Are you ready for 'Free speech day' on Saturday? Our latest video quotes the European Convention on Human Rights, Roland Duchatelet, Katrien Meire and an unidentified steward...
We want to see your banners at the match at Saturday's match against Chesterfield. Full protest details are here:
Bring your own banner to Chesterfield
We really do have some talented fans that will help rid us of this awful regime.
Really wish I could be there
It can then be sung to the tune of yellow submarine.
Let's see if those are words that are not allowed to be used in the stadium.
C4FC4L1F3 is innocent ! (so is Bill Posters).
If they confiscate banners there can be publicity that they are preventing free speech. If they allow the banners, then there will be a good display for all to see just how much this regime is hated.
We have been blown away by the enthusiastic response to Free Speech Day. We expect that the number and the sheer ingenuity of the banners that you will be displaying on Saturday will be spectacular. Let's get a load of photos of them on here after the event so everyone can share in the fun, but also to share the very serious messages to the regime that they convey.
But, we are mindful that not everyone has the time or wherewithal to make a banner, so CARD will be providing about 100 flags on the day to help out a bit. They will be a rather eye catching variation on a familiar theme - we will say no more.
These will be distributed at the Royal Oak pub between 2.15 and 2.30 - first come first served, while stocks last, one per person etc. All we ask is that if you take one you do commit to displaying it!
These flags will meet safety requirements. Please remember to ensure your own banners do too.
And remember to hide them down your undies, where searching hands just can't go!
Thanks again for the great response. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Yet amusing banners are not ?