Lee Harrison wearing an outfield shirt for the sake of symmetry......
When did we stop doing team photos, as they were a nice historical record of the squad that season? Indeed that would have been the second team photo that season, as the first one would have been in the Admiral kit and included Lee and Barness
No idea when all of a sudden people got so obsessed in the whole notion of scrutiny of 'new kit release' so I suppose the PR and marketing guys should give themselves a pat on the back as they've clearly maxed this out. Also given those determined to hit back at 'protesters' with some positive material to work with.
The away shirt I thought was really nice, looked more a training / casual shirt and pretty smart. The home shirt is simply a plain red shirt with a few intricate gimmicks thrown in that actually hold very little value. PR / marketing ammunition. Nothing wrong with a plain shirt though.
Main thIng with a kit is you don't get a disaster that you cringe about. We haven't got that, and Hummel seem to have done a decent job
No idea when all of a sudden people got so obsessed in the whole notion of scrutiny of 'new kit release' so I suppose the PR and marketing guys should give themselves a pat on the back as they've clearly maxed this out. Also given those determined to hit back at 'protesters' with some positive material to work with.
The away shirt I thought was really nice, looked more a training / casual shirt and pretty smart. The home shirt is simply a plain red shirt with a few intricate gimmicks thrown in that actually hold very little value. PR / marketing ammunition. Noth My wrong with a plain shirt though.
Main thIng with a kit is you don't get a disaster that you cringe about. We haven't got that, and Hummel seem to have done a decent job
Exactly, it is only a kit. Looks okay, but it is only the kit. Let's see who plays in it....
Bodged launch... honestly... the things people get sand in their knickers about.
So, the club, which is constantly accused of not listening to what fans want, has done a deal for bespoke kits, like the fans wanted, with a company that took the time to research the club and its history and talk to some fans in order to get inspiration for its design, and then threw a FREE event to which a few VIP fans were invited to view the kit and have the chance to chat with the manager and some players, and were given a FREE shirt, a shirt which now people have seen it most seem to like, but it's all RUINED because the comms team committed the heinous crime of saying they'd "release pictures later today" and... wait for it.... released pictures later in the day.
I quite like it, but with the little additives it also brings back great memories which sort of annoys me really to see how far we came and then how far back down we've gone (not talking league positions here). If you'd have told me during that season where we'd be today i'd never have believed it.
Just looking at those names, that was a proper charlton squad, filled with honest pro's some really good players (like myself ) and frankly some very average one's (sorry Pitcher) but who always gave 100%.
The late Tommy Caton (RIP) and some of my favourites these past 30 years, Oh Garry Garry Nelson is as true a pro as you'd ever meet, Minto and Walsh down the left were so good individually but more importantly as a pair, Webster & Balmer, still my two favourite centre backs as a pair, OK not the quality of Costa & Rufus etc but my favourites all the same. Steve Brown, nothing more needs to be said, Peter Garland and John Robinson who's in my top 5 of all time. And who could forget Leaburn, certainly marmite but I always like him occasionally I couldn't help but laugh also.
So in some respects, hats off for whats been achieved and thanks for reminding me of the last time we fought for what we knew was right and won which set us on the road to success and better times........
Bodged launch... honestly... the things people get sand in their knickers about.
So, the club, which is constantly accused of not listening to what fans want, has done a deal for bespoke kits, like the fans wanted, with a company that took the time to research the club and it's history and talk to some fans in order to get inspiration for its design, and then threw a FREE event to which a few VIP fans were invited to view the kit and have the chance to chat with the manager and some players, and were given a FREE shirt, a shirt which now people have seen it most seem to like, but it's all RUINED because the comms team committed the heinous crime of saying they'd "release pictures later today" and... wait for it.... released pictures later in the day.
The monsters.
Quite. It's hardly the club's fault if people want to spend 24 hours on social media, counting away the minutes to the kit launch. If the fans didn't do it, the club wouldn't tease the fans.
Bodged launch... honestly... the things people get sand in their knickers about.
So, the club, which is constantly accused of not listening to what fans want, has done a deal for bespoke kits, like the fans wanted, with a company that took the time to research the club and it's history and talk to some fans in order to get inspiration for its design, and then threw a FREE event to which a few VIP fans were invited to view the kit and have the chance to chat with the manager and some players, and were given a FREE shirt, a shirt which now people have seen it most seem to like, but it's all RUINED because the comms team committed the heinous crime of saying they'd "release pictures later today" and... wait for it.... released pictures later in the day.
The monsters.
I agree it is in no way a disaster.
I do wonder what the delay was for. We're they hoping to be able to unveil a new signing at the same time as the kit? Only for something to fall through? Who knows.
Usually these things are very stage managed, the release is usually an hour or so after the first teaser tweet. Sometime in mod afternoon so the social media chat can build up all evening.
Something slightly odd about about the 5 hour delay.
So with this NDA we have an example of the mindset of these morons. What are they afraid of, and what exactly would they do if there was disclosure? Could they demonstrate any loss of some kind, would the design be stolen by Manchester United or North Korea, do they think of themselves as so important? Many of those who work at the club have such an inflated view of themselves, and to me this NDA demonstrates that they have such a downer on supporters. Charlton Athletic does not trust and indeed hates it's own fans. Tony Keohane is chief (the word 'chief' alone says a lot) operations officer to take one example, yet seems a good example of somebody who appears to me to be a complete and utter moron who amazingly thinks he is better than the fans, when in fact he is simply lucky that Katrien is equally moronic to give him a job, it certainly comes across that way to me. Non disclosure agreement indeed, or what? What will they do to those who have already seen it, sue?
One of the idea not best kits we have had. The thought and detail that has gone into this was well worth the wait. The shade of red is perfect, back to the valley logos, past players name inside the shirt is a first I have ever seen. Both kits for the kids as they are high end and quality. Well done Hummel and the club clearly something both parties worked on together and can only but applauded. A wonderful gesture having Seb in the kit launch and the right man to be there well done again to the club.
Canada WRC shirts had names (I think of DHL Canada staff) - sublimated across the whole shirt.
For some reason (probably the white line framing the picture), on my phone, the picture provided of the names under the collar, looks a bit like stripey under pants hanging on the line...
Going to spend the rest of the night looking for my whelm.
I have a huge dislike and distrust for the running of our club currently. I am desperate for a change of ownership and support the protests fully....... I like the kits a lot though, too old to wear one but really like them.
I'm of the opinion home shirts should always stick with tradition, basic & not be messed with, whilst the away kit can be a little more adventurous.
Hummel have done that (remember Nike giving us red home shorts a few seasons back...?!). Although the QR code thing is utter nonsense. Also whilst we seem split the general consensus from non-cafc fans on social media is that both kits look great!
Would have been nice if the ribbon made reference to the 25 years rather than just 'Back at the Valley'.
But I won't be buying either as can't face giving the Rat any more of my hard earned cash.
Being Danish, I've always had special feelings for the Hummel brand (Denmark, especially '86 and '92). Thrilled to see my Charlton playing in Hummel for the next 5 years. Will be buying a shirt, as soon as Roland has gone.
When did we stop doing team photos, as they were a nice historical record of the squad that season? Indeed that would have been the second team photo that season, as the first one would have been in the Admiral kit and included Lee and Barness
The away shirt I thought was really nice, looked more a training / casual shirt and pretty smart. The home shirt is simply a plain red shirt with a few intricate gimmicks thrown in that actually hold very little value. PR / marketing ammunition. Nothing wrong with a plain shirt though.
Main thIng with a kit is you don't get a disaster that you cringe about. We haven't got that, and Hummel seem to have done a decent job
Other than that it's pretty nice.
The home shirt reminds me of my favourite Charlton shirt, the Bukta one of the late 70's.
Amazing what can be achieved when the club work with the fans.
Why didn't anyone think of the club working with the fans beforehand ? :-(
Credit to Hummel and the fans involved, nice kit.
So, the club, which is constantly accused of not listening to what fans want, has done a deal for bespoke kits, like the fans wanted, with a company that took the time to research the club and its history and talk to some fans in order to get inspiration for its design, and then threw a FREE event to which a few VIP fans were invited to view the kit and have the chance to chat with the manager and some players, and were given a FREE shirt, a shirt which now people have seen it most seem to like, but it's all RUINED because the comms team committed the heinous crime of saying they'd "release pictures later today" and... wait for it.... released pictures later in the day.
The monsters.
Just looking at those names, that was a proper charlton squad, filled with honest pro's some really good players (like myself
The late Tommy Caton (RIP) and some of my favourites these past 30 years, Oh Garry Garry Nelson is as true a pro as you'd ever meet, Minto and Walsh down the left were so good individually but more importantly as a pair, Webster & Balmer, still my two favourite centre backs as a pair, OK not the quality of Costa & Rufus etc but my favourites all the same. Steve Brown, nothing more needs to be said, Peter Garland and John Robinson who's in my top 5 of all time. And who could forget Leaburn, certainly marmite but I always like him occasionally I couldn't help but laugh also.
So in some respects, hats off for whats been achieved and thanks for reminding me of the last time we fought for what we knew was right and won which set us on the road to success and better times........
I do wonder what the delay was for. We're they hoping to be able to unveil a new signing at the same time as the kit? Only for something to fall through? Who knows.
Usually these things are very stage managed, the release is usually an hour or so after the first teaser tweet. Sometime in mod afternoon so the social media chat can build up all evening.
Something slightly odd about about the 5 hour delay.
For some reason (probably the white line framing the picture), on my phone, the picture provided of the names under the collar, looks a bit like stripey under pants hanging on the line...
Going to spend the rest of the night looking for my whelm.
Hummel have done that (remember Nike giving us red home shorts a few seasons back...?!). Although the QR code thing is utter nonsense. Also whilst we seem split the general consensus from non-cafc fans on social media is that both kits look great!
Would have been nice if the ribbon made reference to the 25 years rather than just 'Back at the Valley'.
But I won't be buying either as can't face giving the Rat any more of my hard earned cash.