Boosted by a well known sports team needing emergency equipment to defrost a large area of grass because they were too stupid to install everything they needed to, to do it themselves?
Andrew Sykes operates in a fair few countries including much of the Middle East, USA and Europe. My guess, and it is a guess, is that much of their overseas earnings is booked in the local currency. When translated into GBPs, post the Brexit vote and the subsequent devaluation of sterling, this will have looked good in their report & accounts. Most UK businesses that have strong earnings abroad have had a good year share price wise for this reason.
I've had the pleasure of meeting Paul Wood, Andrew Sykes' top man, at every POTY dinner I've helped to organise and he's a lovely guy- Charlton from head to toe.
More recently, we met at the end of season's Sponsors' dinner this year and indeed, the relationship between our club and a well respected sponsor has soured surprises there then.
We shared the sadness & anger that the current regime has forced us to feel & Paul was quite emotional when he told me he was glad that his dear Dad wasn't around to see our demise.
It is very gratifying to hear that a local company, highly supportive of our great club in the past, is flourishing and I hope this success will long continue .
The company will be one of many that KM & co have alienated in one way or another over the past few years but it is their and our, loss. In the same manner as when hundreds, nay thousands of loyal fans have walked away under their stewardship, they will have shrugged their shoulders & moved on.
But I feel sure that one well known old adage will return to haunt them before much longer....
By the sounds of things, and I'm just going from I've heard and read - I've never met any of them, Andrews Sykes are likely to get back on board once things change and are still involved with supporting Charlton in some way. This is a positive.
The issue is with those companies who have completely lost touch with the club and are likely lost forever. The small local companies that were attracted through hard work and a good relationship with the club. Many of these have been put off by the situation including the constant changing of the commercial director and sponsorship officials or whatever the titles are. Many of these companies will never come back, much like the lapsed season ticket holders this is the sad thing. And also the most damaging to our club.
Early year heatwave.
Share price rises....
Most UK businesses that have strong earnings abroad have had a good year share price wise for this reason.
: - )
More recently, we met at the end of season's Sponsors' dinner this year and indeed, the relationship between our club and a well respected sponsor has soured surprises there then.
We shared the sadness & anger that the current regime has forced us to feel & Paul was quite emotional when he told me he was glad that his dear Dad wasn't around to see our demise.
It is very gratifying to hear that a local company, highly supportive of our great club in the past, is flourishing and I hope this success will long continue .
The company will be one of many that KM & co have alienated in one way or another over the past few years but it is their and our, loss. In the same manner as when hundreds, nay thousands of loyal fans have walked away under their stewardship, they will have shrugged their shoulders & moved on.
But I feel sure that one well known old adage will return to haunt them before much longer....
"You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone".
The issue is with those companies who have completely lost touch with the club and are likely lost forever. The small local companies that were attracted through hard work and a good relationship with the club. Many of these have been put off by the situation including the constant changing of the commercial director and sponsorship officials or whatever the titles are. Many of these companies will never come back, much like the lapsed season ticket holders this is the sad thing. And also the most damaging to our club.