Two weeks ago, Melexis was in the news. About 18 months ago Melexis opened a new site/building for the future. Turns out ... it's too small ... and they gonna double it in size. Apparently, on average, every car in the world has 8 processors, designed and/or build by Melexis. Great news for RD's wallet ... Yesterday, RD was on Flemish TV again. No word on football, but again his view on corruption and partners to do business with. As in the 30min. French spoken interview 3 days ago, he claims that most countries in the world are corrupt. Every nation in Africa is corrupt, the same goes for South America. In Asia he only considers Japan & Indonesia as proper possible business partners (it's here in the French spoken interview "viable" comes in). For the rest he looks at North America and a certain number of European countries, to do business with. So ... if he remains true to his word ... you won't have an oligarch from Fuckupistan as a new owner. But ... if so ... I'll still buy Red Chaser that beer ...
Two weeks ago, Melexis was in the news. About 18 months ago Melexis opened a new site/building for the future. Turns out ... it's too small ... and they gonna double it in size. Apparently, on average, every car in the world has 8 processors, designed and/or build by Melexis. Great news for RD's wallet ... Yesterday, RD was on Flemish TV again. No word on football, but again his view on corruption and partners to do business with. As in the 30min. French spoken interview 3 days ago, he claims that most countries in the world are corrupt. Every nation in Africa is corrupt, the same goes for South America. In Asia he only considers Japan & Indonesia as proper possible business partners (it's here in the French spoken interview "viable" comes in). For the rest he looks at North America and a certain number of European countries, to do business with. So ... if he remains true to his word ... you won't have an oligarch from Fuckupistan as a new owner. But ... if so ... I'll still buy Red Chaser that beer ...
Whole nations/continents written off as corrupt. Good job no one has made any sweeping judgements about Belgians based on the great genius and his puppet...or been accused of xenophobia by said puppet.
The real tragedy for Charlton is that if Duchâtelet had decided to put the necessary energy and his obvious business acumen into the football club we might actually have done wonderfully well with him as owner. Instead he treated us as a mad social experiment and the supporters with contempt.
The real tragedy for Charlton is that if Duchâtelet had decided to put the necessary energy and his obvious business acumen into the football club we might actually have done wonderfully well with him as owner. Instead he treated us as a mad social experiment and the supporters with contempt.
A spokesman for "Ditch uk" told anyone that would listen, de club is not for sale and these rumours by the owner are not helpful. Phase 1905 of the SL improvements are ahead of schedule although a definite date of completion cannot be given, photographs show the ditch reaching the advanced stages.
The real tragedy for Charlton is that if Duchâtelet had decided to put the necessary energy and his obvious business acumen into the football club we might actually have done wonderfully well with him as owner. Instead he treated us as a mad social experiment and the supporters with contempt.
Sorry for repeating this again.......but I’m convinced he has a number of sociopathic traits, one being his inability to grasp human empathy and emotions. It just isn’t on his agenda. Football is a business where you’re going to find that by the truck load, if you choose to ignore it you are going to be on a loser from the get go.......and so it’s proved. Fans are neither customers or computer components.......or anything in between. .
We need to get the Roland Out and She Hasn't a Clue chants going on Saturday, just to re-enforce the fact that we want the pair of them gone and quickly!!
This thread only makes sense if you read it is imminent..8765 posts later Roland may be willing to sell...another 8000 posts and 15 chips will be standard for next season.
Duchatelet disturbs me when it comes to race and nationality. He reminds me of an Apartheid era South African where each race and mix was stratified to the nth degree. Previously he talked of some Europeans being natural bedfellows, and had a developed sense of 'foreign' and the Chinese hardly qualified as human in his analysis. I agree with Airman that his propensity to sweep aside whole groups with an irritated flourish is disturbing, like his world 'vision' is validated by his wealth. For all his reported mathematical acumen he is very backward in considering the ways of people.
Duchatelet disturbs me when it comes to race and nationality. He reminds me of an Apartheid era South African where each race and mix was stratified to the nth degree. Previously he talked of some Europeans being natural bedfellows, and had a developed sense of 'foreign' and the Chinese hardly qualified as human in his analysis. I agree with Airman that his propensity to sweep aside whole groups with an irritated flourish is disturbing, like his world 'vision' is validated by his wealth. For all his reported mathematical acumen he is very backward in considering the ways of people.
Duchatelet disturbs me when it comes to race and nationality. He reminds me of an Apartheid era South African where each race and mix was stratified to the nth degree. Previously he talked of some Europeans being natural bedfellows, and had a developed sense of 'foreign' and the Chinese hardly qualified as human in his analysis. I agree with Airman that his propensity to sweep aside whole groups with an irritated flourish is disturbing, like his world 'vision' is validated by his wealth. For all his reported mathematical acumen he is very backward in considering the ways of people.
Great post Seth......maybe like me you are seeing sociopathic describe them perfectly. Sociopaths of course know when to show emotion but it’s a learned ability rather than a natural one.They are very cleaver in choosing when to act out emotions but only because they learn there is a benefit to them in doing so......but in reality they don’t actually feel the emotions in their soul so to speak. They also have a tendency to have a very poor sense of humour.....once again smiling or tamely laughing at appropriate moments, irony is also lost on them. All of us will have met people who are shall we say a bit remote and strange and people simply describe it as being “very single minded”....oh really......take a closer look! In short, they can lead a very successful life and do so without causing too much grief. Richard Branson is considered by some as being a sociopath. Sociopaths and psychopaths are two very different beings by the way. Let’s not forget that a while back Duchatalet’s long time partner in a magazine interview stated that he lacked feelings and consideration for others but was improving those traits. I’ve got news for you’s likely you are seeing sociopathic traits at work.....not that there’s a law against it. I have made a post similar to this previously so apologies to anyone who read the earlier one.
Me? I'm fine, the report backs up everything I've been saying - looking to sell, nothing imminent, will do it when it suits him as doesn't need the money. Just seen Paul Elliot up Sidcup high st - think he might be stalking me to get a better grip on what's happening. OAFDUMP! you know the score.
Me? I'm fine, the report backs up everything I've been saying - looking to sell, nothing imminent, will do it when it suits him as doesn't need the money. Just seen Paul Elliot up Sidcup high st - think he might be stalking me to get a better grip on what's happening. OAFDUMP! you know the score.
Cawley: “Duchatelet’s comments about being ready to listen to offers could be seen as an indicator that takeover talks are at an advanced stage.”
Duchatelet disturbs me when it comes to race and nationality. He reminds me of an Apartheid era South African where each race and mix was stratified to the nth degree. Previously he talked of some Europeans being natural bedfellows, and had a developed sense of 'foreign' and the Chinese hardly qualified as human in his analysis. I agree with Airman that his propensity to sweep aside whole groups with an irritated flourish is disturbing, like his world 'vision' is validated by his wealth. For all his reported mathematical acumen he is very backward in considering the ways of people.
Great post Seth......maybe like me you are seeing sociopathic describe them perfectly. Sociopaths of course know when to show emotion but it’s a learned ability rather than a natural one.They are very cleaver in choosing when to act out emotions but only because they learn there is a benefit to them in doing so......but in reality they don’t actually feel the emotions in their soul so to speak. They also have a tendency to have a very poor sense of humour.....once again smiling or tamely laughing at appropriate moments, irony is also lost on them. All of us will have met people who are shall we say a bit remote and strange and people simply describe it as being “very single minded”....oh really......take a closer look! In short, they can lead a very successful life and do so without causing too much grief. Richard Branson is considered by some as being a sociopath. Sociopaths and psychopaths are two very different beings by the way. Let’s not forget that a while back Duchatalet’s long time partner in a magazine interview stated that he lacked feelings and consideration for others but was improving those traits. I’ve got news for you’s likely you are seeing sociopathic traits at work.....not that there’s a law against it. I have made a post similar to this previously so apologies to anyone who read the earlier one.
Agree totally with this analysis and further evidence, if it were needed, is found in Duchatelet's approach to relaxation. It seems that he sets aside specific time-slots for his soulless enjoyment. Thus, the post-game dance at St Truiden which he claims is a tradition (no doubt engendered by him).
I seriously doubt that the guy has a happy existence despite his wealth and his serial attacks on those who criticise him, calling them stupid or vinegar pissers, betrays a detachment and arrogance that he no doubt somehow sees as a virtue.
His hero, Alan Turing, was said to be a difficult man. The difference is that Alan Turing was a genius who has earned a place in history, Duchatelet on the other hand is a successful electronics components businessman who is a failed politican in his own country and a dabbler (almost a hobbyist) in the football world. That he did not call it a day following his Standard Leige experience is testimony to the man's lack of real understanding.
Me? I'm fine, the report backs up everything I've been saying - looking to sell, nothing imminent, will do it when it suits him as doesn't need the money. Just seen Paul Elliot up Sidcup high st - think he might be stalking me to get a better grip on what's happening. OAFDUMP! you know the score.
The reports don't suggest he's waiting until the summer to sell which is what you expected to happen.
Me? I'm fine, the report backs up everything I've been saying - looking to sell, nothing imminent, will do it when it suits him as doesn't need the money. Just seen Paul Elliot up Sidcup high st - think he might be stalking me to get a better grip on what's happening. OAFDUMP! you know the score.
“Duchatelet’s comments about being ready to listen to offers could be seen as an indicator that takeover talks are at an advanced stage.”
Doucher is right. Newcastle is the perfect example. Ashley announced a month ago he was "ready to sell" and.... lo and beyold... the person who is now bidding has been feeling him out for months and already had investors from the Middle East together and an official offer submitted within 48 hours.
Have edited earlier post as it may have been unclear. My point is that Rich Cawley’s report does not back up Doucher’s oft-stated view that nothing is happening. In fact Doucher is relying on what RD says, despite all the other identifiable nonsense with it.
Me? I'm fine, the report backs up everything I've been saying - looking to sell, nothing imminent, will do it when it suits him as doesn't need the money. Just seen Paul Elliot up Sidcup high st - think he might be stalking me to get a better grip on what's happening. OAFDUMP! you know the score.
Cawley: “Duchatelet’s comments about being ready to listen to offers could be seen as an indicator that takeover talks are at an advanced stage.”
For the SLP to not cover the takeover despite now claiming to have been told about it a month or two back , could back up their claim that any deal is at an advanced stage - something that is strange to shoehorn into the report considering this is the first they have reported on it, as well as the actual quotes not saying anything about a deal!
I do hope any new owner gives KR an opportunity to finish what he's trying to build. As for the others, here to help Tone just call if your under qualified they are prepared to train.
Well, I can't remember the last time an owner "officially" said they want to sell, that they have not sold within a few months. This is gonna happen one way or another.
Yesterday, RD was on Flemish TV again. No word on football, but again his view on corruption and partners to do business with. As in the 30min. French spoken interview 3 days ago, he claims that most countries in the world are corrupt. Every nation in Africa is corrupt, the same goes for South America. In Asia he only considers Japan & Indonesia as proper possible business partners (it's here in the French spoken interview "viable" comes in). For the rest he looks at North America and a certain number of European countries, to do business with. So ... if he remains true to his word
But ... if so ... I'll still buy Red Chaser that beer ...
It just isn’t on his agenda.
Football is a business where you’re going to find that by the truck load, if you choose to ignore it you are going to be on a loser from the get go.......and so it’s proved.
Fans are neither customers or computer components.......or anything in between.
Previously he talked of some Europeans being natural bedfellows, and had a developed sense of 'foreign' and the Chinese hardly qualified as human in his analysis.
I agree with Airman that his propensity to sweep aside whole groups with an irritated flourish is disturbing, like his world 'vision' is validated by his wealth. For all his reported mathematical acumen he is very backward in considering the ways of people.
Shouldn't you have written "Tingle all the way", Fanny?
I LOVE it !!!
Sociopaths of course know when to show emotion but it’s a learned ability rather than a natural one.They are very cleaver in choosing when to act out emotions but only because they learn there is a benefit to them in doing so......but in reality they don’t actually feel the emotions in their soul so to speak. They also have a tendency to have a very poor sense of humour.....once again smiling or tamely laughing at appropriate moments, irony is also lost on them.
All of us will have met people who are shall we say a bit remote and strange and people simply describe it as being “very single minded”....oh really......take a closer look!
In short, they can lead a very successful life and do so without causing too much grief. Richard Branson is considered by some as being a sociopath.
Sociopaths and psychopaths are two very different beings by the way.
Let’s not forget that a while back Duchatalet’s long time partner in a magazine interview stated that he lacked feelings and consideration for others but was improving those traits.
I’ve got news for you’s likely you are seeing sociopathic traits at work.....not that there’s a law against it.
I have made a post similar to this previously so apologies to anyone who read the earlier one.
This is even better news for me, because the only thing that scared me more than him not selling, was selling the club and keeping The Valley.
Thus, the post-game dance at St Truiden which he claims is a tradition (no doubt engendered by him).
I seriously doubt that the guy has a happy existence despite his wealth and his serial attacks on those who criticise him, calling them stupid or vinegar pissers, betrays a detachment and arrogance that he no doubt somehow sees as a virtue.
His hero, Alan Turing, was said to be a difficult man. The difference is that Alan Turing was a genius who has earned a place in history, Duchatelet on the other hand is a successful electronics components businessman who is a failed politican in his own country and a dabbler (almost a hobbyist) in the football world. That he did not call it a day following his Standard Leige experience is testimony to the man's lack of real understanding.
My guess is talks ARE at an advanced stage.