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Things you’d ban if you could........



  • PopIcon said:

    People who go to gigs and then watch the show through their smart device.

    What is that actually all about?

    Further to this, a ban for anyone who insists on going to a gig and wearing a backpack throughout. How much stuff do you need with you when you’re just going to see a band knock out some tunes?

  • Watering of football pitches should be banned within 30 minutes of kick off and until after the game.
  • That bloody moronic American TV presenter from shooting goats in Scotland.
  • PopIcon said:

    People who go to gigs and then watch the show through their smart device.

    What is that actually all about?

    Further to this, a ban for anyone who insists on going to a gig and wearing a backpack throughout. How much stuff do you need with you when you’re just going to see a band knock out some tunes?

    Let's extend the ban to people who insist on wearing them to work. They cram into crowded trains and buses, bash people and take up room. Christ, you're going to work not on a trekking holiday!!
  • adults on scooters
  • Farts, except for the really eggy ones
  • edited October 2018
    Cold calling at the door. I'm at home quite a bit during the day. I can't believe the number of people who knock at the door, trying to sell to me or get me to have drive ways trees cut down etc.

    The worse being those who's opening line is "nothing to worry about" or "be scared about" obviously their opening line to vulnerable elderly people. I just say " I can assure you I'm neither scared or worried " !

    These people are parasites preying on the elderly, as I live in a fairly affluent area, we get them all the bloody time.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Fireworks except at organised displays on 5th November

    That's going to put a real downer on NYE celebrations around the world.
  • edited October 2018
    PopIcon said:

    Dogs that lick faces, absolutely foul behaviour. Come to mention it, owners of dogs who let them lick their faces. Those people are not the full ticket.

  • Threads on Charlton Life about things you had or want banned : - )


  • adults on scooters

    I trust this is a reference to the small foot driven childs toy and in no way refers to the wonderful motor scooter. Particularly those manufactured from 1945 to 1972.
  • My mother in law.
  • Daggs said:

    adults on scooters

    I trust this is a reference to the small foot driven childs toy and in no way refers to the wonderful motor scooter. Particularly those manufactured from 1945 to 1972.
    100% the toy of course, have always been a admirer of Vespas regularly used to go down Brighton mod weekenders, even bought a parka and stitched a load of badges on it still hanging in the wardrobe.
  • Gluten free bores
  • Sponsored links:

  • Anyone who slows down to have a nose at an accident on the other side of the road .
    You rubber necking bellends , fuck off it’s a flashing light, some poor bastard is in pain but no let’s add half hour on to our journey time by braking and slowing right down so you can have a real good look at a mangled up car and an ambulance and some police cars , fuck off , let’s have a sniper on the side of the road ready to shoot anyone dead who slows down for a look , get em off the road and it will keep our lives moving .
    Cyclists riding more than 2 abreast and not getting back in line when traffic is about .
    People who drive up your arse when clearly there is traffic in front and you can’t overtake or go amywhere else , go away you bellend cos one day I’m gonna break real hard and peel you out the back of my car you twat .

    I assume you are Mr Perfect behind the wheel?
  • Smoking.

    It's down to 11% in California, already. So would love to see it get down to zero.

    Just out of interest why?
  • People owning dogs who cannot clean up after them, fucking parasites
  • As a cyclist, all motor vehicles from the roads. After all, we are pretty much perfect and it's always the driver's fault anyway so would reduce harm on the road.

    All motor vehicles are slowly being banned in London anyway, everything will be a sea of cycle superhighways, flashing cycling lights and misery for everyone else.

    I love it. ;-)
  • edited October 2018
    Huskaris said:

    As a cyclist, all motor vehicles from the roads. After all, we are pretty much perfect and it's always the driver's fault anyway so would reduce harm on the road.

    All motor vehicles are slowly being banned in London anyway, everything will be a sea of cycle superhighways, flashing cycling lights and misery for everyone else.

    I love it. ;-)

    But who would you blame if all motor vehicles were banned? ;-)
  • Huskaris said:

    As a cyclist, all motor vehicles from the roads. After all, we are pretty much perfect and it's always the driver's fault anyway so would reduce harm on the road.

    All motor vehicles are slowly being banned in London anyway, everything will be a sea of cycle superhighways, flashing cycling lights and misery for everyone else.

    I love it. ;-)

    But who would you blame if all motor vehicles were banned? ;-)
  • Cafcspud said:

    So, I have just travelled from central London to Heathrow on the tube. For the duration of the journey, I had to put up with the awful, cacophonous tinny sounds of personal audio equipment blasting out rubbish disguised as music!! Shouldn’t be allowed; it’s selfish, rude and smacks of narcissism; e.g. look at me, I can play shit sounds really loud just to annoy you! (Depeche Mode, Manchester Orchestra and Editors excused).

    If you had your way, what would you ban? For starters, mine are:

    - As above, personal audio equipment on public transport.

    - The consumption of noisy foodstuffs, including drinks, in Cinemas!! Popcorn, nachos, slurpy drink sounds with straws!! Ban the lot. Why are you going to the cinema and porking out like it’s your last supper anyway!! No, we don’t want to hear you crunch your way through popcorn and the like, and then slurp your diet beverage (as some sort of appeasement to balance the crap you’ve just eaten) through a straw! Just stop it. It’s not funny or clever and ruins the enjoyment of the healthy at the cinema! Haribo and strawless drinking vessels only!

    Over to you..........

    I thought I was the only Manchester Orchestra fan!!!
    Slightly off topic but I think they're excellent! My brother introduced me to them in the summer (not literally, we didn't go out for a beer or anything like that!).
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