The second semi-final.
Album Name: Nevermind
Atrist: Nirvana
Release Year: 1991

Track Listing:
1. Smells Like Teen Spirit
2. In Bloom
3. Come as You Are
4. Breed
5. Lithium
6. Polly
7. Territorial Pissings
8. Drain You
9. Lounge Act
10. Stay Away
11. On a Plain
12. Something in the Way
Listen Here: Name: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Atrist: The Beatles
Release Year: 1967

1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
2. With a Little Help from My Friends
3. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
4. Getting Better
5. Fixing a Hole
6. She's Leaving Home
7. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!
8. Within You Without You
9. When I'm Sixty-Four
10. Lovely Rita
11. Good Morning Good Morning
12. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
13. A Day in the Life that this has dragged a little, but we're into the final two match-ups.
Again, this is a bit of a mismatch. Kurt Cobain was born the year that Pepper was released! But of course you know the score by now :-) . Which one resonates the most?
I like Nevermind but it is 1 dimensional compared to the truly experimental SPLHCB.
It's a little boring that we'll have an all-Beatles final, but hey ho, I'll see if I can cause an upset. (Revolver is my favourite Beatles album, hence the token vote against SPLHCB)
Although, as I don't think I've ever listened to Nevermind, I don't really know.
But Pepper is one of my all time faves.
Thought this would be the token vote for it!