The Semi Finals are here. Each semi-finalist has been ranked based on the amount of votes each received in the previous two rounds.
Revolver: 63
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band: 61
Nevermind: 53
Bridge Over Troubled Water: 44
SEMI FINAL 1Album Name:
The BeatlesRelease Year:
Track Listing:
1. Taxman
2. Eleanor Rigby
3. I'm Only Sleeping
4. Love You To
5. Here, There and Everywhere
6. Yellow Submarine
7. She Said She Said
8. Good Day Sunshine
9. And Your Bird Can Sing
10. For No One
11. Doctor Robert
12. I Want To Tell You
13. Got To Get You Into My Life
14. Tomorrow Never Knows
Revolver eased past Pet Sounds 26 - 9 in the first knock out round and scraped past Dark Side of the Moon 35 - 31 in the quarters.
Listen here: Name:
Bridge Over Troubled WaterAtrist:
Simon & GarfunkelRelease Year:
Track Listing:
1. Bridge over Troubled Water
2. El Condor Pasa (If I Could)
3. Cecilia
4. Keep the Customer Satisfied
5. So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright
6. The Boxer
7. Baby Driver
8. The Only Living Boy in New York
9. Why Don't You Write Me
10. Bye Bye Love
11. Song for the Asking
Bridge saw off Rumours 22 -13 in the round of 16 and overcame Blue 20 - 13 in the quarters, much to the shock and outrage of many.
Listen here:
Should have been Blue
Should have been Blue
Should have been Blue
Should have been Blue
Should have been Blue
Should have been Blue
Should have been Blue
Both great collections of songs but Revolver for me.
Revolver it is by a country mile.
Any other group releasing songs like Eleanor Rigby, And Your Bird Can Sing or Tomorrow Never Knows could rest well, knowing they'd reached a nirvana. The Beatles didn't. This album is a work of almost unimaginable genius.
Paul Simon at that time was just warming up. What he did on his own later (and still does) is pure gold.
It was called Revolver because the LP revolves (you already know that I’m sure).
BOTW is a great album, but I hate the title track.
Much as I love the Beatles, the prospect of an all Beatles final is like then 2 English teams reach the Champions League final, somehow it loses a bit of excitement