I have signed up for the free 3 month trial on Apple Music, does anyone know how (if at all possible) to transfer any downloads from Apple Music to my iTunes library, or is it not possible?
Did I not see on the news something about ITunes being removed
Apple currently plan to release details of how iTunes will no longer support paid-for downloads next March.
Fake news.
Apple have denied this rumour.
They also denied removing earphone slot then removed it anyway.
Never want a IMoan again
Used to have 1 then got a Samsung about 8 years ago and never looked back
Ms AA's got an Android 'phone. It drives her to distraction, it's so unintuitive. Samsung may make good 'phones but Android is awful. Did I read something somewhere about Samsung coming up with their now OS?
iTunes is yours permanently.
So seems they are not compatible.
Apple have denied this rumour.
Never want a IMoan again
Used to have 1 then got a Samsung about 8 years ago and never looked back