As it's not April fools day I assume some people really do hear a sound other than Laurel. I didn't tell my wife the options and she said Laurel straight away.
Both. I'm listening through Audiotechnica ATH-SR5s - the mids are therefore more prominent, so Yanny is more prominent, but Laurel is definitely audible if you concentrate on bass frequencies.
I did have a hearing test years ago and was told I have lost the ability to hear high notes.
I didn't tell my wife the options and she said Laurel straight away.
Unless you’re a Tranny called Fanny with a boyfriend called Danny. Then it sounds like Laurel.
All I heard was, 'who gives a shit'.
Chewing gum for the ears, Ted.
All three kids hear Yanny
Freaking out.
Still yanny all day long.