive job or above any excess if it comes to that. 
  • Anyway, what was the outcome?
  • Redhenry said:
    Anyway, what was the outcome?
    Don’t know yet, only happened two hours ago. Hoping I don’t heat from him to be honest.
  • We was reversed into at Tebey services on the M1, we was waiting in traffic and another car backed into us hitting our car above the rear wheel arch, we hadn't moved for at least a minute but wasn't caught on CCTV, despite a costly repair it was classed as knock for knock, really irritated me.
  • i was reading the 2018 incident :)
  • Dropped my son off at pre-school this morning and when leaving I’ve ever so slightly reversed my Q3 into a Range Rover, like zero speed. The Range Rover driver wasn’t in his car as he was dropping his kid off as well but did see it and I obviously jumped out and had a look at both our cars and had a chat with him.

    He was largely fine about it, no physical damage to either car whatsoever. We agreed and drove off. A minute later, he pulls up and comes over to me saying his sensors aren’t working properly now. We’ve swapped details and now I’m worried he’s going to try and sting me with a bill for the garage. It’s obviously my fault but should I just let the insurance companies deal with it and get make sure I see any quote from the garage if there is one? I can’t imagine that being an expensive job or above any excess if it comes to that. 
    Personally I'd just let the insurance companies deal with it and put it down to experience. 
    You might be duty bound to report it to your insurer. I had a collision in a county lane in my motorhome with a caravan. Some damage to my vehicle that I decided I would repair out of my own pocket as I estimated it would be less than the excess, but I still reported the incident to my insurer. This was fortunate for me as the other party - the speeding northern twat -  claimed that they had whiplash - whilst in the vehicle that was towing the caravan. The  fraudster.
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  • edited September 2023
    I’m not sure my own sensors are working properly now either but will have a proper look later. So annoyed with myself. Tiniest little bump but maybe enough to knock them out of sync. If anything comes of it I’ll just let the insurance companies deal with it then. Thanks everyone.
  • Dropped my son off at pre-school this morning and when leaving I’ve ever so slightly reversed my Q3 into a Range Rover, like zero speed. The Range Rover driver wasn’t in his car as he was dropping his kid off as well but did see it and I obviously jumped out and had a look at both our cars and had a chat with him.

    He was largely fine about it, no physical damage to either car whatsoever. We agreed and drove off. A minute later, he pulls up and comes over to me saying his sensors aren’t working properly now. We’ve swapped details and now I’m worried he’s going to try and sting me with a bill for the garage. It’s obviously my fault but should I just let the insurance companies deal with it and get make sure I see any quote from the garage if there is one? I can’t imagine that being an expensive job or above any excess if it comes to that. 
    Personally I'd just let the insurance companies deal with it and put it down to experience. 
  • Let us all know how you get on.

    Don’t think you have a foot to stand on.

    Always reverse into parking space . Then you have clear sight when driving away.

    Best of luck.
  • edited September 2023
    Let us all know how you get on.

    Don’t think you have a foot to stand on.

    Always reverse into parking space . Then you have clear sight when driving away.

    Best of luck.
    Was told this whilst working with the police. In case of emergency you can get out quicker/safer. 

  • Let us all know how you get on.

    Don’t think you have a foot to stand on.

    Always reverse into parking space . Then you have clear sight when driving away.

    Best of luck.
    It’s not your standard car park so no actual spaces. Bit of a free for all most mornings. 
  • The most important factor is that it happened in a car park, not on a public road, so road rules simply don't apply. This is even the case if you were to drive the wrong way on a clearly marked one way section. As others have said it will be decided by the insurance companies and whatever the outcome, you will both end up losing.
  • Redhenry said:
    Anyway, what was the outcome?
    Don’t know yet, only happened two hours ago. Hoping I don’t heat from him to be honest.
    Don't discuss it with him. Call your insurance. That's what they are for. If he contacts you tell him to call your insurance company and block him if he calls again.
  • My long standing advice to my kids and anyone else that will listen to me NEVER to reverse out of a car park space. Always try and use a double bay where you can drive into the front bay so drive straight out, if that’s not possible revereseinto your space, never reverse out. 
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