ITV London's news ed has confirmed that they're sending a crew, I imagine with the the sports reporter Amy Lewis?
The cameraman is Brad, an aussie who isn't much of a footy fan, but he's a good lad. He used to be a male model (but don't tell him I told you!) Say hi to him from me.
Amy met Katrien at The Valley last time they were covering Charlton. KM wasn't allowed to give an interview, but they did chat, and if you probe Amy she might reveal a gem or two.... I'm sworn to secrecy :-(
She was going to do something on the Olympic Stadium story in Jan too, but they shelved it, probably because they knew the BBC Inside Out was going to run that month.
Great work all who contributed. I'll be in Northampton. I feel it's important to mention that not once has this unity protest questioned or shown contempt for anyone who has chosen to stay and go to the game. That shows class and is testament to all who are going.
Seconded good luck all those travelling to Northampton, I am looking foward to jubilant scenes and dancing in the streets of Belgium if we score while forming up for the march. We are all Charlton and we sometimed forget that.
ITV London's news ed has confirmed that they're sending a crew, I imagine with the the sports reporter Amy Lewis?
The cameraman is Brad, an aussie who isn't much of a footy fan, but he's a good lad. He used to be a male model (but don't tell him I told you!) Say hi to him from me.
Amy met Katrien at The Valley last time they were covering Charlton. KM wasn't allowed to give an interview, but they did chat, and if you probe Amy she might reveal a gem or two.... I'm sworn to secrecy :-(
Just want to say that if Amy's probed, it won't be by me.
I was waiting for a comment like that. I was asking for it really.
ITV London's news ed has confirmed that they're sending a crew, I imagine with the the sports reporter Amy Lewis?
The cameraman is Brad, an aussie who isn't much of a footy fan, but he's a good lad. He used to be a male model (but don't tell him I told you!) Say hi to him from me.
Amy met Katrien at The Valley last time they were covering Charlton. KM wasn't allowed to give an interview, but they did chat, and if you probe Amy she might reveal a gem or two.... I'm sworn to secrecy :-(
OK JS you can't reveal " a gem or two" can you reveal why she wasn't allowed to give an interview ? The answer is obvious of course but it would be nice to hear it confirmed
ITV London's news ed has confirmed that they're sending a crew, I imagine with the the sports reporter Amy Lewis?
The cameraman is Brad, an aussie who isn't much of a footy fan, but he's a good lad. He used to be a male model (but don't tell him I told you!) Say hi to him from me.
Amy met Katrien at The Valley last time they were covering Charlton. KM wasn't allowed to give an interview, but they did chat, and if you probe Amy she might reveal a gem or two.... I'm sworn to secrecy :-(
She was going to do something on the Olympic Stadium story in Jan too, but they shelved it, probably because they knew the BBC Inside Out was going to run that month.
Would she have been quoting from a carefully PR'd script as they surely wouldn't have let her loose with that wagging tongue.
ITV London's news ed has confirmed that they're sending a crew, I imagine with the the sports reporter Amy Lewis?
The cameraman is Brad, an aussie who isn't much of a footy fan, but he's a good lad. He used to be a male model (but don't tell him I told you!) Say hi to him from me.
Amy met Katrien at The Valley last time they were covering Charlton. KM wasn't allowed to give an interview, but they did chat, and if you probe Amy she might reveal a gem or two.... I'm sworn to secrecy :-(
OK JS you can't reveal " a gem or two" can you reveal why she wasn't allowed to give an interview ? The answer is obvious of course but it would be nice to hear it confirmed
The PR people told Amy that KM wasn't giving interviews. Didn't comment as to why.
Well done for getting the TV people on board, who says there's no such thing as bad publicity ? Give 'em hell out there and come back safe and hopefully successful.
March 4th and we march forth !!
Can't wait. Roland, JSOC - roll on Chexit !!
Good luck and give them hell - Roland out!
Oo er missus.
I hope there's a "match thread"!
Every single one of you going are absolute legends!
Big support to you all. Will be following social media from afar (NOT Northampton)
Give 'em hell out there and come back safe and hopefully successful.
You are not only do it for me, yourselves, your families but for future generations and we will all thank you in years to come.
Seen Bacchus mentioned so far!
Let's all just have a nice weekend and keep the details to ourselves.
But seriously good luck everyone. Legends.