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England v Croatia



  • We win tonight of that I have no doubt but we will be going through the mill

    Get ready for Sunday because it’s fucking coming home

    I’ve just punched the air on the train on the way to work reading that. Woman next to me shuffled ever so slightly to the left.

  • 2 nervous dumps before I left home. Feel proper sick.

    Already decided to take half day leave today, not taking the chance that the clowns that are South Eastern get me home on time tonight. Can just see them all coming down with food poisioning after a staff party last night.
  • Got a job interview later and obviously the big game after, I'm losing hair by the second
  • Stomach churning, flags gently fluttering in the back garden and beers chilling in the fridge, what an amazing day in prospect.

    I am finding it hard to focus on anything other than the game tonight. To those of you that are so mature and sensible that you feel no emotions and think we all need to grow up...nah nah na na nah.

  • edited July 2018

    Got a job interview later and obviously the big game after, I'm losing hair by the second

    It's okay according to @Stevelamb your hair grows back when you stop eating meat. :wink:

    Good luck at the interview.
  • I was made redundant a couple of months ago so this world cup has been a God send. Still nervous as hell, I have an interview this afternoon and will barely manage a wibble the way I feel at the moment.

    It would not be so much of a problem if I still lived in London but Devon is a bugger for finding decent work.

    Best of luck mate.

    I haven't slept properly for days
  • Got a job interview later and obviously the big game after, I'm losing hair by the second

    That’s not enough red meat in your diet ;)
    edited July 2018

    Being my own boss this is meant to be easy plan the day around the footie

    No not me

    New client first contact meeting in Walsall

    Current client weekly meeting on two huge projects from 1300 going to be there hours having to ignore the total mess I am inside about the footie.

    Same here mate. Got a project round up meeting in the City today and then a presentation to the Board of a £80m business tomorrow morning at 9am. All scheduled well ahead of World Cup as well.
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  • Dazzler21 said:

    Got a job interview later and obviously the big game after, I'm losing hair by the second

    It's okay according to @Stevelamb your hair grows back when you stop eating meat. :wink:

    Good luck at the interview.
    I'm not worried, got a kilo of Broccoli ready for later

    Cheers mate
  • I was made redundant a couple of months ago so this world cup has been a God send. Still nervous as hell, I have an interview this afternoon and will barely manage a wibble the way I feel at the moment.

    It would not be so much of a problem if I still lived in London but Devon is a bugger for finding decent work.

    Sometimes interviews go better when you're not fully focussed on them.
    Relaxx about the job, stress about the match and you could be a double winner!
    Good luck!
  • Counting down the hours and biting my nails. Can't wait for kickoff but quite nervous about it to be honest. We need to make sure Modric and Rakitic don't dictate the play and get some early shots in on the Croatian keeper - he looked knackered by the end of the Russia match.
  • edited July 2018
    I know I'm a broken glass type of person but Croatia will find their A game tonight so England will need to play their best game so far in this Tournament.
    Need the luck and skill which went AWOL in 1970 and had never been seen since,.............. this tournament where a spirit is carrying us on a Southgate wave and if this can spook the mines of the opposition tonight then great.

    50/50 too close to call.
    I just know we can't afford to spurn chances this evening.

    Enjoy the rollercoaster of emotions.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Got a job interview later and obviously the big game after, I'm losing hair by the second

    It's okay according to @Stevelamb your hair grows back when you stop eating meat. :wink:

    Good luck at the interview.
    I'm not worried, got a kilo of Broccoli ready for later

    Cheers mate
    Bad omen!
    It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good
  • 9h45 until kick off. Must be fully acceptable to have a nerve-settling beer.
  • Best of luck for the people with job interviews. When they ask you if you have any questions just say

    What are your thoughts on Sterling in this world cup? or do you think Dier playing well for Spurs means he's good enough for tonight?
  • 9h45 until kick off. Must be fully acceptable to have a nerve-settling beer.

    Perfectly fine - I had a brandy in my coffee this morning!!
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  • robroy said:

    Best of luck for the people with job interviews. When they ask you if you have any questions just say

    What are your thoughts on Sterling in this world cup? or do you think Dier playing well for Spurs means he's good enough for tonight?

    Where do you see Charlton Athletic being in 5 years !
  • I've had two nervous poo's already and have no nails left.

    I'm going to be even more useless at work today than normal.
  • Great article on the Guardian website about the role the England team psychologist has played in their transformation.
  • 4am kick off here. I’ll be going to bed early !
  • Went to the gym this morning and felt sick driving there however I always do because I don't eat breakfast before I train. I am home now, had my porridge and a double espresso and I still feel sick.

    Gonna be a long day.
  • Wonder if the players are starting to feel the pressure? They did look a little nervy in the first 10 minutes in the last game.
  • I'm getting pissed off with people, mostly Scottish, saying it was only Sweden, England haven't played anyone yet, etc.

    Aye, I ken you're no' happy wi that, but it was oonly Sweden. You've no really played anyone yet.
  • TEL said:

    4am kick off here. I’ll be going to bed early !

    Sister's in Melbourne and is getting up early with her bf to watch it too. Can't imagine how grumpy she'll be at work sleep deprived like that. She's bad enough normally until she's had about 10 coffees
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