I had a look at the other site and on it there is a complete tool who blames the protests for the crowd shrinking. He then seems to justify his hatred for protestors because they don't undertsand it is not their club but Rolands. The deluded fool doesn't realise that this is the message that loses us supporters. Those who feel strongly enought to protest are not lost and even those who feel it is their duty to support the club whoever the owner is, are not the problem. But the most important fans of our club are the ones that it can easily lose. The ones that just don't care anymore! The ones who are told they don't matter and to lump it if they are not happy! And given the choice they choose the latter! And I would say the protestors are certainly not in that camp! I'd rather not be going to Belgium next weekend, I have better things I could be doing, but I feel it is a duty to the club I love. I think all the others who care enough have to try to get there too.
Will it do the trick? or any trick? - we don't Know. Nobody does! Especially those that think they do! But doing nothing will achieve nothing. We do know that!
Whoever said that there will never be a compete boycott is of course correct, some will always turn up and I understand that and would not ever criticise them for it. However, desperate problems need desperate solutions, and can you imagine the media frenzy over an empty Ground for the first time ever since the game became popular. Can you imagine the profit and loss statement for the Club when the income at the top shows virtually zilch ! Would Roland just sell another academy player and stick his hand in his pocket for the wages required to be paid into the Summer. How many job losses would have to occur ? It seems ridiculous to contemplate, but how would Roland react ? Am I right in thinking that the FA would allow a newly formed company to re-launch the Club, which would not owe Roland his £40 million or whatever ? To get rid of this idiot we have to hit him massively hard, not throw things on the pitch I'm afraid.
I think whether you go or not has to be a personal thing. Suggesting people boycott matches is different to suggesting they don't buy a season ticket for a period or don't spend money in the ground. It would open us to genuine criticism, rather than the fake rubbish one or two sprout about teh protests or CARD! The fact is, the crowds wil get lower and lower without us fans doing anything. It is a symptom of cluesless idiots running the club into the ground. Our job is to fight them as the alternative is to give up.
I don't know how we wil get rid of this idiot. We have to try in a proper, legal way. We know he has a temper, we know he is a liar and we know he is a coward. We have to keep pulling the strings until he topples!
Whoever said that there will never be a compete boycott is of course correct, some will always turn up and I understand that and would not ever criticise them for it. However, desperate problems need desperate solutions, and can you imagine the media frenzy over an empty Ground for the first time ever since the game became popular. Can you imagine the profit and loss statement for the Club when the income at the top shows virtually zilch ! Would Roland just sell another academy player and stick his hand in his pocket for the wages required to be paid into the Summer. How many job losses would have to occur ? It seems ridiculous to contemplate, but how would Roland react ? Am I right in thinking that the FA would allow a newly formed company to re-launch the Club, which would not owe Roland his £40 million or whatever ? To get rid of this idiot we have to hit him massively hard, not throw things on the pitch I'm afraid.
Since you have only just crossed the "divide" (some might say "seen the light rather late"), but critical of the CARD-led protest, I am sure many of us would love to hear your advice re the methods that should be deployed to rid us of RD/KM.
No-one, millionaires included, can run a professional football club that is devoid of a paying audience, week after week, month after month. It isn't sustainable. Do some people really think that 'loyalty' (loyalty to whom? loyalty to what?) will win back the CAFC we recognise as worthy? Choices: Going to football because you've 'always done that' or making a stand, saying 'No' and refusing to put up with this ongoing nonsense.
Only going on Saturday because I bought my tickets some time ago and my eldest (due to family stuff) can't go very often but I reckon it may well be my last visit for a while. After all, most of the players have given up so why shouldn't I?
katrien once said about us that she couldnt understand us customers have a bad meal and u dont complain ur quite right katrien no we dont complain we just dont go back to that restaurant are you starting to see the picture now katrien
Now normally I am pretty relaxed about the odd mistake people make but after I while I get quite annoyed by people who consistently show themselves to be totally incompetent.
It's not a mistake, it's not repeated mistakes, it's being employed at a level well above that you are able to understand the responsibilities of, and then apply yourself to successfully fulfilling those responsibilities.
Katrien Meire is not competent to fulfil the responsibilities of her role.
She is frankly both consistently embarrassing herself and the club.
The CEO equivalent of Karel Fraeye his Championship manager role.
Is there anyone, anyone at all who has an alternate view?
Now normally I am pretty relaxed about the odd mistake people make but after I while I get quite annoyed by people who consistently show themselves to be totally incompetent.
It's not a mistake, it's not repeated mistakes, it's being employed at a level well above that you are able to understand the responsibilities of, and then apply yourself to successfully fulfilling those responsibilities.
Katrien Meire is not competent to fulfil the responsibilities of her role.
She is frankly both consistently embarrassing herself and the club.
The CEO equivalent of Karel Fraeye his Championship manager role.
Is there anyone, anyone at all who has an alternate view?
The penultimate line sums squirrel face up perfectly.
katrien once said about us that she couldnt understand us customers have a bad meal and u dont complain ur quite right katrien no we dont complain we just dont go back to that restaurant are you starting to see the picture now katrien
This was one of the things that first alerted me to Katrien being some kind of fool. When I have a bad meal, I complain. If it's that bad, I send it back straight away and don't pay for it. Why should anyone put up with something not being good enough?
What a lot of people do - in fact virtually everybody - is never go to that restaurant again. Whether they complain or not! It shows a basic mis-understanding of what supporting your team is.
What a lot of people do - in fact virtually everybody - is never go to that restaurant again. Whether they complain or not! It shows a basic mis-understanding of what supporting your team is.
I think you are right mate. If a restaurant owner sees +\- 75% of tables consistently empty then that tells a story. Katrien, the Valley is now about 75% empty (based on reality not fictional numbers) on match days. Never mind the protests, that should tell you all you need to know?
how ,even with all season tickets counting even if not atending,can the club give an attendance in excess of 9000 when there are clearly about half that number in the ground.Isnt this fraud or at least in contravention of some regulation?
how ,even with all season tickets counting even if not atending,can the club give an attendance in excess of 9000 when there are clearly about half that number in the ground.Isnt this fraud or at least in contravention of some regulation?
No, that is the tickets issued and what most clubs use. Man U and Arsenal were found to be given out full house figures when there were lots of empty seats.
It would only be fraud if they declared less income than they paid VAT or other tax on or gave the FA or league a lower figure than actual for a cup game and so deprived the other club and the FA/League of their share.
Or maybe if they used inflated figures to create a false or misleading prospectus to a potential buyer. But the club isn't for sale so that can't be an issue.
how ,even with all season tickets counting even if not atending,can the club give an attendance in excess of 9000 when there are clearly about half that number in the ground.Isnt this fraud or at least in contravention of some regulation?
No, that is the tickets issued and what most clubs use. Man U and Arsenal were found to be given out full house figures when there were lots of empty seats.
It would only be fraud if they declared less income than they paid VAT or other tax on or gave the FA or league a lower figure than actual for a cup game and so deprived the other club and the FA/League of their share.
Or maybe if they used inflated figures to create a false or misleading prospectus to a potential buyer. But the club isn't for sale so that can't be an issue.
HI, do you know if actual attendance has to be recorded by any 3rd party for any reason (venue licensing / police safety management etc.) and if so would this be subject to a FOI request?
how ,even with all season tickets counting even if not atending,can the club give an attendance in excess of 9000 when there are clearly about half that number in the ground.Isnt this fraud or at least in contravention of some regulation?
No, that is the tickets issued and what most clubs use. Man U and Arsenal were found to be given out full house figures when there were lots of empty seats.
It would only be fraud if they declared less income than they paid VAT or other tax on or gave the FA or league a lower figure than actual for a cup game and so deprived the other club and the FA/League of their share.
Or maybe if they used inflated figures to create a false or misleading prospectus to a potential buyer. But the club isn't for sale so that can't be an issue.
HI, do you know if actual attendance has to be recorded by any 3rd party for any reason (venue licensing / police safety management etc.) and if so would this be subject to a FOI request?
FOI only applies to public organisations not private companies like Charlton.
There will be a "turnstile count" for every game. I'm not sure if this is a legal health and safety requirement or just good practice but the club should know how many people are in each stand in case of emergencies or overcrowding (yes, I know). It is how they are able to give a precise number of away fans each game.
katrien once said about us that she couldnt understand us customers have a bad meal and u dont complain ur quite right katrien no we dont complain we just dont go back to that restaurant are you starting to see the picture now katrien
This was one of the things that first alerted me to Katrien being some kind of fool. When I have a bad meal, I complain. If it's that bad, I send it back straight away and don't pay for it. Why should anyone put up with something not being good enough?
To be fair Belgian food is pretty terrible. The only thing of note is moules frites and that's pretty difficult to fuck up. I imagine this is a typical exchange in a Belgian restaurant.
"How is your meal Madame?" "Exquisite. The beans are overcooked, the sausage is burnt and the wine is vinegar." "Merci Madame Meire. Would you like to see the dessert menu?" "Non, please just send cold coffee with two teaspoons of sand and a rotting egg."
how ,even with all season tickets counting even if not atending,can the club give an attendance in excess of 9000 when there are clearly about half that number in the ground.Isnt this fraud or at least in contravention of some regulation?
Or maybe if they used inflated figures to create a false or misleading prospectus to a potential buyer. But the club isn't for sale so that can't be an issue.
To be fair, the previous lot did that to Roland as well. Can remember plenty of 13-14,000 midweek crowds being announced as 19k+ when Jiminez was trying to get shot of us.
As well as losing thousands of paying customers, Roland and Katrien have managed to lose about 10,000 pretend customers as well. Something for the Target 20k Group to look at perhaps.
Will it do the trick? or any trick? - we don't Know. Nobody does! Especially those that think they do! But doing nothing will achieve nothing. We do know that!
However, desperate problems need desperate solutions, and can you imagine the media frenzy over an empty Ground for the first time ever since the game became popular. Can you imagine the profit and loss statement for the Club when the income at the top shows virtually zilch ! Would Roland just sell another academy player and stick his hand in his pocket for the wages required to be paid into the Summer. How many job losses would have to occur ? It seems ridiculous to contemplate, but how would Roland react ? Am I right in thinking that the FA would allow a newly formed company to
re-launch the Club, which would not owe Roland his £40 million or whatever ? To get rid of this idiot we have to hit him massively hard, not throw things on the pitch I'm afraid.
I don't know how we wil get rid of this idiot. We have to try in a proper, legal way. We know he has a temper, we know he is a liar and we know he is a coward. We have to keep pulling the strings until he topples!
We also know he is a fool.
Do some people really think that 'loyalty' (loyalty to whom? loyalty to what?) will win back the CAFC we recognise as worthy?
Choices: Going to football because you've 'always done that' or making a stand, saying 'No' and refusing to put up with this ongoing nonsense.
Don't they have Specsavers in Belgium ?
It's not a mistake, it's not repeated mistakes, it's being employed at a level well above that you are able to understand the responsibilities of, and then apply yourself to successfully fulfilling those responsibilities.
Katrien Meire is not competent to fulfil the responsibilities of her role.
She is frankly both consistently embarrassing herself and the club.
The CEO equivalent of Karel Fraeye his Championship manager role.
Is there anyone, anyone at all who has an alternate view?
I think you are right mate. If a restaurant owner sees +\- 75% of tables consistently empty then that tells a story.
Katrien, the Valley is now about 75% empty (based on reality not fictional numbers) on match days. Never mind the protests, that should tell you all you need to know?
It would only be fraud if they declared less income than they paid VAT or other tax on or gave the FA or league a lower figure than actual for a cup game and so deprived the other club and the FA/League of their share.
Or maybe if they used inflated figures to create a false or misleading prospectus to a potential buyer. But the club isn't for sale so that can't be an issue.
There will be a "turnstile count" for every game. I'm not sure if this is a legal health and safety requirement or just good practice but the club should know how many people are in each stand in case of emergencies or overcrowding (yes, I know). It is how they are able to give a precise number of away fans each game.
"How is your meal Madame?"
"Exquisite. The beans are overcooked, the sausage is burnt and the wine is vinegar."
"Merci Madame Meire. Would you like to see the dessert menu?"
"Non, please just send cold coffee with two teaspoons of sand and a rotting egg."
As well as losing thousands of paying customers, Roland and Katrien have managed to lose about 10,000 pretend customers as well. Something for the Target 20k Group to look at perhaps.