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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • JamesSeed said:

    irudd123 said:

    As ambiguous as it may be, let's not shy away from the fact that it's the FIRST official announcement we have had from the club, with a buyer mentioned, tying it all together. It makes it what it is, an official announcement. Surely that has to be significant? And wouldn't have been made (hopefully) without substance.....

    Now, who said Zabeel....?

    And who’d have thought it would take Jimmy Seed’s metal head to make it happen ;-)
    So you're saying Jimmy Seed was in to Slayer / Iron Maiden? Nice!
  • Well I'm still none the wiser on where the takeover is so will continue to hold out on purchasing a season ticket.
  • Encouraging news I suppose but it doesn’t appear close to me.
  • Sounds to me like they don't have/aren't willing to invest enough without additional investors.
    Possibly because they were declined by the EFL due to involvement with other clubs.

    From the joint statement, I would have to agree with your first sentence. This could drag and drag whilst the owner plays his hand by looking after his euros and trying if he can help it by not increasing his debt, anymore than he has to, whilst the Aussies continue to get this deal done.

    As you were.
  • Encouraging news I suppose but it doesn’t appear close to me.

    Agreed - if it was "imminent", they would've just waiting for the announcement to say all done.
  • edited June 2018

    Key sentence is this one from the Aussies:

    'Understandably, negotiations of this scale take time due to the enormous amount of due diligence that goes on behind the scenes, the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities of a football takeover and the challenges of assembling an ownership group.'

    'the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities' Suggests the EFL are not happy with the current status of the proposed ownership.

    'the challenges of assembling an ownership group.' See the repeated claims of @nth london addick. They haven't got all the investors on board / funds required yet. i.e Roland's asking price.

    This has got a while to go yet I feel.

    Maybe but the wording is very carefully done.

    It doesn't say that those issues still remain to be addressed or have been completed.

    It deliberately, IMHO, leaves it open to interpretation so avoids having to putting a timescale on completion or having to say exactly what stage we are at.

    It could well be that there is still an issue with the EFL, due dillegence is not complete and the ownership group has not been finalised.

    But it could equally mean all three have been completed and that's why it has taken so long but it's about to be over.

    You pay your money and you take your pick.

    Things we do know.

    It's on the OS.

    The statement has agreed by both parties

    The deal isn't off

    This thread will hit 950 pages tonight

    The British group aren't even mentioned

    @JamesSeed would be fully entitled to say "in your face Carly Burn and the rest of you trolls" but he won't.

    The takeover remains 0% done and will remain so until it is 100% done

    We still don't have clarity on what, if anything has delayed the deal.

    We still don't have clarity on when it will, if ever, be completed.

    As ever don't panic and when it's on the OS

    Agree with all your other points but don't think a poster(s)are trolls for being sceptical and even cynical over hitherto unsubstantiated postings given the context of the takeover saga and numerous false dawns.

    Good to see there is some substance to what has been posted now for those of us not ITK although concerning as to why it continues to be so protracted with no sign of being complete by next season if at all.

    Better than nothing though and good it has been published in an official capacity.
    No one is really ITK. I only know the same as you because I pass on what I hear, which since the beer meeting, is very little. So I'm ITK for as long as it takes for me to type the info.
    Rich Cawley and Airman also living off scraps, as are others on the Duchâtelet/Murray side.
    Tbh I think I passed on too much earlier on, hence my rightful position as fan director is now in jeapordy.
  • edited June 2018
    Macronate said:

    People need to lay off @JamesSeed now otherwise he’s going to serve up a huge chunk of humble on their asses.

    I'd rather he served up huge chunks of raspberry fool :)
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  • I hope they re not waiting for Ashley to sell Newcastle. We could be in for a long wait.
  • Reckon Mr Seed can rest easy with that one. He never said imminent, just today, and we now have a statement.

  • JamesSeed said:

    Key sentence is this one from the Aussies:

    'Understandably, negotiations of this scale take time due to the enormous amount of due diligence that goes on behind the scenes, the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities of a football takeover and the challenges of assembling an ownership group.'

    'the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities' Suggests the EFL are not happy with the current status of the proposed ownership.

    'the challenges of assembling an ownership group.' See the repeated claims of @nth london addick. They haven't got all the investors on board / funds required yet. i.e Roland's asking price.

    This has got a while to go yet I feel.

    Maybe but the wording is very carefully done.

    It doesn't say that those issues still remain to be addressed or have been completed.

    It deliberately, IMHO, leaves it open to interpretation so avoids having to putting a timescale on completion or having to say exactly what stage we are at.

    It could well be that there is still an issue with the EFL, due dillegence is not complete and the ownership group has not been finalised.

    But it could equally mean all three have been completed and that's why it has taken so long but it's about to be over.

    You pay your money and you take your pick.

    Things we do know.

    It's on the OS.

    The statement has agreed by both parties

    The deal isn't off

    This thread will hit 950 pages tonight

    The British group aren't even mentioned

    @JamesSeed would be fully entitled to say "in your face Carly Burn and the rest of you trolls" but he won't.

    The takeover remains 0% done and will remain so until it is 100% done

    We still don't have clarity on what, if anything has delayed the deal.

    We still don't have clarity on when it will, if ever, be completed.

    As ever don't panic and when it's on the OS

    Agree with all your other points but don't think a poster(s)are trolls for being sceptical and even cynical over hitherto unsubstantiated postings given the context of the takeover saga and numerous false dawns.

    Good to see there is some substance to what has been posted now for those of us not ITK although concerning as to why it continues to be so protracted with no sign of being complete by next season if at all.

    Better than nothing though and good it has been published in an official capacity.
    No one is really ITK. I only know the same as you because I pass on what I hear, which since the beer meeting, is very little. So I'm ITK for as long as it takes for me to type the info.
    Rich Cawley and Airman also living off scraps, as our others on the Duchâtelet/Murray side.
    Tbh I think I passed on too much earlier on, hence my rightful position as fan director is now in jeapordy.
    AND your boast of being the current CL Spelling Bee champion !
  • edited June 2018

    JamesSeed said:

    Key sentence is this one from the Aussies:

    'Understandably, negotiations of this scale take time due to the enormous amount of due diligence that goes on behind the scenes, the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities of a football takeover and the challenges of assembling an ownership group.'

    'the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities' Suggests the EFL are not happy with the current status of the proposed ownership.

    'the challenges of assembling an ownership group.' See the repeated claims of @nth london addick. They haven't got all the investors on board / funds required yet. i.e Roland's asking price.

    This has got a while to go yet I feel.

    Maybe but the wording is very carefully done.

    It doesn't say that those issues still remain to be addressed or have been completed.

    It deliberately, IMHO, leaves it open to interpretation so avoids having to putting a timescale on completion or having to say exactly what stage we are at.

    It could well be that there is still an issue with the EFL, due dillegence is not complete and the ownership group has not been finalised.

    But it could equally mean all three have been completed and that's why it has taken so long but it's about to be over.

    You pay your money and you take your pick.

    Things we do know.

    It's on the OS.

    The statement has agreed by both parties

    The deal isn't off

    This thread will hit 950 pages tonight

    The British group aren't even mentioned

    @JamesSeed would be fully entitled to say "in your face Carly Burn and the rest of you trolls" but he won't.

    The takeover remains 0% done and will remain so until it is 100% done

    We still don't have clarity on what, if anything has delayed the deal.

    We still don't have clarity on when it will, if ever, be completed.

    As ever don't panic and when it's on the OS

    Agree with all your other points but don't think a poster(s)are trolls for being sceptical and even cynical over hitherto unsubstantiated postings given the context of the takeover saga and numerous false dawns.

    Good to see there is some substance to what has been posted now for those of us not ITK although concerning as to why it continues to be so protracted with no sign of being complete by next season if at all.

    Better than nothing though and good it has been published in an official capacity.
    No one is really ITK. I only know the same as you because I pass on what I hear, which since the beer meeting, is very little. So I'm ITK for as long as it takes for me to type the info.
    Rich Cawley and Airman also living off scraps, as our others on the Duchâtelet/Murray side.
    Tbh I think I passed on too much earlier on, hence my rightful position as fan director is now in jeapordy.
    AND your boast of being the current CL Spelling Bee champion !
    Never happy until I’ve seen Fanny

  • The Arabs are out of the World Cup now, so hurry up RH, get old Princey boy over here sharpish!
  • JamesSeed said:

    Key sentence is this one from the Aussies:

    'Understandably, negotiations of this scale take time due to the enormous amount of due diligence that goes on behind the scenes, the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities of a football takeover and the challenges of assembling an ownership group.'

    'the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities' Suggests the EFL are not happy with the current status of the proposed ownership.

    'the challenges of assembling an ownership group.' See the repeated claims of @nth london addick. They haven't got all the investors on board / funds required yet. i.e Roland's asking price.

    This has got a while to go yet I feel.

    Maybe but the wording is very carefully done.

    It doesn't say that those issues still remain to be addressed or have been completed.

    It deliberately, IMHO, leaves it open to interpretation so avoids having to putting a timescale on completion or having to say exactly what stage we are at.

    It could well be that there is still an issue with the EFL, due dillegence is not complete and the ownership group has not been finalised.

    But it could equally mean all three have been completed and that's why it has taken so long but it's about to be over.

    You pay your money and you take your pick.

    Things we do know.

    It's on the OS.

    The statement has agreed by both parties

    The deal isn't off

    This thread will hit 950 pages tonight

    The British group aren't even mentioned

    @JamesSeed would be fully entitled to say "in your face Carly Burn and the rest of you trolls" but he won't.

    The takeover remains 0% done and will remain so until it is 100% done

    We still don't have clarity on what, if anything has delayed the deal.

    We still don't have clarity on when it will, if ever, be completed.

    As ever don't panic and when it's on the OS

    Agree with all your other points but don't think a poster(s)are trolls for being sceptical and even cynical over hitherto unsubstantiated postings given the context of the takeover saga and numerous false dawns.

    Good to see there is some substance to what has been posted now for those of us not ITK although concerning as to why it continues to be so protracted with no sign of being complete by next season if at all.

    Better than nothing though and good it has been published in an official capacity.
    No one is really ITK. I only know the same as you because I pass on what I hear, which since the beer meeting, is very little. So I'm ITK for as long as it takes for me to type the info.
    Rich Cawley and Airman also living off scraps, as our others on the Duchâtelet/Murray side.
    Tbh I think I passed on too much earlier on, hence my rightful position as fan director is now in jeapordy.
    AND your boast of being the current CL Spelling Bee champion !
    Never happy until I’ve seen Fanny

    Ain't we all:)
  • mascot88 said:

    he's never going to leave.

    if we get out of this NOT in div 4, itll be a miracle.

    his death is our only hope.

    On many occasions you have referred to the death of Duchatelet.

    Be ashamed of yourself, that is a disgusting thing to say.
    We are all destined to die and Duchatelet did predict his own shelf life a few years ago, publicly.
    Its a part of life, (or may be it isn't).
    I don't wish his life away but hopefully I've got many more years left in me supporting Charlton than he has owning Charlton.

    (I only posted this because I have nothing of value to add to this thread but like so many others want it to reach a 1000 pages before we are sold or relegated to division 4. Just doing my bit.)

    JamesSeed said:

    Key sentence is this one from the Aussies:

    'Understandably, negotiations of this scale take time due to the enormous amount of due diligence that goes on behind the scenes, the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities of a football takeover and the challenges of assembling an ownership group.'

    'the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities' Suggests the EFL are not happy with the current status of the proposed ownership.

    'the challenges of assembling an ownership group.' See the repeated claims of @nth london addick. They haven't got all the investors on board / funds required yet. i.e Roland's asking price.

    This has got a while to go yet I feel.

    Maybe but the wording is very carefully done.

    It doesn't say that those issues still remain to be addressed or have been completed.

    It deliberately, IMHO, leaves it open to interpretation so avoids having to putting a timescale on completion or having to say exactly what stage we are at.

    It could well be that there is still an issue with the EFL, due dillegence is not complete and the ownership group has not been finalised.

    But it could equally mean all three have been completed and that's why it has taken so long but it's about to be over.

    You pay your money and you take your pick.

    Things we do know.

    It's on the OS.

    The statement has agreed by both parties

    The deal isn't off

    This thread will hit 950 pages tonight

    The British group aren't even mentioned

    @JamesSeed would be fully entitled to say "in your face Carly Burn and the rest of you trolls" but he won't.

    The takeover remains 0% done and will remain so until it is 100% done

    We still don't have clarity on what, if anything has delayed the deal.

    We still don't have clarity on when it will, if ever, be completed.

    As ever don't panic and when it's on the OS

    Agree with all your other points but don't think a poster(s)are trolls for being sceptical and even cynical over hitherto unsubstantiated postings given the context of the takeover saga and numerous false dawns.

    Good to see there is some substance to what has been posted now for those of us not ITK although concerning as to why it continues to be so protracted with no sign of being complete by next season if at all.

    Better than nothing though and good it has been published in an official capacity.
    No one is really ITK. I only know the same as you because I pass on what I hear, which since the beer meeting, is very little. So I'm ITK for as long as it takes for me to type the info.
    Rich Cawley and Airman also living off scraps, as our others on the Duchâtelet/Murray side.
    Tbh I think I passed on too much earlier on, hence my rightful position as fan director is now in jeapordy.
    AND your boast of being the current CL Spelling Bee champion !
    Never happy until I’ve seen Fanny

    Ain't we all:)
  • Key sentence is this one from the Aussies:

    'Understandably, negotiations of this scale take time due to the enormous amount of due diligence that goes on behind the scenes, the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities of a football takeover and the challenges of assembling an ownership group.'

    'the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities' Suggests the EFL are not happy with the current status of the proposed ownership.

    'the challenges of assembling an ownership group.' See the repeated claims of @nth london addick. They haven't got all the investors on board / funds required yet. i.e Roland's asking price.

    This has got a while to go yet I feel.

    Maybe but the wording is very carefully done.

    It doesn't say that those issues still remain to be addressed or have been completed.

    It deliberately, IMHO, leaves it open to interpretation so avoids having to putting a timescale on completion or having to say exactly what stage we are at.

    It could well be that there is still an issue with the EFL, due dillegence is not complete and the ownership group has not been finalised.

    But it could equally mean all three have been completed and that's why it has taken so long but it's about to be over.

    You pay your money and you take your pick.

    Things we do know.

    It's on the OS.

    The statement has agreed by both parties

    The deal isn't off

    This thread will hit 950 pages tonight

    The British group aren't even mentioned

    @JamesSeed would be fully entitled to say "in your face Carly Burn and the rest of you trolls" but he won't.

    The takeover remains 0% done and will remain so until it is 100% done

    We still don't have clarity on what, if anything has delayed the deal.

    We still don't have clarity on when it will, if ever, be completed.

    As ever don't panic and when it's on the OS

    And Henry, nailed on that this thread will get to 1,000 pages before the end of June.
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  • Woah! Just got in and seen there are 11 pages to read.
    Probably all crap and we'll finally see that James Seed is just a blagger.
  • Woah! Just got in and seen there are 11 pages to read.
    Probably all crap and we'll finally see that James Seed is just a blagger.

    All true.
    James Seed has resigned from Charlton life in disgrace and the takeover has collapsed.
  • Macronate said:

    People need to lay off @JamesSeed now otherwise he’s going to serve up a huge chunk of humble on their asses.

    I'd rather he served up huge chunks of raspberry fool :)
    You want @JamesSeed to put large chunks of raspberry fool on your ass @MartinCAFC? I'm a broad minded man but that is just sick :wink:
    There are _worse_ places to put it, but I'm assuming Martin doesn't have those.
  • edited June 2018

    Woah! Just got in and seen there are 11 pages to read.
    Probably all crap and we'll finally see that James Seed is just a blagger.

    All true.
    James Seed has resigned from Charlton life in disgrace and the takeover has collapsed.
    Don't worry, there's always a warm welcome for me over at not6 another forum.
  • So, back to my post of 11 days ago then, deal not done. No brown cable laid since, Efl and dd still a factor - that's been dragging on a bit as completed before xmas according to some.... - anyone for a Brit Aussie combined consortium???? Last bit a guess btw
  • aliwibble said:

    Macronate said:

    People need to lay off @JamesSeed now otherwise he’s going to serve up a huge chunk of humble on their asses.

    I'd rather he served up huge chunks of raspberry fool :)
    You want @JamesSeed to put large chunks of raspberry fool on your ass @MartinCAFC? I'm a broad minded man but that is just sick :wink:
    There are _worse_ places to put it, but I'm assuming Martin doesn't have those.
    I'm seeing you in a whole new light @aliwibble
  • It is a shame the Aussies cannot be as daft as RD on taking over a football club, not bothering to do DD and done in a few weeks :smiley:

    The below statement has been jointly-produced by Charlton Athletic and a group of investors hoping to take over the club.

    Charlton Athletic can confirm that it is expecting a takeover of the club to be completed by a select group of investors linked to The Australian Football Consortium.

    The group has a significant interest in the long-term prosperity of the club and is committed to seeing the deal go ahead.

    Understandably, negotiations of this scale take time due to the enormous amount of due diligence that goes on behind the scenes, the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities of a football takeover and the challenges of assembling an ownership group.

    The current ownership would like to assure the club’s supporters that the running of the club will remain its priority throughout this process. The club’s management team are focused on the club’s operations, and Lee Bowyer and his staff are continuing their preparations for the upcoming season.

    We will provide a further update when further developments are made. In the meantime, thank you for your continued support.

    If you ask me THIS is the main reason any deal is taking so long to complete.

    Key sentence is this one from the Aussies:

    'Understandably, negotiations of this scale take time due to the enormous amount of due diligence that goes on behind the scenes, the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities of a football takeover and the challenges of assembling an ownership group.'

    'the need to satisfy the regulatory complexities' Suggests the EFL are not happy with the current status of the proposed ownership.

    'the challenges of assembling an ownership group.' See the repeated claims of @nth london addick. They haven't got all the investors on board / funds required yet. i.e Roland's asking price.

    This has got a while to go yet I feel.

    This 100%
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!