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Robinson fears he can make no further signings (Jan 4th)



  • I waiting for our acting CEO to make a statement.

    It's 4-00pm. She's busy on the tea round at the moment.
  • listening to the interview with KR he sounds as desperate as us fans, and I can't blame him for that.
  • I have watched the Press conference on Valley Pass and I have to say that Robinson looks a defeated man. You shouldn't believe the lies that Duchatelet and Meire told you Karl. To say he is frustrated is an understatement. How is he going to lift the players for Saturday?
  • TBH, I’d rather we got players in on loan to the end of the season than buy them and surely a couple more of them could be accommodated in the books. As with Dasilva, the PL clubs must be awash with players that can do a very good job at L1 level and at this stage of the season they will be fit. The summer time is for buying players you really want, January is panic buying time.

    We can't loan anyone either whilst under Due Diligence.
  • PopIcon said:

    Is anyone surprised by this?

    This is why I get frustrated with people trying to push the Robinson out stuff.

    It's obvious we are in a pickle and there is all sorts of nonsense going on behind the scenes.

    The last thing we need is the fans at this moment in time adding additional onto the manager imo
    I am not for Robinson out now, I am for Robinson out the second ink is dry on the contract of new ownership.

    He may have been the best option under the conditions of our club being a joke with an insane owner that no self respecting manager would touch with a barge pole but we can and will do better then the one formation, "nice" football playing, nonsense spouting salesman we currently have sitting in the dug out.
    That's nice of you, personally I am in the "Robinson out if he fails to get us promoted (or at least back into the playoffs)" brigade.

    He seems genuinely pissed off at the current situation. He seems to have realised he's made a big F*** up.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    TBH, I’d rather we got players in on loan to the end of the season than buy them and surely a couple more of them could be accommodated in the books. As with Dasilva, the PL clubs must be awash with players that can do a very good job at L1 level and at this stage of the season they will be fit. The summer time is for buying players you really want, January is panic buying time.

    We can't loan anyone either whilst under Due Diligence.
    We can but it would depend on the cost of the loan (wages/fee) and the attitude of the potential buyers.
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  • Dazzler21 said:

    TBH, I’d rather we got players in on loan to the end of the season than buy them and surely a couple more of them could be accommodated in the books. As with Dasilva, the PL clubs must be awash with players that can do a very good job at L1 level and at this stage of the season they will be fit. The summer time is for buying players you really want, January is panic buying time.

    We can't loan anyone either whilst under Due Diligence.
    We can. How come we just loaned Mavididi ?
  • Dazzler21 said:

    TBH, I’d rather we got players in on loan to the end of the season than buy them and surely a couple more of them could be accommodated in the books. As with Dasilva, the PL clubs must be awash with players that can do a very good job at L1 level and at this stage of the season they will be fit. The summer time is for buying players you really want, January is panic buying time.

    We can't loan anyone either whilst under Due Diligence.
    We can. How come we just loaned Mavididi ?
    Was agreed before KM left. No idea how long ago mind...
  • Dazzler21 said:

    TBH, I’d rather we got players in on loan to the end of the season than buy them and surely a couple more of them could be accommodated in the books. As with Dasilva, the PL clubs must be awash with players that can do a very good job at L1 level and at this stage of the season they will be fit. The summer time is for buying players you really want, January is panic buying time.

    We can't loan anyone either whilst under Due Diligence.
    We can. How come we just loaned Mavididi ?
    According to the press conference

    Stephy? That was done weeks ago.

  • I thought we would be in the prem by now with Robbo in charge.
  • We will scrape a top half finish, but only just.
  • We will just have to keep rotating the players we have, not through tactics, but every time a player comes back from injury, he gets injured again, but the next game another player comes back and gets injured again, and so on.
  • I reckon the Aussies were/are quite close and gave KR some assurances regarding transfers.

    But the Roland happened and has left everyone quite Very VERY Frustrated.

    However this has opened door for the other (more exciting ) party.

  • What January has ever been decent under Duchatet. All these targets he supposedly had, what chance was there ever of Duchatelet getting them, even if he wasn't selling. Robinson getting in his excuses early.
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  • edited January 2018

    Utterly depressing but equally utterly predictable.

    Would have been the same had there been no takeover discussions.

    Exactly. Cant help think that Robinson knows this as well and is using the hard done by angle in that interview. He knew full well what he was in for when he joined.
    Not sure he did tbh. He was probably fed bullshit by KM and possibly RD, the same way the fans have been
    Im not sure i can have that, when the same people had employed, let down and sacked 6 managers before him.
    Fare Fair comment.

    Fixed it for you.

    I've stupidly worked for people with bad reputations for one thing or other, and got me fingers burnt though.
    No offence Mart, buy I ain't taking spelling lessons from a bloke who spells his name backwards
    What, his name's really Tram!?
  • edited January 2018

    A couple of thoughts having read KR's statement & other comments on here.

    1) Could or would RM dip into his pocket to fund any signing ?? How much are we looking at - £250k ? (Keifer Moore). Or get all the directors to club together. I remember Parkinson paying for a player when he was in charge - maybe Robinson can do the same.

    2) As we are now very unlikely going to sign anyone during January can we not recall ALL our players that are out on loan, including Ajose & Vetokele ?? It seems daft trying (and failing) to bring in a striker when we have 2 out on loan. They may not be what we really need, but they are better than nothing & they are OURS. Also, wouldn't any new owner want their assets in the building & not in some foreign field.

    Just trying to think "outside of the box" as there doesn't seem to be any other options.

    if I was in talks to buy the club I wouldn't want KR sanctioning any signings regardless of who was paying the transfer fee as I'd be binning the fat prick as soon as I could and wouldn't want to be paying the wages of someone KR had signed.
    A low point of my music 'career' time playing in bands (shambles) was supporting a band called The Dave in a pub in Clapham, in 1978.
    They were called The Dave because they were all called Dave.
    Before they went on what was laughingly called the stage. they went into a huddle with their arms round each other. Dave, their leader shouted, 'Get out of your suits and into your jeans, and Let's Go!'.
    Should have packed it in right there.

    Anyway, I've forgotten the point I was trying to make... something about 'fat prick' being a bit rude or something.
  • "I'm not here to finish mid-table." Yes you are Gobbo, you managed it last season and will do so again with a bit of luck.

    We were lucky to get mid table last season. Feather in cap.
  • even in Ground Hog Day the endless cycle ended eventually ---as will RDs ego trip----eventually
  • One thing that doesn't sound right to me is that Robinson says that Mavididi was all sorted before KM left & so that's why he may be the only signing now that the takeover is happening.

    But why him ???? Surely if we had been looking at the striking options then Mavididi should not have been the first option. I realise that we may not have been able to get others "over the line" or that a player (Doyle) may now be injured, but why was Mavididi on the list in the first place ?? Probably a swap for Dodoo, but surely all the effort should have been to get in a main striker first & foremost, not dick around with yet another young, non-scoring wide player who can play up-front (KAG does that). If your No 1 target isn't available then you have to look elsewhere. We all know where the problem is & according to Robinson we have been speaking to agents since November - so why was Mavididi the first one through the door ?? Smacks of Novak leaving & panic loans at the last minute.
  • Surely this is just a case of replacing dodoos wages with mavididis? No net change in budget => no change to prospective buyers
  • And therefore no more signings
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