Very simple, somebody asks a question about which scenario you would pick when given a choice of two.
It's one or the other, no ifs and maybe
I will start with a political question
So, would you rather
A) shag Theresa May and nobody finds out about it

get sucked off by Dianne "the" Abbot and it goes virol and I mean she tells the Sun about putting one of her sausage fingers up your bum to help you "get there"
I can assure you that's not the case.
For a less disgusting question, would you rather:
1) Change genders every time you sneezed; OR
2) Not be able to distinguish between a baby and a muffin?
B for Paddy's as i don't like babies and I don't like muffins
I would rather have sex with a hedgehog than let Abbott get her mouth around me old chap
In fact I'd quite like it to happen.
It's an "A" from me
A ) Eat a poo that tastes like delicious curry.
B ) Eat a curry that tastes like poo.