Firstly, when did we adopt the Valley Floyd Road song? I don't remember it being sung at Selhurst. That said I can only remember three songs from that era. Lenny Lawrence's Red and White army; give me an C, give me an A, etc and Yippy Aye Ay, Yippy Yye Oh.
Secondly, when did the team first start coming out to Red Red Robin?
I believe the first verse was being sung before we came home.
Red, Red Robin was recorded by Billy Cotton, the version we use, in the 1950s
There was no second verse
That is the sounds of Selhurst to me. That and Rick Astley.
Yippy Aye Ay, Yippy Aye Oh, Holt Enders in the Sky
Why we started singing I don't know
1986 4-0 defeat and 0-1 win.
VFR was sung at Selhurst.