...It's surprising and unwise she is even attempting these fans meetings especially when it's too late and it's going to be Impossible to change people's opinion.
It's human nature to not want to give in and admit your wrong, especially when you have been offended along with perhaps a bruised self opinion...
...Doing the right thing will benefit her a lot further down the road...
I think you make a lot of good points there, Dave. It must actually be putting a hell of a strain on her, pretending (to herself) that she's up to spec, when all the evidence shows otherwise. Better to end it now Katy. Put yourself out of this misery, admit that football and business are not for you and find yourself a job that you're suited to.
...It's surprising and unwise she is even attempting these fans meetings especially when it's too late and it's going to be Impossible to change people's opinion.
It's human nature to not want to give in and admit your wrong, especially when you have been offended along with perhaps a bruised self opinion...
...Doing the right thing will benefit her a lot further down the road...
I think you make a lot of good points there, Dave. It must actually be putting a hell of a strain on her, pretending (to herself) that she's up to spec, when all the evidence shows otherwise. Better to end it now Katy. Put yourself out of this misery, admit that football and business are not for you and find yourself a job that you're suited to.
She might have deflected the questions easily enough, but can you imagine the humiliation? If someone told me, in public, that I had failed in my job, and the best I had was 'That's your opinion' I would probably go home, stare into a fire for a bit then go for a long walk with a bottle of scotch and a revolver.
She might have deflected the questions easily enough, but can you imagine the humiliation? If someone told me, in public, that I had failed in my job, and the best I had was 'That's your opinion' I would probably go home, stare into a fire for a bit then go for a long walk with a bottle of scotch and a revolver.
We are only Domme Mensen, so we mean nothing to her.
She might have deflected the questions easily enough, but can you imagine the humiliation? If someone told me, in public, that I had failed in my job, and the best I had was 'That's your opinion' I would probably go home, stare into a fire for a bit then go for a long walk with a bottle of scotch and a revolver.
We are only Domme Mensen, so we mean nothing to her.
I doubt it though. Surely even she's not so deluded that she can't see the evidence of her failure.
She might have deflected the questions easily enough, but can you imagine the humiliation? If someone told me, in public, that I had failed in my job, and the best I had was 'That's your opinion' I would probably go home, stare into a fire for a bit then go for a long walk with a bottle of scotch and a revolver.
We are only Domme Mensen, so we mean nothing to her.
I doubt it though. Surely even she's not so deluded that she can't see the evidence of her failure.
The squirrel has no shame.
She should have walked out and never returned once the Liar bedsheet appeared at the Burnley game.
Mel Baroni has principles and self respect, something squirrel face is sadly lacking.
She might have deflected the questions easily enough, but can you imagine the humiliation? If someone told me, in public, that I had failed in my job, and the best I had was 'That's your opinion' I would probably go home, stare into a fire for a bit then go for a long walk with a bottle of scotch and a revolver.
We are only Domme Mensen, so we mean nothing to her.
I doubt it though. Surely even she's not so deluded that she can't see the evidence of her failure.
Her arrogance and self-belief has no limit ...plus Uncle Roly will never sack her so she is not accountable to anyone.
No one criticises her internally leading her to believe she is just a victim of circumstance.
She might have deflected the questions easily enough, but can you imagine the humiliation? If someone told me, in public, that I had failed in my job, and the best I had was 'That's your opinion' I would probably go home, stare into a fire for a bit then go for a long walk with a bottle of scotch and a revolver.
We are only Domme Mensen, so we mean nothing to her.
I doubt it though. Surely even she's not so deluded that she can't see the evidence of her failure.
Her arrogance and self-belief has no limit ...plus Uncle Roly will never sack her so she is not accountable to anyone.
No one criticises her internally leading her to believe she is just a victim of circumstance.
But she must lie awake in bed and wonder about the amazing coincidence of Charlton completely going to shit since she turned up.
She might have deflected the questions easily enough, but can you imagine the humiliation? If someone told me, in public, that I had failed in my job, and the best I had was 'That's your opinion' I would probably go home, stare into a fire for a bit then go for a long walk with a bottle of scotch and a revolver.
We are only Domme Mensen, so we mean nothing to her.
I doubt it though. Surely even she's not so deluded that she can't see the evidence of her failure.
Her arrogance and self-belief has no limit ...plus Uncle Roly will never sack her so she is not accountable to anyone.
No one criticises her internally leading her to believe she is just a victim of circumstance.
But she must lie awake in bed and wonder about the amazing coincidence of Charlton completely going to shit since she turned up.
I would love to think she does but very much doubt it.
She has a job she has no background for nor no aptitude to fulfil it.
I would imagine she celebrates her luck and has no problem sleeping.
Uncle Roly has given his 'niece' her first step in business and will never move her on.
Meire: Incompetent at her job, incompetent at answering a simple question. "Well, that's your opinion"; what a childish manner in which to answer. I'm surprised she didn't follow it up with 'Ner nicky ner ner' sticking out her tongue and waggling her hands behind her ears. Not only is she still clueless as to how football clubs run (despite three years of wrecking one), but she is incapable of coming up with an adult answer to a simple question. It beggars belief that she is still here.
We've seen/heard her say this and things very similar before. It's come across as somewhat smug and arrogant, but I think some of it is also down to a limitation of linguistic capabilities--that's not a dig, for all of the things you can level at her, she is fluent in three languages and some days I struggle with one (still can't spell bureaucracy on my own), it's just an observation (spelled that wrong on the first attempt, too).
@Airman Brown to your point earlier about someone needing to always ask her why she's still her, what is the end goal of that? This is not a dig, it's a genuine question. I kind of feel like we're at an impasse, and while it's pretty clear the club is for sale, I don't really know what we get out of these smaller exchanges. This is likely down to my lack of imagination.
When bold as day evidence is stacked against you, suggesting, overall you have been rubbish, in terms of whether or not you have been good at your job.
More to the point, her direct association with how bad things have got since Roland took over.
It's surprising and unwise she is even attempting these fans meetings especially when it's too late and it's going to be Impossible to change people's opinion.
It's human nature to not want to give in and admit your wrong, especially when you have been offended along with perhaps a bruised self opinion. (Charlton fans moaning at her)
The only reasonable thing she can do is to hold official "fans apology meetings", Where instead of deflecting, twisting or putting very obvious unrealistic spins on things that everyone laughs at. She says sorry for every major blunder, but ......soon as she honestly openly apologises for one thing, then it's going to move on to the next thing then the next thing, until all her defences are down and it gets embarrassing for herself. She's made too many evident mistakes she can't run away from.
When in a job. How can you possibly admit your not good enough for it? Where does that leave you?
Her stubbornness is necessary for her own well being, but it's a ticking time bomb she will have to give into sooner rather then later.
Doing the right thing will benefit her a lot further down the road.
Apologise. Drop the association with Roland. Say you got it wrong but you have learnt greatly from the experience due to your age. Explain the regrets but of course don't dis credit yourself too much. Even if evidence does that itself.
She's scared that as soon as she admits defeat, even though in this case she hasn't got a leg to stand on. She's scared that no future employer will take her seriously enough and that's the big money career out the window.
She has to keep that self belief.
We've all seen the Apprentice when that Suger fella decides to not fire the worst person at the task, because they majorly stick up for themselves and give it all mouth in the boardroom till the death.....Even if they were shit.
Simple analogy. Pretty relevant.
All of the above. Also not forgetting the, I'm guessing, the 150 -200 k salary and the prestige of being the CEO of a famous English Club, must be other major factors in her not wanting to let go. I know photos can be misleading, but in those posted above, she looks a pale shadow of the happy, bubbly, self confident lady who first arrived at the Valley. She now looks miserable, stressed, and from her words, it sounds very much like she has now conceided that the end of this regime, is just around the corner, and she wants to leave with a smidgen of respect and affection, if only from Sue!
Meire: Incompetent at her job, incompetent at answering a simple question. "Well, that's your opinion"; what a childish manner in which to answer. I'm surprised she didn't follow it up with 'Ner nicky ner ner' sticking out her tongue and waggling her hands behind her ears. Not only is she still clueless as to how football clubs run (despite three years of wrecking one), but she is incapable of coming up with an adult answer to a simple question. It beggars belief that she is still here.
We've seen/heard her say this and things very similar before. It's come across as somewhat smug and arrogant, but I think some of it is also down to a limitation of linguistic capabilities--that's not a dig, for all of the things you can level at her, she is fluent in three languages and some days I struggle with one (still can't spell bureaucracy on my own), it's just an observation (spelled that wrong on the first attempt, too).
@Airman Brown to your point earlier about someone needing to always ask her why she's still her, what is the end goal of that? This is not a dig, it's a genuine question. I kind of feel like we're at an impasse, and while it's pretty clear the club is for sale, I don't really know what we get out of these smaller exchanges. This is likely down to my lack of imagination.
She is surrounded by sycophants who largely but not exclusively owe their position to her. These people offer no challenge to her preferred view of the world and when someone does they are ostracised by Meire.
This isn't a unique situation by any means but given that this group exercises a level of control over the football club it is a key factor in causing it to fail. I think the more we can do to challenge that internal narrative the better.
She might have deflected the questions easily enough, but can you imagine the humiliation? If someone told me, in public, that I had failed in my job, and the best I had was 'That's your opinion' I would probably go home, stare into a fire for a bit then go for a long walk with a bottle of scotch and a revolver.
We are only Domme Mensen, so we mean nothing to her.
I doubt it though. Surely even she's not so deluded that she can't see the evidence of her failure.
Her arrogance and self-belief has no limit ...plus Uncle Roly will never sack her so she is not accountable to anyone.
No one criticises her internally leading her to believe she is just a victim of circumstance.
But she must lie awake in bed and wonder about the amazing coincidence of Charlton completely going to shit since she turned up.
She has no trouble sleeping, she's from the same school as 90% of politicians. Success is measured in £££ in the bank and profile, nothing else matters. And to make sure it stays that way, they surround themselves with sycophants and people who are exactly like they are.
Meire: Incompetent at her job, incompetent at answering a simple question. "Well, that's your opinion"; what a childish manner in which to answer. I'm surprised she didn't follow it up with 'Ner nicky ner ner' sticking out her tongue and waggling her hands behind her ears. Not only is she still clueless as to how football clubs run (despite three years of wrecking one), but she is incapable of coming up with an adult answer to a simple question. It beggars belief that she is still here.
We've seen/heard her say this and things very similar before. It's come across as somewhat smug and arrogant, but I think some of it is also down to a limitation of linguistic capabilities--that's not a dig, for all of the things you can level at her, she is fluent in three languages and some days I struggle with one (still can't spell bureaucracy on my own), it's just an observation (spelled that wrong on the first attempt, too).
@Airman Brown to your point earlier about someone needing to always ask her why she's still her, what is the end goal of that? This is not a dig, it's a genuine question. I kind of feel like we're at an impasse, and while it's pretty clear the club is for sale, I don't really know what we get out of these smaller exchanges. This is likely down to my lack of imagination.
Hi @SDAddick, Airman Brown has articulated the reasons why Meire still gets challenged with regard to her CEO role at Charlton and why it is important to keep challenging her irrespective of the whether the club is for sale.
I will try to elaborate on this from a personsal perspective, having asked her the question at the QandA about whether she should consider resigning given that her performance over 3.5 years has been lamentable to say the least and is well documented so that I don't need to repeat it here.
You will have seen Meire's tried and tested repsonse to critics of her performance - it amounts to the fact that she is still in post and must be doing well because RD hasn't removed her. This, coming from a woman who received a top class education at a prestigious University in Belgium (KU Leuven) and who received further education at Rene Descartes University, Paris and University College London, does indeed beggar belief (as @Stig has observed).
She has thrown away any independence of thought (and a very decent and highly lucrative career in Competition Law in Brussels) all because she came under the thrall and corrosive influence of Roland Duchatelet a man with a track record of promoting what he believes to be young and promising talent into senior positions of management. In the case of Meire I believe he has done her a great disservice by allowing her to continue to learn on the job (i.e.we have learned from our mistakes) without offering the proper support at The Valley that she so clearly and obviously needed, although if her response to this issue when raised in the Jim White interview is to be believed then she would reject any attempt to have a 'football mentor' alongside her.
So, IMO she clings to the Duchatelet mantra of 'not doing failure'. Again, the emptiness of the statement betrays the intellectual depths to which Meire has fallen - it is difficult to fathom just how she does feel about Charlton's current situation and whether she really truly believes that she is the person to turn things around simply by saying the words 'I don't do failure'. It is certainly the case that she she does not measure failure by the current League position of the team nor dwindling crowds - that is simply dismissed with the common term used in legal circles (at least she remembered that one because she used it on Saturaday) "We are where we are." As if all that has happened in the past 3.5 years can be written off because there will be jam tomorrow.
I had not met Katrien Meire before Saturday. I was expecting to meet a vibrant and charming woman and one well able to hold up her side of an argument. What I saw opposite me was a somewhat sullen person, devoid of any perceivable charm and looking as if she wanted to be a million miles away. She appeared to find the questions tiresome, no doubt of course because they have indeed been aired constantly at previous QandAs. The first few questions she didn't seem to want to engage at all and then the others received the well-rehearsed replies of previous QandAs or the Jim White interview - there was no spark, no sense of real belief that she was heading up this famous football club and was going to lead it back to good times by force of will.....No, just a revelation about her latest attempt to try to improve matters which appears to be to seek yet more solace in data marketing techniques executed by way of a new website.
The concept of challenge from within (something which AB alluded to) is a healthy one but does not exist at The Valley as it doesn't fit the Duchatelet model. Anyone with an 'opinion' at variance with that of RD/Meire is summarily dismissed.
Meire exists for the most part in a bubble, divorced from the reality and sitting in the directors box at games with Chris Parkes on one side and Sue on the other - then in the SMT with a young whizzkid PR guy giving her the latest on how to employ 2nd and 3rd data currency for value in the marketplace.
I'm sorry, but she simply cannot be allowed to continue (her position is untenable and beyond redemption) and she constantly needs to be reminded of this, challenged and shown that her performance is unacceptable so that she can finally reflect on it and accept that it would be in the best interests of the club (and indeed her own employer's interests) that she resigns.
The fact that there is no functioning board of directors is a major weakness too. I wouldn't claim previous boards were perfect but they did orovide a level of challenge that held the executive to account.
If I was in a well paid job, why would I resign even if lots of people thought I was useless at it?
None of us would resign in such circumstances unless we'd found something better. IF the club gets taken over, then she'll be removed by the new owners with a nice payoff, or found another job within Roland's empire; either way from her point of view it make sense to stay put, especially as it's clear that RD isn't unhappy with her.
She wont leave if RD thinks shes doing a good job and shes on a huge wage, that shes unlikely to get elsewhere quickly if she did lose her job. Its pretty simple really.
If I was in a well paid job, why would I resign even if lots of people thought I was useless at it?
None of us would resign in such circumstances unless we'd found something better. IF the club gets taken over, then she'll be removed by the new owners with a nice payoff, or found another job within Roland's empire; either way from her point of view it make sense to stay put, especially as it's clear that RD isn't unhappy with her.
She doesn't appear to be employed by the football club, in which case it's hard to see why she'd be paid off by new owners.
Is there a video of the meeting knocking about? Please tell me someone recorded it on their phone!
No. Someone started to record, were spotted and asked not to.
As I've said elsewhere, Meire was less bullish and more accepting of failures, than I've ever seen before. I've attended about 4 previous meetings with her.
If I was in a well paid job, why would I resign even if lots of people thought I was useless at it?
None of us would resign in such circumstances unless we'd found something better. IF the club gets taken over, then she'll be removed by the new owners with a nice payoff, or found another job within Roland's empire; either way from her point of view it make sense to stay put, especially as it's clear that RD isn't unhappy with her.
She doesn't appear to be employed by the football club, in which case it's hard to see why she'd be paid off by new owners.
In which case she'll presumably continue to be employed by one of Roland's other companies, unless RD makes her redundant
Either way, there's no incentive for her to jump now
If I was in a well paid job, why would I resign even if lots of people thought I was useless at it?
None of us would resign in such circumstances unless we'd found something better. IF the club gets taken over, then she'll be removed by the new owners with a nice payoff, or found another job within Roland's empire; either way from her point of view it make sense to stay put, especially as it's clear that RD isn't unhappy with her.
She doesn't appear to be employed by the football club, in which case it's hard to see why she'd be paid off by new owners.
In which case she'll presumably continue to be employed by one of Roland's other companies, unless RD makes her redundant
Either way, there's no incentive for her to jump now
Plus if a takeover is happening her reliable decision making and expertise in negotiations will come in handy for Roland.
She gave a much better answer at the VG Q&A, accepting her responsibility and saying she was still here because she wanted to put it right. What was missing though was any attempt at creating a narrative over what she was actually going to do different.
For example she talked of "British manager, British players", accepting it hadn't worked out, but nothing at all on what will be different in the summer. "around a million' to be made available for players, but complained that part of the reason for this season's failures was that they were overquoted for the players they wanted. A euphemism for not being willing to pay the asking price in a seller's market.
Really, apart from the accepting responsibility bit it really was the same old naive comments from her. They've done great things inside the club apparently. Who cares when the fans are frequently insulted and she's leaving fans young and old without hope - something eloquently, politely but firmly pointed out by a couple of gentlemen.
I came out with no greater confidence that they have a clue what to do than before.
If I was in a well paid job, why would I resign even if lots of people thought I was useless at it?
None of us would resign in such circumstances unless we'd found something better. IF the club gets taken over, then she'll be removed by the new owners with a nice payoff, or found another job within Roland's empire; either way from her point of view it make sense to stay put, especially as it's clear that RD isn't unhappy with her.
She doesn't appear to be employed by the football club, in which case it's hard to see why she'd be paid off by new owners.
In which case she'll presumably continue to be employed by one of Roland's other companies, unless RD makes her redundant
Either way, there's no incentive for her to jump now
Ironically, the worse someone does a job the less likely they are to volunteer to leave. If she goes to Roland and asks to be moved to something else it could well end badly for her. If she hangs on then when it becomes convenient for him, she may well be 'given' a new position. It is quite possible that she will be moved from one high paying job, she is incapable of doing properly, to another one for most of her career. Whatever it is that Roland sees in her it is likely that he doesn’t blame her for our fall down the league.
What sane person would volunteer to give up a millionaire lifestyle to appease disgruntled football fans? Especially when the employer blames the football fans for the failures?
As much as the fans are convinced that it is all KM and RD's fault, KM and RD are convinced that it isn't. If she rides this out she can probably rely on him to continue to pay her, what most of us can only dream about, for many years to come.
And all this fails to consider that she might have, actually, learned something that will make her able to do a job like this in the future. It also fails to acknowledge that it is very common for a failed CEO to walk straight into another job when he/she is dismissed.
In fact, the least surprising thing about any of their time with us , from my perspective, is that she is refusing to accept that she is incompetent or to step down.
It did strike me, incidentally, that there was a hint of her imagination that she'd still be in post regardless of who the owners would be next year. I suspect she will be in for a rude awakening if a takeover succeeds.
...It's surprising and unwise she is even attempting these fans meetings especially when it's too late and it's going to be Impossible to change people's opinion.
It's human nature to not want to give in and admit your wrong, especially when you have been offended along with perhaps a bruised self opinion...
...Doing the right thing will benefit her a lot further down the road...
I think you make a lot of good points there, Dave. It must actually be putting a hell of a strain on her, pretending (to herself) that she's up to spec, when all the evidence shows otherwise. Better to end it now Katy. Put yourself out of this misery, admit that football and business are not for you and find yourself a job that you're suited to.
...It's surprising and unwise she is even attempting these fans meetings especially when it's too late and it's going to be Impossible to change people's opinion.
It's human nature to not want to give in and admit your wrong, especially when you have been offended along with perhaps a bruised self opinion...
...Doing the right thing will benefit her a lot further down the road...
I think you make a lot of good points there, Dave. It must actually be putting a hell of a strain on her, pretending (to herself) that she's up to spec, when all the evidence shows otherwise. Better to end it now Katy. Put yourself out of this misery, admit that football and business are not for you and find yourself a job that you're suited to.
We need a cleaner at work.
Who in their right senses would employ KM as one?
She'd come in late most days, not come in at all a for few more, and swan off with her mates at short notice for a holiday. When you tell her the bins were not emptied again and the carpet still hasn't been vacuumed you'll get told she has learnt from her mistakes and wait for improvements in the summer. I'd go for another candidate.
...It's surprising and unwise she is even attempting these fans meetings especially when it's too late and it's going to be Impossible to change people's opinion.
It's human nature to not want to give in and admit your wrong, especially when you have been offended along with perhaps a bruised self opinion...
...Doing the right thing will benefit her a lot further down the road...
I think you make a lot of good points there, Dave. It must actually be putting a hell of a strain on her, pretending (to herself) that she's up to spec, when all the evidence shows otherwise. Better to end it now Katy. Put yourself out of this misery, admit that football and business are not for you and find yourself a job that you're suited to.
We need a cleaner at work.
Who in their right senses would employ KM as one?
She'd come in late most days, not come in at all a for few more, and swan off with her mates at short notice for a holiday. When you tell her the bins were not emptied again and the carpet still hasn't been vacuumed you'll get told she has learnt from her mistakes and wait for improvements in the summer. I'd go for another candidate.
And if she talked while on the job she'd leave a trail of bullshit behind her on the freshly cleaned floors.
Wonder how many signatures that would reach?
The problem is, is that she is incapable of doing actually anything, let alone anything of note.
She should have walked out and never returned once the Liar bedsheet appeared at the Burnley game.
Mel Baroni has principles and self respect, something squirrel face is sadly lacking.
No one criticises her internally leading her to believe she is just a victim of circumstance.
She has a job she has no background for nor no aptitude to fulfil it.
I would imagine she celebrates her luck and has no problem sleeping.
Uncle Roly has given his 'niece' her first step in business and will never move her on.
@Airman Brown to your point earlier about someone needing to always ask her why she's still her, what is the end goal of that? This is not a dig, it's a genuine question. I kind of feel like we're at an impasse, and while it's pretty clear the club is for sale, I don't really know what we get out of these smaller exchanges. This is likely down to my lack of imagination.
I know photos can be misleading, but in those posted above, she looks a pale shadow of the happy, bubbly, self confident lady who first arrived at the Valley. She now looks miserable, stressed, and from her words, it sounds very much like she has now conceided that the end of this regime, is just around the corner, and she wants to leave with a smidgen of respect and affection, if only from Sue!
This isn't a unique situation by any means but given that this group exercises a level of control over the football club it is a key factor in causing it to fail. I think the more we can do to challenge that internal narrative the better.
I will try to elaborate on this from a personsal perspective, having asked her the question at the QandA about whether she should consider resigning given that her performance over 3.5 years has been lamentable to say the least and is well documented so that I don't need to repeat it here.
You will have seen Meire's tried and tested repsonse to critics of her performance - it amounts to the fact that she is still in post and must be doing well because RD hasn't removed her. This, coming from a woman who received a top class education at a prestigious University in Belgium (KU Leuven) and who received further education at Rene Descartes University, Paris and University College London, does indeed beggar belief (as @Stig has observed).
She has thrown away any independence of thought (and a very decent and highly lucrative career in Competition Law in Brussels) all because she came under the thrall and corrosive influence of Roland Duchatelet a man with a track record of promoting what he believes to be young and promising talent into senior positions of management. In the case of Meire I believe he has done her a great disservice by allowing her to continue to learn on the job (i.e.we have learned from our mistakes) without offering the proper support at The Valley that she so clearly and obviously needed, although if her response to this issue when raised in the Jim White interview is to be believed then she would reject any attempt to have a 'football mentor' alongside her.
So, IMO she clings to the Duchatelet mantra of 'not doing failure'. Again, the emptiness of the statement betrays the intellectual depths to which Meire has fallen - it is difficult to fathom just how she does feel about Charlton's current situation and whether she really truly believes that she is the person to turn things around simply by saying the words 'I don't do failure'. It is certainly the case that she she does not measure failure by the current League position of the team nor dwindling crowds - that is simply dismissed with the common term used in legal circles (at least she remembered that one because she used it on Saturaday) "We are where we are." As if all that has happened in the past 3.5 years can be written off because there will be jam tomorrow.
I had not met Katrien Meire before Saturday. I was expecting to meet a vibrant and charming woman and one well able to hold up her side of an argument. What I saw opposite me was a somewhat sullen person, devoid of any perceivable charm and looking as if she wanted to be a million miles away. She appeared to find the questions tiresome, no doubt of course because they have indeed been aired constantly at previous QandAs. The first few questions she didn't seem to want to engage at all and then the others received the well-rehearsed replies of previous QandAs or the Jim White interview - there was no spark, no sense of real belief that she was heading up this famous football club and was going to lead it back to good times by force of will.....No, just a revelation about her latest attempt to try to improve matters which appears to be to seek yet more solace in data marketing techniques executed by way of a new website.
The concept of challenge from within (something which AB alluded to) is a healthy one but does not exist at The Valley as it doesn't fit the Duchatelet model. Anyone with an 'opinion' at variance with that of RD/Meire is summarily dismissed.
Meire exists for the most part in a bubble, divorced from the reality and sitting in the directors box at games with Chris Parkes on one side and Sue on the other - then in the SMT with a young whizzkid PR guy giving her the latest on how to employ 2nd and 3rd data currency for value in the marketplace.
I'm sorry, but she simply cannot be allowed to continue (her position is untenable and beyond redemption) and she constantly needs to be reminded of this, challenged and shown that her performance is unacceptable so that she can finally reflect on it and accept that it would be in the best interests of the club (and indeed her own employer's interests) that she resigns.
None of us would resign in such circumstances unless we'd found something better. IF the club gets taken over, then she'll be removed by the new owners with a nice payoff, or found another job within Roland's empire; either way from her point of view it make sense to stay put, especially as it's clear that RD isn't unhappy with her.
As I've said elsewhere, Meire was less bullish and more accepting of failures, than I've ever seen before. I've attended about 4 previous meetings with her.
Either way, there's no incentive for her to jump now
For example she talked of "British manager, British players", accepting it hadn't worked out, but nothing at all on what will be different in the summer. "around a million' to be made available for players, but complained that part of the reason for this season's failures was that they were overquoted for the players they wanted. A euphemism for not being willing to pay the asking price in a seller's market.
Really, apart from the accepting responsibility bit it really was the same old naive comments from her. They've done great things inside the club apparently. Who cares when the fans are frequently insulted and she's leaving fans young and old without hope - something eloquently, politely but firmly pointed out by a couple of gentlemen.
I came out with no greater confidence that they have a clue what to do than before.
What sane person would volunteer to give up a millionaire lifestyle to appease disgruntled football fans? Especially when the employer blames the football fans for the failures?
As much as the fans are convinced that it is all KM and RD's fault, KM and RD are convinced that it isn't. If she rides this out she can probably rely on him to continue to pay her, what most of us can only dream about, for many years to come.
And all this fails to consider that she might have, actually, learned something that will make her able to do a job like this in the future. It also fails to acknowledge that it is very common for a failed CEO to walk straight into another job when he/she is dismissed.
In fact, the least surprising thing about any of their time with us , from my perspective, is that she is refusing to accept that she is incompetent or to step down.
I'd go for another candidate.