As a tall person I don't feel I get enough respect from smaller members of society. I'd make it a legal requirement for anyone shorter than me to bow or courtesy whenever I pass.
Reduce the retirement age. Set a maximum amount of hours legal to work in a week in one job. Build communities again through pubs (as suggested in your first point), football pitches etc. to counter all this break down of communities caused by all this social media rubbish (am I getting old?)..
Any foreign national found guilty of a criminal offence (not speeding/driving offences or minor crimes like DOD etc) to be deported once their sentence is complete. No appeal process, immediate deportation.
would rather we didn't foot the bill and just deportation straight away once a person is found guilty, actually think it would cut crime as we are a lot more lenient than other countries.
Not so sure it would. Foreign criminals would know THE best place to commit a crime was the UK. They'd know the worst that would happen would be getting sent home. Better deterrent would be to say they be transferred to Saudi Arabia for sentencing and punishment.
Benefits in the form of vouchers only exchangeable for what the benefit is meant for. Not fags, sweets, sugary drinks, alcohol and scratch cards.
@paulbaconsarnie I agree with your sentiment - most of the work shy seem to be wearing the latest trainers and holding the latest mobile phone - but as a nation we need to be careful not to implement too many do's and don'ts which restrict personal freedom, otherwise things become a bit Gadafi/Saddam ish.
One of the pitfalls of our benefit system is that those who are truly in need of a safety-net are overlooked for those that know how to play the system - e.g. all their kids have ADHD, all the adults have mobility problems/asthma/back injury etc etc. Meanwhile working families are just about managing and an increase in child benefit or some kind of winter fuel allowance would be money well spent.
Giving child benefit and winter fuel supplement to high net worth individuals is a waste of public money.
It'll be interesting to see how this works in practice (assuming May is elected). The Govt. currently spends circa £2bn pa on the WFA. Taking out higher rate tax payers (fairly easy to do) plus taxing the allowance for regular tax payers would save only £250mn. But the latter is not so easy to do in reality. What if there were a couple of regular tax payers in the same property? What if the WFA recipient had their wealthy offspring living at home? What if individuals were earnings poor but savings rich? All that makes for a complex means test being needed. I guess this is why I've heard charities say that means testing the WFA would cost more than it would save.
The big(ish) potential saving could be to restrict the WFA to those in receipt of pension credit. That's a nice little £1.7bn the Govt. gets to spend on something else.
The snag for the Govt. is there are well in excess of 1mn people who could claim pension credit but don't. These individuals are likely to be the very people that would need the WFA the most. (@Fiiish should be along soon to accuse you of wanting poor old people to freeze to death.) Trouble is, too, that if these individuals were to suddenly claim for what they are entitled to by way of pension credit because they really needed the WFA, that would cost the Govt. up to an additional £3.25bn.
Five day week, five day weekend. Employ people on alternate weeks. "Equipment" always in use, customers always served, employees have loads of "me" time.
Means test winter fuel allowance, cut benefits, increase VAT, make them who can afford it least to pay more tax, introduce more private and/or foreign companies into the NHS, increase net immigration despite saying the opposite, increase higher education fee limits, cut funding for state schools, move retirement age further away for the masses, increase borrowing and ignore previous mentioned targets and alienate us from the rest of western Europe and no immediate increase on beer and fags. And tell us its fairer society this way.
Any foreign national found guilty of a criminal offence (not speeding/driving offences or minor crimes like DOD etc) to be deported once their sentence is complete. No appeal process, immediate deportation.
would rather we didn't foot the bill and just deportation straight away once a person is found guilty, actually think it would cut crime as we are a lot more lenient than other countries.
Providing we hand them straight to their authorities for punishment, I agree.
Can imagine that cheeky Iraqi bloke (who stole my pushbike when I was 10 and he was a grown man) now and picturing his face as they sharpen the blade to take a hand...
It seems like you and Roland have something in common...
A universal income was one of his parties main policies. Was it Switzerland they tried to do this recently?
I think it's cracking idea with a hell of a lot of upsides. I think Switzerland voted against it but Finland have introduced it on a small scale. Among others, some of the best reasons for UBI:
1. there is no evidence that people stop wanting to work when given basic income 2. people are free to choose to follow a niche profession or even retrain without worrying about falling into poverty 3. it eliminates nearly all the expensive bureaucracy of the welfare state 4. also eliminates benefit fraud 5. people are less likely to commit crime out of desperation
As a tall person I don't feel I get enough respect from smaller members of society. I'd make it a legal requirement for anyone shorter than me to bow or courtesy whenever I pass.
As a fellow tall person I agree with this and would also like all busses & planes rebuilt to accommodate for my lanky legs. I have to sit sideways on some transport.
As a tall person I don't feel I get enough respect from smaller members of society. I'd make it a legal requirement for anyone shorter than me to bow or courtesy whenever I pass.
As a fellow tall person I agree with this and would also like all busses & planes rebuilt to accommodate for my lanky legs. I have to sit sideways on some transport.
As a short person, well 174cm tall, I'd take a hack saw to all 4 of your legs gents. Then you'd see the pain us midgets face daily.
Teach young people to drive for free as part of their college education - thus ensuring a consistent standard. Then add the cost of the course to student loan figure, OR make them go onto taxi/psv training, then lease them a vehicle with a payback plan.
It is ridiculous that we have to import labour to drive taxis/delivery vans etc, when we have so many young people who want to drive and want to work.
I know 2 young people that drive for supermarket home deliveries and they would be on the dole if their parents hadn't paid for them to pass the driving test. Now they are working tax payers, providing a valuable service.
Autonomous vehicles will pull the plug on that plan as soon as it begins to bear fruit.
Teach young people to drive for free as part of their college education - thus ensuring a consistent standard. Then add the cost of the course to student loan figure, OR make them go onto taxi/psv training, then lease them a vehicle with a payback plan.
It is ridiculous that we have to import labour to drive taxis/delivery vans etc, when we have so many young people who want to drive and want to work.
I know 2 young people that drive for supermarket home deliveries and they would be on the dole if their parents hadn't paid for them to pass the driving test. Now they are working tax payers, providing a valuable service.
Autonomous vehicles will pull the plug on that plan as soon as it begins to bear fruit.
It's much closer than most think.
That's what Mrs Fiiish yelled to me just before one ran me over.
reduce retirement age to 60 so as to get the long term unemployed into work. Can be funded by the saving in unemployment benefit. Win win situation.
As a small scale employer we have somebody working for us that is 70 and has been left behind by modern technology such as the phone and tills, but we have no rights and would feel absolutely terrible about doing the correct thing for the business.
You aren't obliged to retain someone beyond the state retirement age for men.
Reduce the retirement age. Set a maximum amount of hours legal to work in a week in one job. Build communities again through pubs (as suggested in your first point), football pitches etc. to counter all this break down of communities caused by all this social media rubbish (am I getting old?)..
You missed out bringing back National Service and the Death Penalty ;-)
You have the right to punch a slow walking person looking at their phone in the back of the head.
This. Walking whilst looking at a phone would be punishable by death. If you want to look at a map or text someone stand to the side or wait till you reach your destination.
Set a maximum amount of hours legal to work in a week in one job.
Build communities again through pubs (as suggested in your first point), football pitches etc. to counter all this break down of communities caused by all this social media rubbish (am I getting old?)..
I agree with your sentiment - most of the work shy seem to be wearing the latest trainers and holding the latest mobile phone - but as a nation we need to be careful not to implement too many do's and don'ts which restrict personal freedom, otherwise things become a bit Gadafi/Saddam ish.
One of the pitfalls of our benefit system is that those who are truly in need of a safety-net are overlooked for those that know how to play the system - e.g. all their kids have ADHD, all the adults have mobility problems/asthma/back injury etc etc. Meanwhile working families are just about managing and an increase in child benefit or some kind of winter fuel allowance would be money well spent.
Giving child benefit and winter fuel supplement to high net worth individuals is a waste of public money.
The big(ish) potential saving could be to restrict the WFA to those in receipt of pension credit. That's a nice little £1.7bn the Govt. gets to spend on something else.
The snag for the Govt. is there are well in excess of 1mn people who could claim pension credit but don't. These individuals are likely to be the very people that would need the WFA the most. (@Fiiish should be along soon to accuse you of wanting poor old people to freeze to death.) Trouble is, too, that if these individuals were to suddenly claim for what they are entitled to by way of pension credit because they really needed the WFA, that would cost the Govt. up to an additional £3.25bn.
Can imagine that cheeky Iraqi bloke (who stole my pushbike when I was 10 and he was a grown man) now and picturing his face as they sharpen the blade to take a hand...
1. there is no evidence that people stop wanting to work when given basic income
2. people are free to choose to follow a niche profession or even retrain without worrying about falling into poverty
3. it eliminates nearly all the expensive bureaucracy of the welfare state
4. also eliminates benefit fraud
5. people are less likely to commit crime out of desperation
It's much closer than most think.