Your all a helpful addicks on here so hoping for some advice. I've come downstairs to alot of water in our conservatory, it seems the water is dripping out of these plastic things in the wall. It's literally a drip per second. It was only built 2 years ago. Anyone got any ideas why this might be happening and if I can stop it? Hopefully got someone coming round but not until 6 tonight so trying to get help if I can before then to stop it.

If so that might be what should happen.
Obviously this was not an issue before the conservatory was built however now it is. That is about the extent of my knowledge on it as I have an electrical background. I had a Google around and found the link below that should explain it a bit more.
Eaststandmike I think you could be right about the weather. This is the first time in 2 years this has happened and with the strong winds and excess rain all being blown into the wall above the conservatory could be causing this.
Obviously not good for the flooring and kids toys that are completely soaked. It seems something to check is the guttering, I've read water can cascade over the top of the gutter and runs down the INSIDE of the cavity wall and out of the weep vent. Another solution is getting cavity wall trays fitted which I know wasn't done when it was built. More corner cutting from the cowboy builder.
I've got water dripping out of 8 weep holes, some of them are 2 drips a second. Does that sound excessive?
The only advice I could offer is get some old bed sheets or dust sheets, fold them up so they are about 12" wide and thick and then place them against the wall so it catches the water as it drips out the weep holes.
You will probably need to change the sheets or wring them out but at least you will be containing the water.
I've just been looking at the neighbours and can see water coming out of theirs too but luckily they haven't got a conservatory so there's is going outside. It seems like these weep holes are doing there jobs and I don't think it's the guttering. Might have to look at getting cavity wall trays installed as the solution.
The only issue is the conservatory has now made these 'inside', when they were never meant to be.
In pictures for you @Leaburns Daddy showing the weep holes
It's a conservatory, not a habitable room.
Can't believe the amount of rain we've had here and how many times I've had to wring these towels. The flooring is proper soaked
Thanks all for the help.
Made me laugh.