Just a heads up to any bikers on here; I've seen a few local bike thefts being posted on the
MotoUK subreddit.
Dartford (Link)
The chain was an 'abloy' 340 hardened chain and lock. From what I can tell it was bolt cutters. I was parked under lights and security cameras in the high street with the chain and steering lock, knowing police patrol there quite often during the night. Made the mistake of being the 'nicest bike there' as all others had left when I found mine gone too. Or maybe that just means multiple people were unlucky.
Shooters Hill (Link)
My Bandit was stolen last night from my Driveway (chain. Cover). It's a silver bandit with a distinct screen (Eddie from Iron Maiden on the front). It was off the road so no insurance and no tracker so no chance of getting anything back unless it's found. If you guys in London could keep your eyes peeled especially round charlton/woolich/Blackheath area I would be forever grateful
Reg is 05-D-4107 (Irish plates)
It's been found. On it's side in a ditch. Damage probably makes it uneconmical to fix so. Sad end to an other wise decent bike 
Sadly, it doesn't look like this problem is going away any time soon.
It might help if criminals were concerned about the consequences of their actions. But crime and punishment no longer go together.
Police need to be approachable to the public, this approachable nature has worn thin in recent years because the police are having to deal with the fact that sentencing is no longer tough enough and many in the public seem to have something against the police because they got caught speeding, or their friend got pulled over for no reason, or the police disagreed with them snorting a line of coke, smoking pot or popping pills!
The numbers need to increase, sentencing needs to be tougher and the police need to be able to be trusted and trust the public.
On the subject of stolen motorbikes
Mine's up for sale, new job means I don't really have a commute and as such it's pointless. Priced it low and zero interest except some cheeky bugger offered £1500 for a 2010, Yamaha XJ6 Diversion with just 7,300 miles to its name...
Yet feckers are nicking bikes of a similar age/value and getting £3-4K!
Utterly pathetic punishments for far too many crimes.
The courts seem so out of touch it's unreal.
Mates bike stolen from under security camera at the front of local hospital.
2 scrotes on a moped, bolt cropped the chain, kicked the steering lock the moped rider pushing it away with his foot as he rode.
Welcome to the world of Tory Austerity.
But at least it’s strong and stable.
We are having big increases in reported crime rates, yet we have our police forces decimated and the prison services had huge drops in budgets 7-8 years ago.
Clearly people are being jailed. Are they the people that need to be?
I can only speculate that the reluctance of the police to chase these bastards has allowed them to develop their activities with impunity, along with the much reduced numbers of officers available to deal with them.
I think it reasonable to introduce castration for first time bike thieves. Better than chopping off a hand.
OB fighting back.
Serves 'em right, the silly little pricks.
I don't question the need to catch them, just the method. What if doing this leads to a bystander being injured?
Is that ok?
I am fully supportive of this and if the crims get a bit of road damage falling off, I would not be at all concerned.
The use of mopeds in robberies is escalating as far as I can tell. Any tactic that reduces that is positive.
No sympathy whatsoever if any of the thieves end up breaking their necks, I'd have sympathy for their family for raising such a toilet of a human being and then having to live with their offspring/sibling meeting their end that way
*imagine dog photo*