87' Toffee takes a throw. To Dawson, Ulvestad closes him down, Byrne wins it. Tex clears for a throw. Toffee has it in our half. Dawson takes the ball, Joe stops him. Gets it to Toffee, bad ball and they get another throw by our corner flag.
Toffee takes it long. Jackson wins it, Crooks snap shot, misses.
Dead on 90 mins. Watt runs into the 'crowd' which presumably means he is celebrating with empty plastic seats. Whatever, well done you magnificent loser.
I'm in the Long Pond. So, not in Prague. Just could not face it. I think it's the first time I could have gone to a home game, but chose not to, since the early Selhurst games.
Glad we are winning. I just cannot face Div 4. COYR.
4-4-2 again with KAG up front.
They attack. Not sure if I care enough to explain how, lots of passing. Someone got hit in the balls. Byrne has it. Crap ball. Whatever.
Toffee takes a throw. To Dawson, Ulvestad closes him down, Byrne wins it. Tex clears for a throw. Toffee has it in our half. Dawson takes the ball, Joe stops him. Gets it to Toffee, bad ball and they get another throw by our corner flag.
Toffee takes it long. Jackson wins it, Crooks snap shot, misses.