Join the fun North Korea style and see what you missed at the game v Chesterfield......
Foreign visitors to North Korea are taken to the De-miilitarized zone and shown the plans and specifications for the 'Concrete Wall' which was built to separate North Korea from the South. These same visitors are then taken to the viewing platform to view the wall following which their guides then ask them what they think of it.
This is where it gets a bit surreal. The wall was never built and does not exist other than in the minds of the North Koreans and its leader but the visitors must play-along with the fiction and praise the Wall even though all that they are presented with is rolling open countryside.
Well, we now offer you the chance to enjoy the same experience as the visitors to North Korea but much closer to home at The Valley.
Study the picture below of the part of the East Stand just before Kick-off v Chesterfield.
It was taken looking across to the East from the Directors Box in the Lower West where Katrien Meire was seated.
Look very carefully and you will see that both you and the beloved CEO will be able to celebrate the fact that every single seat in the centre of the East Stand was occupied!

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