Reading through the latest edition of VOTV, and have just got to the "Tragic Spell" item in
@Airman Brown's Diary, about the club spelling Roland's name wrong in the Valley Review this season until Jonathan Grade pointed it out on Twitter. I'm not the world's greatest speller, so I can never remember the correct spelling without looking it up, but it looks like what his name was "wrongly spelled as" is the same as all the other versions of it in this edition. Was this just the spellcheck being a bit too efficient in this case and correcting it from Dushatelet or whatever, or is there a joke here that's completely gone over my head?
Club spelt it "Duchatalet".
I'm off to sack the proofreader for ... er ... correcting the spelling.
I'm not entirely surprised because the last few days of work on this issue were completely mad.