Album Name:
The BeatlesRelease Year:
Track Listing:
1. Taxman
2. Eleanor Rigby
3. I'm Only Sleeping
4. Love You To
5. Here, There and Everywhere
6. Yellow Submarine
7. She Said She Said
8. Good Day Sunshine
9. And Your Bird Can Sing
10. For No One
11. Doctor Robert
12. I Want To Tell You
13. Got To Get You Into My Life
14. Tomorrow Never Knows
Listen Here: Name:
The Dark Side of the MoonArtist:
Pink FloydRelease Year:
Track Listing:
1. Speak to Me
2. Breathe
3. On the Run
4. Time
5. The Great Gig in the Sky
6. Money
7. Us and Them
8. Any Colour You Like
9. Brain Damage
10. Eclipse
Listen Here: quarter-final. Revolver saw off The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds in the previous round, where as The Dark Side of the Moon was victorious against Rattus Norvegicus by The Stranglers.
Innovative but pop. Kick started the psychedelic 60s in music that reached its nadir with the depressing DSOTM
Im too young to appreciate the slash either album made so I'm judging only on today's listen. Revolver, simply, has better songs. Revolver it is
Dark Side is an immense album and was released when I was 16 and very impressionable!
Revolver was far more influential and is pretty much a perfect album.
So difficult to jettison DSOTM but have to go with the fab four - just.
There is a comment above regarding substances and Dark Side, well anybody who saw the animated fantasy adventure film Yellow Submarine will know it was also heavily substance influenced.
Both àlbums have a richness, complexity and beauty for me, my judgement is based on reflecting on how much I re-visit both, and as a margin call which one is the most coherent 'album'.
For me it is Dark Side of the Moon.
I went to the V&A to see the Floyd exhibition early this month, well worth a visit.
Straight off the bat I would have said DSOTM, then looking at the tracks on Revolver I was reminded of how many of them were so iconic.
I honestly can’t separate sorry, this time round I’m out.
Only discovered Revolver in the late 70s (although already knew quite a few of the tracks obviously).
Revolver still sounds great, DSOTM less so.
So Revolver for me.
Had dark side of the moon loved it and played it to death (probably more than revolver) it felt so relevant at the time.
Now 40 odd years later time has caught up with it's original poignancy (a little).
It never crossed my mind weather Revolver was relevant or not, it's just a cache of gems.
While Dark Side of the Moon might not be full of pop hits, it has a lot more depth than Revolver.
For me it's DSOTM.
I think it speaks volumes that while I'd happily listen to say, Eleanor Rigby or Tomorrow Never Knows on their own, Dark Side is so coherent as an album that I very very rarely listen to individual tracks off it, only putting on the whole thing or not putting it on at all.
Dark Side.