Just think, out there somewhere, there's people just like us, praying for a take over!
I wouldn't be surprised if we are in a parallel universe created when Murray agreed to let Curbs go when he did.
Wouldn't be surprised if in a parallel universe Curbs stayed on for one more year, kept us up in 2007 and we remain in the Premier League ever since playing in a 40,000 capacity Valley.
I Must be a bit weird after all.....I was thinking, ah thats an interesting thread to read through as Im thinking of putting in a solar system on my next projects roof
I skipped this thread as I thought it was about hot water solar systems, and that’s feckin boring!
I’m totally in the ‘we are not alone in the universe’ camp. The pyramids to me are an sure sign of intelligent life forms visiting the planet. The dimensions, position and precision of the great pyramid in Egypt is mind blowing. I’ve had the pleasure of going to them, and it truely is awe inspiring.
I saw a cartoon a while ago depicting aliens looking down on earth and discussing ‘us.’
One turned to the other and said, ‘They have weapons that can destroy planets.’ ‘Are we in danger?’ Asked another. ‘No, they are pointing them at themselves.’
Watching that video reminds me of what goes on in the brains of @Henry Irving and @charltonnick when I explain that Knebworth is fully 27 miles from the Valley but the river is in-between
And yet if we were to suggest you nip over to Amersham to pick up an England cap cos you're local you'd moan : - )
The universe is absolutely fascinating and the number of stars with planets make it hard to imagine no other form of life has emerged at some point. Certainly the distances away from us and the likelihood of anything coinciding with us over the huge life span of time make it less likely we would have contact but it's hard to imagine nothing else ever emerged apart from on our planet.
On the topic of space, do people think we will see people return to the moon or even make it to Mars in the near future?
I guess with Mars/Moon trips there would have to be substantial rewards. There are a lot of spin offs for these projects, technological, political, aspirational, but they are still very expensive so although I think they will happen I can't see it happening too quickly.
Whatever resources were found it would be very costly to get them back if you could find them unless fuel wise it was somehow self sustaining.
When I did 'O'-Level Biology I think I learned there were seven necessities of life. However Star Trek was also around at that time, A bloke on there kept going on about 'life Jim, but not as we know it'. Maybe there is something out there beyond life! Da dee da dah Da dee da dah.
On one hand I really hope we find evidence of Alien life within my lifetime
On the other I’m scared of what we might stumble upon.
It doesn't matter - maths and a greater understanding that the ingredients for life are prevalent tells us that there is almost certainly life and almost certainly a lot of it. The issues with us finding it are not only distance - which basically means we are under no threat from them and they from us, but also time. If you look at the small window where intelligent life exists before it probably destroys itself like we are in the process of doing, it is even more unlikely this will align with other beings we might or might not discover.
I'd love to be in that parallel universe where Charlton are the best team in the world. Unfortunately, we are stuck in this one!
On one hand I really hope we find evidence of Alien life within my lifetime
On the other I’m scared of what we might stumble upon.
We won’t stumble on anything more intelligent than us - that would almost certainly, by the definition of knowledge acceleration, be able to destroy us.
If they are more advanced they will almost certainly find us first!
Also, the maths is still only about probabilities, not certainties. I doubt we are, but we could still be the only form of intelligent life (or indeed any life) in the universe.
Just think, out there somewhere, there's people just like us, praying for a take over!
I wouldn't be surprised if we are in a parallel universe created when Murray agreed to let Curbs go when he did.
Wouldn't be surprised if in a parallel universe Curbs stayed on for one more year, kept us up in 2007 and we remain in the Premier League ever since playing in a 40,000 capacity Valley.
It actually split off when the Yanks wanted to buy us in 2004(?) and Murray, instead of doubling the price and screwing it up, did the decent thing, took the money, and stayed on as the fans' liaison whilst we became the dominant force in the PL. So much so that the Middle East money didn't arrive and Man City have sunk to being a yo-yo club between the 2nd and 3rd divisions.
The universe is absolutely fascinating and the number of stars with planets make it hard to imagine no other form of life has emerged at some point. Certainly the distances away from us and the likelihood of anything coinciding with us over the huge life span of time make it less likely we would have contact but it's hard to imagine nothing else ever emerged apart from on our planet.
On the topic of space, do people think we will see people return to the moon or even make it to Mars in the near future?
Probably not in my lifetime, which would be a shame. I think the technological barriers to getting to Mars and, even more so, staying for a worthwhile time are too significant at the moment but I hope I'm wrong.
Wouldn't be surprised if in a parallel universe Curbs stayed on for one more year, kept us up in 2007 and we remain in the Premier League ever since playing in a 40,000 capacity Valley.
I’m totally in the ‘we are not alone in the universe’ camp.
The pyramids to me are an sure sign of intelligent life forms visiting the planet. The dimensions, position and precision of the great pyramid in Egypt is mind blowing. I’ve had the pleasure of going to them, and it truely is awe inspiring.
I saw a cartoon a while ago depicting aliens looking down on earth and discussing ‘us.’
One turned to the other and said,
‘They have weapons that can destroy planets.’
‘Are we in danger?’ Asked another.
‘No, they are pointing them at themselves.’
We really are a idiotic race!
There MAY be other life on other planets but they are so so far away it doesn't matter.
We are effectively alone.
On the topic of space, do people think we will see people return to the moon or even make it to Mars in the near future?
Whatever resources were found it would be very costly to get them back if you could find them unless fuel wise it was somehow self sustaining.
Maybe there is something out there beyond life!
Da dee da dah
Da dee da dah.
I'd love to be in that parallel universe where Charlton are the best team in the world. Unfortunately, we are stuck in this one!
If they are more advanced they will almost certainly find us first!
Also, the maths is still only about probabilities, not certainties. I doubt we are, but we could still be the only form of intelligent life (or indeed any life) in the universe.
"Doctor, come quick, he's delirious."
Probably not in my lifetime, which would be a shame. I think the technological barriers to getting to Mars and, even more so, staying for a worthwhile time are too significant at the moment but I hope I'm wrong.
It’s been a hell of a journey.