The cheapest trains available at present are as follows.
Dep Euston 11.43 Arr Shrewsbury 14.20 £12.50 [£8.25]
Dep Euston 12.23 Arr Shrewsbury 15.14 As above
Change at Birmingham New Street
Dep Shrewsbury 09.47 Arr Euston 12.33 £12.50 [£8.25]
Dep Shrewsbury 10.47 Arr Euston 13.33 As above
Change at Wolverhampton
Railcard fares in brackets.
This trip requires an overnight stay as the last train departs Shrewsbury at 21.47 & the ground is a long trek from the station.
Also, did neither Shrewsbury or Charlton check that the date of the re-arranged game clashed with this micky mouse competition ? Absolute shambles.