The latest edition is a great read, probably the best yet with a superb Steve Brown interview, a museum article, a review of the accounts and a view on the way forward by Barnie Razzell.
Oh ... and the inside back page reveals that the next edition will, without a doubt, be the best ever ;-)
But, as you are by far our favourite non-member, we will put one in the mail for you. You can pay for postage next season.
Don't forget - to be a member of CAS Trust costs just 10p per week. You know you want to.....
Would be good of the Trust to let the museum to have copies of all their publications so they are preserved for historical reference.
You can take £5 off the facility fee you never paid us for filming in the Museum with the BBC if you like.
Or you could do us the courtesy of giving us a "free" copy of a newsletter that has a feature about us.
Would still like a set of newsletters for our archives along with any other fan produced mags, leaflets, flyers, posters, banners etc etc from any era for the collection.
We have 8 Supporters clubs magazines from the 1950s but don't have all the Valiant Viewpoints from the 80s/90s.
We have a letter from the supporters club from 1922 to Scotty Kingsley and a Silver cigar box presented to Jimmy Seed by the supporters club in 1957.
But more supporter created items (badges, rattles, t-shirts etc) always welcome.
I also have issue 7 and 10 for the museum.
I also have a few No7s , and 1 number 10 for swaps.
I can supply the museum with all the issues in a pdf form.
Pico may well have some spares.
Having moved recently I may well have others, I will see if I can get some others lurking around in the loft.