Watching the news and the current storms in the US and the Philippines it never ceases to amaze me how fortunate we seem to be in the UK with our weather...albeit we never seem to stop moaning about it. Apart from this summer it never gets too hot but even those temperatures were ones we have no issue with when we go on holiday and it’s not that cold, well not in London anyway. It rains, generally not as much as people think and usually just about as much as we actually need it to, Ireland very kindly taking the excess of that. We get earthquakes but not that anybody mentions and as for strong winds, well the fact that 1987 is the first and quite often only one everybody mentions sums those up. If you had to pick a place that’s more people friendly from the perspective of weather then the UK must be near the top.
Where else ?
I love our climate and I am only prepared to swap it for two weeks a year in India, (outside the monsoon season).
Basque region
The east coast of England is particularly vulnerable, but by their very nature all our ports are at future risk.
Discussions about whether Charlton will play at The Valley or on the Peninsula will become academic if both are subject to frequent flooding either due to over-topping of the Thames Barrier, or the ponding of river water on the upstream side during prolonged closure of the barriers.
London is roughly same latitude as Kiev, Glasgow same as Moscow but we have none of their extreme heat or cold
Although there is no record of the overall death toll, the 19th-century French writer Arnold Boscowitz claimed that "great loss of life and property occurred upon the coasts of Cornwall".
The other 9 months of The year are amazing though.
So I reckon your geography teacher had a point!