What about an award for the most pompous, patronising, high horse jockey who only liked any rock band or comedian before they went commercial or became famous and doesn't support anything that wasn't his idea?
Not that I can think of any candidates. Well, maybe one...
What about an award for the most pompous, patronising, high horse jockey who only liked any rock band or comedian before they went commercial or became famous and doesn't support anything that wasn't his idea?
Not that I can think of any candidates. Well, maybe one...
Is that the same one who thinks John Hewie was s better player than Stuart Leary? As good as and appreciated as Hewie was.
Is that a typo and should it read GIT of the year? If so Gimme Gimme Gimme, and also may I nominate myself for most Handsome poster, and Most Modest as well?.
Not that I can think of any candidates. Well, maybe one...
As good as and appreciated as Hewie was.
Poster who does the most for the promotion of the north @leedsaddick
I'll just award myself the "Most Half-Arsed Attempt To Take The Piss Out His Mates Award" now, shall I?
Starting to see why I was given that award by Canters.