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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • cabbles said:

    Chippy. Are you out on the piss ?

    Not yet... But posting links without foundation particularly euro atom when i have a great inkling that nobody here had heard off or has any idea what it does.. Further to that last week on lbc, the chief security advisor to the government who isn't politically affiliated says we deport 8 people under the European arrest warrant and our security watch to every 1 yes 1....who comes the other way... Perhaps i have been too quiet for too long...
    Seriously mate your posts are getting more bizarre and irrelevant by the day.

    They are actually a brilliant artistic representation of Brexit.
    You work for deutsche bank, can't commit either way.. One foot in both camps.. Coward.
    Why a coward, Chippy? Be very interested to know. Don't know what you are taking about Deutsche bank but do keep up the good work here - it gives a great insight.
    Cos they have no bollocks, you are either in or out...they are using the UK like you would a spare horse in the national. Or Lewis Hamilton.s spare cars...both My Mrs and myself closed our accounts with that bank this afternoon...this evening we have an email from them why....I will answer tomorrow.
    Chippy, with the greatest of respect, the bollocksometer has gone off the scale over the last few pages. You made a credible point about the working time directive the other day based on your real life experience. I know sod all about it or your industry so when you post stuff like that, I actually think okay well you work in the industry it’s your livelihood, it’s worth reading and paying respect to, I might gain something by taking into account your viewpoint.

    And then the above and other nonsensical ramblings. I actually think that despite the fact we see things differently on brexit you come across a decent man who’s worked hard in his life and done well by his family and as a fellow Charlton fan it would be nice to share a beer.

    This is a shitter of a subject because it seems to bring out the worst in people, but why not try and rise above all this and contribute like you did the other day.

    Just my honest thoughts and trying to keep a bit of objectivity to the thread
    Not me, I'm a complete arsehole all the time...

    This thread is just my "happy" place.
  • Absolutely apropos of nothing...

    How can anyone have faith in the ability of a Government to master the fiendish level of detail that will accompany negotiations of and around Brexit, where one of the three top posts is occupied by someone who cannot remember the nationality of his wife?
  • Forgive the poor man, brain fades happen all the time
  • edited July 2018
    It’s actually worse than I thought.

    How can leaving this agency possibly be of any benefit to the UK.
  • Yes, have your views without seeking out additional info and gaining a better undertsanding - don't listen to experts and all that!

    So another one... Who didn't know what he was voting for... That's two... Anymore...
    Not sure what you are on about. On such a complex issue, there will be things you are aware of and are not aware of - there are no rules precluding you from making yourself aware of them - well maybe you have your own rules. I didn't know too much about the Euratom issue, but learning about it is one more thing to worry about.
    Well you clearly knew the effects of your vote of euro atom. You clearly have told brexiters we didnt.
    What? I haven't claimed that at all. I do know more about it now than I did though because it has been in the spotlight. I thought your name was linked to your occupation, not what you carry on your shoulder!
  • Anyone see Newsnight ???

    Golfie Jnr has just disowned me because he had just found out that if we leave with No Deal on March 29th then on April 1st he wont be able to buy a BLT sandwich.....

    I did tell him it was an April fools joke but he took it seriously......
  • Absolutely apropos of nothing...

    How can anyone have faith in the ability of a Government to master the fiendish level of detail that will accompany negotiations of and around Brexit, where one of the three top posts is occupied by someone who cannot remember the nationality of his wife?

    Not just any old mix up eithere, the Chinese, for the most part hate the Japanese, it's already hit The media here and is not going down well at all.
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  • Anyone see Newsnight ???

    Golfie Jnr has just disowned me because he had just found out that if we leave with No Deal on March 29th then on April 1st he wont be able to buy a BLT sandwich.....

    I did tell him it was an April fools joke but he took it seriously......

    Saw some of it, Marcus Fysh MP seemed to have all pro Brexit answers, not.
  • edited July 2018

    Absolutely apropos of nothing...

    How can anyone have faith in the ability of a Government to master the fiendish level of detail that will accompany negotiations of and around Brexit, where one of the three top posts is occupied by someone who cannot remember the nationality of his wife?

    Not just any old mix up eithere, the Chinese, for the most part hate the Japanese, it's already hit The media here and is not going down well at all.
    Yeah but......Diane Abbot when she got her numbers all wrong that time!!!

    You'll know better than most living there but there's a long history of animosity between the countries and it was probably the worst country to make that mistake with.

    It's embarrassing for the government and a stupid stunt to pull even bringing his wife into it but, given the oaf he replaced, he could have launched into a 1970's playground "Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees and look at these..." and still done less harm tbf.

  • edited July 2018
    Brexit could make a lot of money for the travel insurance industry, presuming the European Health Card will cease to be valid in the future.

    Reality Check: Will the EHIC be valid after Brexit? -

    Maybe more Brits will holiday in the UK in the future though, especially if the low cost airline industry is affected as well.
  • Absolutely apropos of nothing...

    How can anyone have faith in the ability of a Government to master the fiendish level of detail that will accompany negotiations of and around Brexit, where one of the three top posts is occupied by someone who cannot remember the nationality of his wife?

    Not just any old mix up eithere, the Chinese, for the most part hate the Japanese, it's already hit The media here and is not going down well at all.
    Yeah but......Diane Abbot when she got her numbers all wrong that time!!!

    You'll know better than most living there but there's a long history of animosity between the countries and it was probably the worst country to make that mistake with.

    It's embarrassing for the government and a stupid stint to pull even bringing his wife into it but, given the oaf he replaced, he could have launched into a 1970's playground "Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees and look at these..." and still done less harm tbf.

    He couldn't have picked a worse country, 10 year olds have a hatred of Japan, they are taught it at school, anti japanese tv shows are very common.

    It's a deep (and very much deserved) hatred.

    My wifes reaponse this morning was "he should probably just go home now" and she's right, the Chinese are a proud people, no one will take him seriously.
  • I’m not even sure how it was possible to get your wife’s nationality mixed up.
  • Absolutely apropos of nothing...

    How can anyone have faith in the ability of a Government to master the fiendish level of detail that will accompany negotiations of and around Brexit, where one of the three top posts is occupied by someone who cannot remember the nationality of his wife?

    Not just any old mix up eithere, the Chinese, for the most part hate the Japanese, it's already hit The media here and is not going down well at all.
    Yeah but......Diane Abbot when she got her numbers all wrong that time!!!

    You'll know better than most living there but there's a long history of animosity between the countries and it was probably the worst country to make that mistake with.

    It's embarrassing for the government and a stupid stint to pull even bringing his wife into it but, given the oaf he replaced, he could have launched into a 1970's playground "Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees and look at these..." and still done less harm tbf.

    He couldn't have picked a worse country, 10 year olds have a hatred of Japan, they are taught it at school, anti japanese tv shows are very common.

    It's a deep (and very much deserved) hatred.

    My wifes reaponse this morning was "he should probably just go home now" and she's right, the Chinese are a proud people, no one will take him seriously.
    Those of us who worked in Health and Social Care have been saying that for eight years, but he never took any notice.
  • Anyone see Newsnight ???

    Golfie Jnr has just disowned me because he had just found out that if we leave with No Deal on March 29th then on April 1st he wont be able to buy a BLT sandwich.....

    I did tell him it was an April fools joke but he took it seriously......

    Saw some of it, Marcus Fysh MP seemed to have all pro Brexit answers, not.
    On a par with @Chippycafc :smile:
  • Absolutely apropos of nothing...

    How can anyone have faith in the ability of a Government to master the fiendish level of detail that will accompany negotiations of and around Brexit, where one of the three top posts is occupied by someone who cannot remember the nationality of his wife?

    Not just any old mix up eithere, the Chinese, for the most part hate the Japanese, it's already hit The media here and is not going down well at all.
    Yeah but......Diane Abbot when she got her numbers all wrong that time!!!

    You'll know better than most living there but there's a long history of animosity between the countries and it was probably the worst country to make that mistake with.

    It's embarrassing for the government and a stupid stint to pull even bringing his wife into it but, given the oaf he replaced, he could have launched into a 1970's playground "Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees and look at these..." and still done less harm tbf.

    He couldn't have picked a worse country, 10 year olds have a hatred of Japan, they are taught it at school, anti japanese tv shows are very common.

    It's a deep (and very much deserved) hatred.

    My wifes reaponse this morning was "he should probably just go home now" and she's right, the Chinese are a proud people, no one will take him seriously.
    He’s trying to palm it off as a bit of a gaff on Twitter
  • Absolutely apropos of nothing...

    How can anyone have faith in the ability of a Government to master the fiendish level of detail that will accompany negotiations of and around Brexit, where one of the three top posts is occupied by someone who cannot remember the nationality of his wife?

    Not just any old mix up eithere, the Chinese, for the most part hate the Japanese, it's already hit The media here and is not going down well at all.
    Yeah but......Diane Abbot when she got her numbers all wrong that time!!!

    You'll know better than most living there but there's a long history of animosity between the countries and it was probably the worst country to make that mistake with.

    It's embarrassing for the government and a stupid stint to pull even bringing his wife into it but, given the oaf he replaced, he could have launched into a 1970's playground "Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees and look at these..." and still done less harm tbf.

    He couldn't have picked a worse country, 10 year olds have a hatred of Japan, they are taught it at school, anti japanese tv shows are very common.

    It's a deep (and very much deserved) hatred.

    My wifes reaponse this morning was "he should probably just go home now" and she's right, the Chinese are a proud people, no one will take him seriously.
    And some prople thought Boris was stupid....
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  • Stig said:

    I wouldn't hang a bloke out to dry on the basis of one slip of the tongue. With one exception, when Cameron made his West Ham gaffe - I truly believe that something more insidious was going on there. I think Hunt's explanation that they'd been talking in Japanese is fair - in fact, kudos to the man, i never imagined he was that clever. Embarrassing? Yes. End of the world? No. In any case there are far worse things to be annoyed with Hunt about.

    I like the idea of something insidious being behind the West Ham gaffe - what’s your thinking?
  • Stig said:

    I wouldn't hang a bloke out to dry on the basis of one slip of the tongue. With one exception, when Cameron made his West Ham gaffe - I truly believe that something more insidious was going on there. I think Hunt's explanation that they'd been talking in Japanese is fair - in fact, kudos to the man, i never imagined he was that clever. Embarrassing? Yes. End of the world? No. In any case there are far worse things to be annoyed with Hunt about.

    Kind of agree... He was speaking in japanese. And lets face it, I can't even get my children's and wife's names right. I just cycle through the names for a while until they look up in pity.
  • edited July 2018
    se9addick said:

    I’m not even sure how it was possible to get your wife’s nationality mixed up.

    Depends on how many wifes you had?.
  • McBobbin said:

    Stig said:

    I wouldn't hang a bloke out to dry on the basis of one slip of the tongue. With one exception, when Cameron made his West Ham gaffe - I truly believe that something more insidious was going on there. I think Hunt's explanation that they'd been talking in Japanese is fair - in fact, kudos to the man, i never imagined he was that clever. Embarrassing? Yes. End of the world? No. In any case there are far worse things to be annoyed with Hunt about.

    Kind of agree... He was speaking in japanese. And lets face it, I can't even get my children's and wife's names right. I just cycle through the names for a while until they look up in pity.
    Agreed. As much as I have little time for his views, a slip of the tongue is just that. I rather judge the man on the performance of his and his parties policy’s, plenty there to pick up on.
    I can just about manage to speak in English so I ain’t going to be over critical of a man who can have a grasp on at least three different languages.
    Also if 10 year olds are brought up to hate and the national is drip fed racism via tv it certainly says something about the state of the world.
  • I don't think anyone thinks there is anything more than a slip behind this, just people rightly pointing out that even so, there couldn't be a worse place to make this error, and this may well now be a wasted trip - though of course it won't be spun that way.

    He was probably just thinking, don't say japanese, don't say japanese and it just popped out.

    That is the last time I'll ever be reasonable about that man, promise.
  • McBobbin said:

    Stig said:

    I wouldn't hang a bloke out to dry on the basis of one slip of the tongue. With one exception, when Cameron made his West Ham gaffe - I truly believe that something more insidious was going on there. I think Hunt's explanation that they'd been talking in Japanese is fair - in fact, kudos to the man, i never imagined he was that clever. Embarrassing? Yes. End of the world? No. In any case there are far worse things to be annoyed with Hunt about.

    Kind of agree... He was speaking in japanese. And lets face it, I can't even get my children's and wife's names right. I just cycle through the names for a while until they look up in pity.
    Agreed. As much as I have little time for his views, a slip of the tongue is just that. I rather judge the man on the performance of his and his parties policy’s, plenty there to pick up on.
    I can just about manage to speak in English so I ain’t going to be over critical of a man who can have a grasp on at least three different languages.
    Also if 10 year olds are brought up to hate and the national is drip fed racism via tv it certainly says something about the state of the world.
    Yeah. At least we make our kids wait until they start reading newspapers before we feed them xenophobia and racism.
  • Stig said:

    I wouldn't hang a bloke out to dry on the basis of one slip of the tongue. With one exception, when Cameron made his West Ham gaffe - I truly believe that something more insidious was going on there. I think Hunt's explanation that they'd been talking in Japanese is fair - in fact, kudos to the man, i never imagined he was that clever. Embarrassing? Yes. End of the world? No. In any case there are far worse things to be annoyed with Hunt about.

    Unfortunately, that's the way it is over there. China and Korea will use WWII as a stick to beat Japan with for all eternity. For that matter, Japan still has major discrimination issues with Korea and China too.

    Hunt mistaking his wife for the mortal enemy will have gone down like a cup of cold sick with his hosts.
  • Missed It said:

    Stig said:

    I wouldn't hang a bloke out to dry on the basis of one slip of the tongue. With one exception, when Cameron made his West Ham gaffe - I truly believe that something more insidious was going on there. I think Hunt's explanation that they'd been talking in Japanese is fair - in fact, kudos to the man, i never imagined he was that clever. Embarrassing? Yes. End of the world? No. In any case there are far worse things to be annoyed with Hunt about.

    Unfortunately, that's the way it is over there. China and Korea will use WWII as a stick to beat Japan with for all eternity. For that matter, Japan still has major discrimination issues with Korea and China too.

    Hunt mistaking his wife for the mortal enemy will have gone down like a cup of cold sick with his hosts.
    Japan accepting what They did during ww2 would be a start.

    The massacre museum in Nanjing changed my life.
  • Missed It said:

    Stig said:

    I wouldn't hang a bloke out to dry on the basis of one slip of the tongue. With one exception, when Cameron made his West Ham gaffe - I truly believe that something more insidious was going on there. I think Hunt's explanation that they'd been talking in Japanese is fair - in fact, kudos to the man, i never imagined he was that clever. Embarrassing? Yes. End of the world? No. In any case there are far worse things to be annoyed with Hunt about.

    Unfortunately, that's the way it is over there. China and Korea will use WWII as a stick to beat Japan with for all eternity. For that matter, Japan still has major discrimination issues with Korea and China too.

    Hunt mistaking his wife for the mortal enemy will have gone down like a cup of cold sick with his hosts.
    Japan accepting what They did during ww2 would be a start.

    The massacre museum in Nanjing changed my life.
    You're right. Japan could certainly fix a lot of the bad feeling. While those in power are aligned with Nippon Kaigi and the Yasukuni Shrine includes convicted war criminals it's not going to happen though.

    I didn't get to the Nanjing Massacre museum when we were there, which is something I regret. We ended up climbing the million stairs to Sun Yat Sen's tomb instead.
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