The cheapest tickets available at the moment are as follows:
Dep Kings Cross 10.48 Arr Bradford Interchange 13.37 [direct train] £14.00 [£9.25]
Dep Bradford 17.29 Arr Kings Cross 20.29 change at Leeds.£30.00 [£19.80]
For anybody who wants to arrive in Bradford earlier,the cheapest way at the moment is a single Kings Cross/ Doncaster £14.00 [£9.25] & a day return Doncaster/Bradford £18.00 [£11.90]
Railcard fares in brackets.
Wakefield to London with Grand Central leaves at 19.29 19.58 and 20.28 for £16.00
Tickets paid on the day cost £6.40 return for Wakefield to Bradford.
The 17.52 and 18.19 from Bradford Interchange changing at Leeds is £4.60
£34.60 all in before railcard discounts.
A lot of time spent on a train is the downside, not leaving much time for a beer before and after the game.