Can any history buffs shed some light or further information on this incident please? found out about it whilst surfing Wikipedia. Coming as it did just a year after the British army liberated Belsen, is the this the worst example of ingratitute in history?
RIP the 91.
not sure if you can stream it anywhere but's he's the wiki page for it.
A lot of the Irgun and Haganah had been trained by and fought alongside the British Army, such as Moyshe Dihan (sp).
But once WW2 was over new conflicts began and sides were taken all over from the iron curtain, the civil wars in Greece and China, the start of the Vietnam war.
Palistine/Israel was another aspect of settling the new order post war, some of which were are still seeing in the middle East, the Ukraine and even Brexit.
Comparing this atrocity with brexit is disgusting.
If you don't, and I'm guessing you don't, I'd avoid using words like "ingratitude".
If you don't, and I'm guessing you don't, I'd avoid using words like "ingratitude".
I know very little., which is why i asked the question. I doubt very much it compares to the mass murder if the holocaust, ingratitute would be entirely correct.
You need to read a bit more I think. You shouldn't expect gratitude in the circumstances of that time and that place. Much happened after the war for Jews to lose the feeling that the western powers were entirely benevolent to them.
As ever history and politics are very complicated with lots then happening in a short time.
These terrorists were not representing all Jews. Haredi jews object to the state of Israel for instance. Ok they are the minority, but you can't accuse all Jews of ingratitude.
We now have a situation though where if you are critical of Israel you are deemed to be anti-semetic. This is lazy and incorrect. Also, you could say that the primary objective in WW2 was not to liberate the Jews. It was a by product of our war with Germany. Yes we liberated the camps at the end of the war but could we have done more. Churchill was a supporter of the Jews to be fair, but there is reason for debate based on archive evidence. I don't know enough to say one way or the other. Maybe I need to find out to inform a view.
Do you remember when Ken Livingstone was kicked out of the Labour party for being anti-semetic recently? Now whatever your political view of him, it is very interesting. What got him into trouble was that he stated a point of fact. Before the final solution, Hitler's view was to ship out all the Jews to their own state. LIvingstone never said Hitler was a lover of the Jews or a Zionist - but that this policy could have been seen as pro zionist.
He was accused of being an anti-semite and Nazi apologist but he was neither. If there are no go areas in history that you are not allowed to make an informed comment about, it is a sad inditement of our society. Ken Livingstone has always maintained he is pro-Jewish and has the same levels of disgust for what the Nazi's did as any reasonable person should. The biggest critics of him were people in his own party so this is not a party political point.
Do you consider ISIS as ungrateful because we helped liberate the Muslims of Kosovo?
Patience was running out with the Israelis who just wanted rid of us and rid of the Palestinians. we wanted to protect the Palestinians and try to create this country with as little upheaval as possible. call it naïve but we were trying to do the right thing.
as the terrorism stepped up most in the British army wanted to get away (having just been through a world war themselves) and so rushed the process, (similar to the India partition) giving the Israelis alot of what they wanted and moving Palestinians away from their homes as quickly as they could.
this is from a series I saw over 5 years ago on a subject i knew nothing previous about so I've probably missed a lot as with anything like this as there are many sides and many stories to consider but that above is what I could make out from the series.
The bombing of the hotel, which initially sparked your bizarre statement that this was a sign of "ingratitude", was conducted by the Irgun who supported the British during the war - joined the British army in their thousands, fought overseas and hunted down Lehi, a group that you've literally just read about.
You clearly know nothing about this time in history other than Belsen was liberated by the British and that Israel is a Jewish nation. I'd suggest you read more before you accuse people who were fighting for the right to exist of ingratitude.
Its nice to know that Jews are so diverse. Everyone loves diversity.
Surely they could all unite against the crime that was the holocaust and not commit terrorist acts against there liberators and then imply it was the fault of the British years later when they unveiled a plaque.
Is where holocaust deniers come from? Although I never considered myself one, I do find it hard to equate the mass murder that ended in 1945 with the King David hotel bombing a year later.
How do the diverse Jewish population give thanks to the allied forces?