Thanks guys I’ve recieved my “goal” photo and as others have said the quality is very good and at such a reasonable cost. Really pleased with it, if your thinking of getting one do it now, don’t miss out!
Thanks guys I’ve recieved my “goal” photo and as others have said the quality is very good and at such a reasonable cost. Really pleased with it, if your thinking of getting one do it now, don’t miss out!
Thanks so much for the pics Henry & @charltonnick,both are something else,special photos from special times...(going all dreamy...!!!),I will one day get down to the museum,great work guys n girls...thanks again
Thanks so much for the pics Henry & @charltonnick,both are something else,special photos from special times...(going all dreamy...!!!),I will one day get down to the museum,great work guys n girls...thanks again
Christmas is coming , what a great gift. If you don't want more socks drop a hint now , still have a couple of A3 Guns A4 Guns sold out. Goal available in A3 & A4.
Received my pics - great stuff, excellent value.
Great work,
Arrived today. Thanks. Looks superb
Guns nearly all gone, few more goals but we have other non-Clive stuff you might like