The museum trustees are forever grateful for the support given by Charlton Life members and other Addicks in terms of donations and purchases of photos and other items that we sell.
In case you are wondering why we work so hard to raise that money we'd like to give you an example.
This medal is perhaps the most important in the club's history because it is from the very start of the club's existance and it is, to our best knowledge, the only one still in existance.
We have had it on loan but now it has been put up for sale along with a long list of other items from the early history of the club.
The price of the medal alone is £2,000. In total we need £4,200 to secure all the items that include player passes from 1923, a 1924 letter from the supporters club to Scott Kingsley, a 1923 share certificate and a royal box programme (no adverts) from the 1947 cup final.
Selling the Who posters, big thanks to anyone who bought one, and other sales have given us a healthy bank balance but this purchase will make a big dent it that.
So, please buy some more pictures or if you feel you can make a donation, big or small. It is all our history after all.
The Museum Trustees
Nat West Bank
sort code 60 16 03
Account number 7377 2593
or via paypal to
Oh go on then - a bullseye
PS someone LOL'ed fund raising for the museum?
Just checked the bank account and thanks again for the donations big and small
Charlton fans never let you down.
Appreciate the offer though and if you any other stuff like tickets, scarves, badges, leaflets then there is a good chance we dont have those.
Thanks BS and AS and all the previous donors.
Thank you.
Thanks to all the fans who enabled the Museum to buy all these items by buying photos etc and making donations.
It wouldn't be possible without all your help.
That's £1.05p and 52.5p to you youngsters
Ten and six 47 years earlier sounds a bit expensive
So 30 Bob = £1.50
Ten and six = 52.5p
What a ridiculous system.
240 pennies in the pound and 20 shillings in a pound, 12 pence in a shilling.
The nicknames were better
It was before thruppeny bits meant something quite different to me.
Actually if anyone wants a copy email the Museum and we'll send a pdf