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How do the Tories need to change?



  • cabbles said:

    Leuth said:

    If we were to each construct our ideal PM, with no heed paid to the people who are currently MPs, I wonder what we'd end up with

    I'd have Ken Clarke's torso, Michael Hesseltine's hair, Vince Cable's gait, Chuck thumpawhampa's legs, Rees Mogg's face and Iain Duncan Smith's arms and Diane Abbott's mega clunge
    why Duncan Smith's arms?
  • seth plum said:

    With the disillusionment of politicians the choice is probably about which is the least worse, or voting for a party with some kind of ideology or voting against the party you hate, or voting for the individual MP for your constituency because of their character.
    To my mind however this is not about fine margins, or close calls. There is a substantial difference between Labour and Tory despite the flaws in both parties which makes the current choice easy, despite the influence of media.

    I've always voted for the least worst but now the two main parties have plumbed the depths to such an extent I couldn't vote for either of them.

    I despise Corbyn and Momentum - I can't see him as a PM and don't like the way a cult has been built up around him. Labour has never been a party that's demanded blind loyalty to its leadership but that seems to be the way it is heading.

    I would never consider voting Conservative.

    Politics has been dying for me for many years - I have little or no trust or respect for most of our leading politicians. That wasn't always the case for me.
    You must have read my thoughts.

  • cabbles said:

    Leuth said:

    If we were to each construct our ideal PM, with no heed paid to the people who are currently MPs, I wonder what we'd end up with

    I'd have Ken Clarke's torso, Michael Hesseltine's hair, Vince Cable's gait, Chuck thumpawhampa's legs, Rees Mogg's face and Iain Duncan Smith's arms and Diane Abbott's mega clunge
    why Duncan Smith's arms?
    You are OK with the rest then?
  • Ahem!

    This is the How do the Tories need to change thread, could you take any Labour comments to the 'How does Labour need to change' thread.

    Fair point, well made!
  • Rob7Lee said:

    cabbles said:

    Leuth said:

    If we were to each construct our ideal PM, with no heed paid to the people who are currently MPs, I wonder what we'd end up with

    I'd have Ken Clarke's torso, Michael Hesseltine's hair, Vince Cable's gait, Chuck thumpawhampa's legs, Rees Mogg's face and Iain Duncan Smith's arms
    Surely Johnsons hair has got to fit on Mogg's face! Someone get photoshopping.
    Johnson's hair isn't his though. He just borrows it when Michael Fabricant isn't using it.
  • cabbles said:

    Leuth said:

    If we were to each construct our ideal PM, with no heed paid to the people who are currently MPs, I wonder what we'd end up with

    I'd have Ken Clarke's torso, Michael Hesseltine's hair, Vince Cable's gait, Chuck thumpawhampa's legs, Rees Mogg's face and Iain Duncan Smith's arms and Diane Abbott's mega clunge
    why Duncan Smith's arms?
    I just imagine they'd be very politically strong
  • aliwibble said:

    Mrs May apparently misled the house over the case of "Albert Thompson" in PMQs today.

    FFS her out properly. SHE LIED!!! It’s what she does. Buys herself a few roars of encouragement from her side & gets all the headlines from the media.

    She gets found out later, but that always seems to get buried by the media and no-one holds her to account.
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  • TelMc32 said:

    This is what the Tories care about. This is what they always and only care about...themselves!!

    The UK Refused To Raid A Company Suspected Of Money Laundering, Citing Its Tory Donations - BuzzFeed UK

    The UK government refused to assist a French investigation into Lycamobile. The French arrested 19 accused of money laundering from organised criminal networks. This was revealed 2 years ago, but the Tories carried on taking their money and stonewalled French authorities, refusing to raid the London premises.

    Their reasons? This is a “large multinational company” with “vast assets at their disposal” and would “be extremely unlikely to agree to having their premises searched”. Also that, “they are the biggest corporate donor to the Conservative Party led by Prime Minister Theresa May and donated €1.25m to the Prince Charles Trust in 2012”.

    HMRC initially denied citing the above reasons stating “this is the United Kingdom for God's sake, not some Third World banana republic where the organs of state are in hock to some sort of kleptocracy””...but then admitted it was true and “regrettable”.

    The Conservative Party took £2.2m from Lycamobile, including £800k AFTER suspicions were known about their money laundering!

    The house of cards starts to come tumbling down...
  • Sadly @kentaddick it isn’t a house of cards. This is the way it has always been and they have a bedrock that supports and expects them to carry on doing it. All this “stuff” gets hushed up, even if some cards come tumbling, they bide their time and go again.

    Everything is in place for them to do what they do best...look after themselves. Look at Hunt and his 7 luxury apartments. Now emerges that he got a special deal...but that’s OK as it apparently would have been available to anyone who was in the market for 7 luxury apartments.

    I’m sure there wouldn’t have been any other criteria that a developer who has contributed £50k to Hunt’s constituency and is a long-term donor to the Conservative Party would want from you.
  • TelMc32 said:

    Sadly @kentaddick it isn’t a house of cards. This is the way it has always been and they have a bedrock that supports and expects them to carry on doing it. All this “stuff” gets hushed up, even if some cards come tumbling, they bide their time and go again.

    Everything is in place for them to do what they do best...look after themselves. Look at Hunt and his 7 luxury apartments. Now emerges that he got a special deal...but that’s OK as it apparently would have been available to anyone who was in the market for 7 luxury apartments.

    I’m sure there wouldn’t have been any other criteria that a developer who has contributed £50k to Hunt’s constituency and is a long-term donor to the Conservative Party would want from you.

    Iirc that’s 3 scandals in the last 3-4 days. even Corbyn would be embarrassed about that.
  • Corbyn's had three scandals in the last 3-4 days, though

    1. He missed an open goal in PMQs because Crafty Theresa moved the goalposts! WEAK LEADER
    2. Some Labour back-benchers did a speech! USELESS JEREMY
    3. Diane Abbott! DIANE ABBOTT!

  • I mean, who even KNOWS what scandals Jezza has gotten himself into that we don't know about yet? I'm sure they'll be in all the papers tomorrow, at least!
  • edited April 2018
    Leuth said:

    I mean, who even KNOWS what scandals Jezza has gotten himself into that we don't know about yet? I'm sure they'll be in all the papers tomorrow, at least!

    Corbin invented the VAR system. What a bastard. Not a lot of people know that.
  • Bad news for atheists. Corbin used to be Jesus Christ, even his initials are the same.

  • Leuth said:

    Corbyn's had three scandals in the last 3-4 days, though

    1. He missed an open goal in PMQs because Crafty Theresa moved the goalposts! WEAK LEADER
    2. Some Labour back-benchers did a speech! USELESS JEREMY
    3. Diane Abbott! DIANE ABBOTT!

    Pretty standard Corbyn though.
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  • edited April 2018
    Rothko said:

    The Windrush (and probably wider then that generation) scandal shows the Tories will never change. This tweet thread from Polly MacKenzie who was Nick Clegg advisor, sums up the Tory attitude, that they can never see the good, or the person, just that there must be pain to many to find a mythical immigrant who is supposedly on the take.

    Add to this ex-Civil Service Chief, Bob Kerslake on Newsnight last night to speak about the government’s immigration policies. In particular he spoke about May’s policy reforms when when she was HS in 2014, when he was head of the Civil Service.

    She vowed to “create a hostile environment for illegal immigrants”, but removed an important protection for the Windrush generation. Kerslake said “This was a very contested piece of legislation across government departments”. Opposition didn’t only come from his service, but also from Ministers...”there were some who saw almost reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the way it’s working”.

    Evan Davis had to ask for clarification and was told that the description came from deeply unhappy ministers. So Aunty Theresa seems to be just a little bit nasty, if nothing else, if even Tory ministers couldn’t stomach her plans.
  • TelMc32 said:

    aliwibble said:

    Mrs May apparently misled the house over the case of "Albert Thompson" in PMQs today.

    FFS her out properly. SHE LIED!!! It’s what she does. Buys herself a few roars of encouragement from her side & gets all the headlines from the media.

    She gets found out later, but that always seems to get buried by the media and no-one holds her to account.
    He's not allowed to say she lied, at least in the Chamber, as he'd get done for using unparliamentary language by the Speaker. I'm not even sure he can say she _deliberately_ misled the house.
  • Reported in the Guardian via a tweet - Matthew Butcher, who works for the Green MP Caroline Lucas, points out that the spokesperson for Cambridge Analytica (Clarence Mitchell) stood against her as a Conservative candidate in the 2015 general election.

  • aliwibble said:

    TelMc32 said:

    aliwibble said:

    Mrs May apparently misled the house over the case of "Albert Thompson" in PMQs today.

    FFS her out properly. SHE LIED!!! It’s what she does. Buys herself a few roars of encouragement from her side & gets all the headlines from the media.

    She gets found out later, but that always seems to get buried by the media and no-one holds her to account.
    He's not allowed to say she lied, at least in the Chamber, as he'd get done for using unparliamentary language by the Speaker. I'm not even sure he can say she _deliberately_ misled the house.
    Which, quite frankly is the bastards out.
  • To be fair though (also reported in the Guardian):-

    Damian Collins, the Conservative MP who chairs the Commons culture committee, was asked on Sky News a few minutes ago if he trusted the results of the inquiry that Cambridge Analytica has set up into its own conduct. He replied:

    Well, no, I don’t. We need to see the methodology behind that, the evidence they were looking at. What they should do is make themselves open and available to the information commissioner. This requires independent investigation of whether the UK’s data protection laws were broken. And that is why the information commissioner needs to be involved.

    He also said that the committee still wanted Alexander Nix, the suspended Cambridge Analytica CEO, to return to the committee to give evidence as soon as possible and that the committee had not ruled out issuing a formal summons if he continued to refuse to appear.
  • Well at least the economy is doing well...

    Oh wait a minute, 1st quarter growth at only 0.1% which actually means that GDP per head has actually dropped 0.1% (increased population).
  • Has Amber cRudd resigned yet? If not, why not?
  • Greenie said:

    Has Amber cRudd resigned yet? If not, why not?

    Called being an arrogant brass neck.

  • Amber Rudd has delivered an unprecedented apology for the “appalling” actions of her own department towards Windrush-era citizens, acknowledging that the Home Office had “lost sight of individuals” and become “too concerned with policy”.

    So that is her department working to rule changes brought about by Theresa May when she was Home Secretary , shouldn't the buck stop very firmly with those two.

    Theresa May and Amber Rudd:
    The chuckle sisters.
    From me to you.
  • Isn't the Tory party one that is unaware of it's casual, almost subconscious and deep seated racism?
    I was pondering on the famous Enoch Powell rivers of blood speech, which has been brought in to focus by this Windrush scandal.
    Powell said that in a short period of time the black man would have the whip hand over the white man.
    Now imagine if in the context of that speech the immigration 'problem' was a huge number of Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians from the commonwealth who were here rebuilding Britain, working in public and transport services, and living in sub standard conditions in Brixton or Notting Hill.

    What would Powell have said then? 'In ten or fifteen years the white man would hold the whip hand over the white man'?

    It is the blackness of the foreigner that mattered to him and others, not the immigration status because after all the Windrush generation were invitees not immigrants in the usual sense.

    In that context we have further knowledge of the 'institutional racism' related to the Stephen Lawrence affair which may be party political free, but the Windrush scandal certainly isn't. Theresa May in ratcheting up her anti immigrant policy, and Amber Rudd charging gung ho on with it were warned about the impact, mainly on black commonwealth/British citizens of their policy. Even though they knew in advance full well what they were doing maybe they thought it was a good broad brush policy, and if some black people were swept up with the others then they would worry about that later, let them appeal if we've go it wrong, but it is better to pursue that hostile policy than let potentially illegal immigrants have the 'whip hand'.

    What a lot of people can't stand is what they see as cultural dilution most easily identified in terms of skin colour, rather than seeing it as cultural enrichment, and a lot of those people find a happy home in the Tory Party I'm afraid.

    Amber Rudd should obviously go, all this notion of staying on to put matters right is a load of bollocks in my view. However as Amber Rudd sashays out of the door she ought to look daggers and give the evils to Theresa May who is washing her own hands of the responsibility for this scandal.

    I am not saying that the whole of the Tory party is racist, or all Tory voters are, but in the same way that people feel Labour is culturally tainted with anti semitism, so the Tories are culturally tainted with racism in a pretty big and impactful way.

    In the context of the legacy of Enoch Powell, and the current Windrush scandal David Lamy has it right, if you lie down with dogs you get fleas.
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