Gone gone gone / ......
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-40953098Last time I saw him play was at the Valley when he was sent off for slapping John Robinson .. his facial expressions always reminded me of a man about to lose his temper and commit some awful deed .. and so it goes
Probably speaks highly of me as well
The court heard how, when police arrived, a drunk Beagrie was towering over and shouting in Ms Blake's face. Officers noticed she had a 1cm cut to her lip and bruising to her body.
Beagrie denied the attack.
Great defence there Peter.
But Beagrie... he delivered in the way of a smug, know it all prick. Everything about him annoyed me, from the way he sat (like he was sitting on a snooker cue) to the way his face pulled a "I AM THE MASTER OF MY DOMAIN!" expression. I used to think I was being harsh, and maybe he was a nice guy in real life so I wouldn;t want to slate him. But now we know otherwise, and I am glad to see the back of him.
Sorry, getting a bit Ray Winstone there :-)
He said, being pretentious wanker about wankers....
It is exactly how it sounds. Flagging down a local after leaving a bar following a 1991 pre-season friendly with Real Sociedad in Spain, Beagrie hopped on the back of the bloke's motorbike and was kindly driven back to his hotel. Unfortunately, the night porter couldn't be woken, meaning Beagrie couldn't get to his bed, so he did what any of us would have done; he took control of the motorbike he rode home on, drove up the hotel steps and through the plate glass window, later requiring 50 stitches. Thing is, he wasn't even at the right hotel
Read more at https://talksport.com/magazine/features/2011-11-17/nicklas-bendtner-west-hams-award-bash-peter-beagrie-and-more-sporting-hotel-howlers#rzu39eGqpGgh0z8M.99