We started with around 200 albums before the knock out rounds commenced and are left with two titles, which happen to be by the same artist.
Album 1: Revolver
Artist: The Beatles
Release Year: 1966

Track Listing:
1. Taxman
2. Eleanor Rigby
3. I'm Only Sleeping
4. Love You To
5. Here, There and Everywhere
6. Yellow Submarine
7. She Said She Said
8. Good Day Sunshine
9. And Your Bird Can Sing
10. For No One
11. Doctor Robert
12. I Want To Tell You
13. Got To Get You Into My Life
14. Tomorrow Never Knows
Listen here:
https://open.spotify.com/album/0PYyrqs9NXtxPhf0CZkq2LRoad to the final
R16: 28 - 9 Pet Sounds
QF: 35 - 31 The Dark Side of the Moon
SF: 42 - 17 Bridge Over Troubled Water
Album 2: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Artist: The Beatles
Release Year: 1967

Track Listing:
1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
2. With a Little Help from My Friends
3. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
4. Getting Better
5. Fixing a Hole
6. She's Leaving Home
7. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!
8. Within You Without You
9. When I'm Sixty-Four
10. Lovely Rita
11. Good Morning Good Morning
12. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
13. A Day in the Life
Listen here:
https://open.spotify.com/album/1PULmKbHeOqlkIwcDMNwD4Road to the final
R16: 26 - 21 Stone Roses
QF: 35 - 26 Blood on the Tracks
SF: 36 - 15 Nevermind
So, vote away. As always, there are Spotify links if anyone wants to listen to the albums/
Will close voting and announce the winner on Boxing Day. A very Happy Christmas to all of you and your families.
I'd pick Revolver over Pepper in this contest.
Neither as good as stone roses but "will of the people" etc.
Dylan can't sing.
Of the two I'd choose Revolver, as I think the songs are stronger
I can't choose between them, I'm afraid. A draw.
A very Happy Christmas to you and your family.
I would have loved to see Joni and Bob in the final.
Far too much football on this music site so good to get back to what Charlton Life should be about.
For my part I loved Peppers. I loved the opening, with the title track emerging from the atmospheric hub hub of a crowd scene, with the distant accordion playing - to the startling orchestral crescendo on the closing track. In between there was plenty to keep the listener amused with a plethora of different musical instruments, piano effects and George Martin’s manipulation of magnetic tape. Don’t get me wrong here, I enjoyed the music too!
Oh, did I mention that my vote goes to Peppers?
P.S. I recall in an earlier round advising someone who named the horse incorrectly on For the Benefit of Mr Kite. The name on the album is of course Henry. However, had John Lennon stuck to the original inspiration (namely the poster below) it would have been Zanthus.
Has to be SPLHCB.
Also I have a first day, first pressing in my collection*
*strolls away smugly.
Meanwhile in a parallel universe far, far away.
Revolver is an amazing piece of work with some of the finest tracks ever recorded - Eleanor Rigby - Here, There and Everywhere - Tomorrow Never Knows are the stand outs.
However, the most influential album by the most important and influential band in the history of popular music takes some shifting from the top. For ‘A Day in the Life’ alone it has to be Pepper.
When Revolver came out I was nine. My sister didn't buy it, and I only heard the whole album probably as late as the early nineties. I think Jenni must have had Peppers as it feels like I've always known it.
The Beatles were keen on offering value for money, so sessions would produce singles that were then left off the albums.
Penny Lane & Strawberry Fields Forever would have greatly strengthened Peppers.
But Revolver of course could have included Paperback Writer & Rain which were recorded at the same sessions. Worth checking out the 'videos' of Paperback Writer & Rain on YouTube. The films were shot at Chiswick House, in May '66. (I think they looked at their coolest in early/mid '66. There was something of Dylan or The Byrds in the way they dressed.)
Rain is one of my favourite Beatles tunes, but I didn't hear it until the mid nineties when I bought a jukebox set of Beatles singles on coloured vinyl. I was many years before it even made it to CD. It has made it to CD hasn't it?
So after all that nonsense, it's Revolver for me.
PS Jenni just told me that our grandfather never missed Dixon of Dock Green. (Always happy to provide insights like this lol)
(The Chiswick House Rain seems to have disappeared from YouTube)