Fed up of the arguments and hate coming from certain angles on here.
Being a Charlton fan doesn't mean having to support CARD or the protests. I personally support both, but seeing how some people are behaving on here isn't going to make those that aren't for the protests change their mind.
Our club is being gradually torn apart and there is no use tearing up the fanbase, who we so often remind RD and KM are the ones that will be here forever.
Whatever your view is doesn't make you any more or less of a Charlton fan than others.
Whatever actions we will each be taking next year we need to unite for the success of the club, and if people see different methods to achieving this success just leave them be.
I have nothing against the anti-CARD/protest lot. But I can see that many of the hardline protesters have shown their true colours (there is a difference between debate and personal attacks), which is far more damaging to the protest movement than the small number of fans that are against the protests.
Good times will come back and let's be unified together in bringing this about! "Football is nothing without fans", so stop trying to create divisions between us.
; )
However, as you are aware thousands have now walked away from the club during their ownership, and of the 8,000 home fans in the ground yesterday, you could see and hear that it is also the vast majority view of those still going that they are wrong for this club and should leave. So the vast majority of Charlton fans are currently 'protesters' and it should be no surprise that is the majority view displayed on places like here. It's not all that way though, there's still a number of people that post on here who don't agree with the protests, and general criticisms of protests, for example, yours of yesterday's protest are perfectly valid.
Personal abuse should never be used in any posts on here, regardless of the subject, and those that do just make themselves look stupid to everyone else.
The season has finished now, I think everyone should just take their foot off the gas and take stock, evaluate where things are in a couple of months time.
"You all live in cuckoo land"
"Then you are gullible..."
"Charlton are red and white not black and white totally embarrassing"
"Another Johnny come lately that has never seen the 70's and 80's"
"After giving it Charlie big potatoes and melted...Let's get that out there"
"Another Johnny come lately then"
"Then fuck off to Millwall"
"The man is a stalker"
"Another deluded member of CARD justifies their actions. it is laughable"
"All these sad people that would rather protest than support the club and asking for the club to be sold you don't even know who it would be sold to and what there intentions would be you really do live in cloud cuckoo land."
That's WhenIwasalittleboy's recent quotes.
"Easy to be big behind a keyboard"
"Well since you don't come down to the Valley - why don't you move on"
"Sorry just had a quick nap from your boring posts.Please remind me of your point.Just waking up again" (sic)
That's from raytreacey69...
As you can see, rudeness is not exclusive to us protesters.
"Whatever actions we will each be taking next year we need to unite for the success of the club, and if people see different methods to achieving this success just leave them be." That works both ways, why don't the Roland fans leave the protesters be instead of popping up every now and then on a forum that is massively behind the protests and having a pop?
Ray Tracey was very busy last night arguing how ineffectual the protests have been, but the overall tone was he had no interest in debate, and simply came on to annoy, as he successfully avoided answering anyone who offered an alternative viewpoint to his. He was quick off the mark to respond to anyone who called him a WUM.
All in all this is a sorry state of affairs, but there are a few who seem to regard the protests as vile, but the regime are okay for sticking it to CARD. Not exactly conducive to harmony.
I know as he is a mate of mine and I've been asking him questions for ages.
Same answer every time.
Time to move on.
Draw a line under it.
Trouble is I can't all the time nothing changes and we continue to go backwards.
But i now have my flag collection and would rather not add to it.
He is Charlton through and through we just see things differently that's all.