I bet your gutted having to miss out as well mate. Perhaps you could wake her up by banging metal dustbin lids together whilst shouting obscenities at the top of your voice. Finish this crescendo off by gobbing at her.
Although this may be deemed as a bit severe, she will love it and appreciate you going to the extra effort for making up for her missing out.
Robbo - just woken her up with crashing dustbin lids whilst screaming my head off (spitting is disgusting). She loved it, wants it again tomorrow. Same old, same old.
Perhaps you could wake her up by banging metal dustbin lids together whilst shouting obscenities at the top of your voice.
Finish this crescendo off by gobbing at her.
Although this may be deemed as a bit severe, she will love it and appreciate you going to the extra effort for making up for her missing out.
Brought to you by Robbo's TOP TIPS.
I'll console myself with Orange Goblin at the Electric Ballroom tomorrow..My 52nd birthday