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Is Katrien Meire on holiday again?



  • Sue Perkins?

  • I have now been told by an authoritative source that she was not there yesterday and was indeed said to be on holiday.

    If true this is utterly astonishing.
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  • Sue Perkins is on holiday? But she's filming Bake Off...this is an outrage!
  • I have now been told by an authoritative source that she was not there yesterday and was indeed said to be on holiday.

    Who was the sauce? Alan Whicker or Judith Chalmers?
  • Unbelievable that she's taken another holiday just a few games into the season
  • Posted this on another thread but to clarify Chris is the CLUB Secretary not the Company Secretary.

    Essentially he runs the teams schedules, transport to games at all levels, draws up contracts for 120 odd players, gets the registrations done, liaises with other clubs over game dates and arrangements and god knows what else behind the scenes.

    He puts in silly hours and will some times be the only Charlton rep at away games (wouldn't be surprised if he is that at Scunny on Tues) and league meetings etc.

    That doesn't mean I agree with his, or Sue's, views on the regime. It's pretty clear where I stand but I do respect Chris as a fan whose put the hours and hard work in over nearly 3 decades for the club.

    That's why I really don't get the fuss over him getting two tickets to games one of which he chooses to give to his wife. So what? 

    That's why I really don't get the fuss over him getting two tickets to games one of which he chooses to give to his wife. So what? 

    I don't think any has an issue with that at all.

    It's the fact that his wife is so publicly outspoken and critical of paying supporters,

    That is the issue.

    personally I don't think Sue is well advised to post what she does or at all but she is an adult so can post what she wants within the law.

    This isn't the 1950s when husbands controlled their wives even if a few people on here seem to wish it were.

    The issue, as you say, is what Sue says, not that her husband chooses to give her one of the two tickets he gets because of his role.

    The real scandal is that Meire does so little work and that the little she does is done so badly.
    It really has little to do with 1950s spousal relationships - Sue Parkes is party to inside information both by virtue of being married to Chris and because of the access she has to the boardroom etc.

    It is quite obviously wrong - and reckless to Chris's reputation - for her to post publicly from that position and using information obtained in that way, whatever her motivation.
    I agree totally and with what Grapevine has said.

    I was countering the "who wears the trousers?" remarks.

    I don't think Sue is doing the club or Chris any favours at all although clearly she doesn't see that or doesn't agree. As Grapevine says would it be tolerated if she were critical of the regime?, No, of course not.

    But that is Sue's decision to post on social media and, as far as I know, not Chris's.
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  • edited September 2016
    Different gravy, maybe, but if I'd either spoken with a journalist or published (because that's what it is) stuff on the interweb about my organisation I'd have been sacked.

    The reason, therefore why Chris should be explaining to his wife that she needs to keep her own counsel is because she could easily step over the line and cost him his job because it could be perceived that he can't keep his gob shut. It has nothing to do with 50s' style sexism.

    Now, Chris, if Sue hasn't given you her Xmas present list yet, here's an idea:

  • edited September 2016
  • VERY sensible to check the beach area first to see if she's topping up on her tan... I advise that you search the bar next?

    You see this is why we've got Charlton fans who have their own Companies, we're smart thinkers!!
  • I wonder if Katrien was on holiday with Johnson, Tex and Ba, all being paid by the club for doing nothing...
  • I assumed that people took holidays during the international breaks? ...Unless it's like the school holidays when the prices just shoot up as all the CEO's and chairmen bugger off to the Caribbean or Dubai for a couple of weeks?
  • As much as I dislike what she has done & is doing to our great club I was wondering if she is suffering some sort of breakdown. We have not heard much from her lately & she must be feeling the pressure as after all she is human.

    Really ? I thought Mastro Geppetto created her ?
  • VERY sensible to check the beach area first to see if she's topping up on her tan... I advise that you search the bar next?

    You see this is why we've got Charlton fans who have their own Companies, we're smart thinkers!!

    I've hard that she often frequents gentlemen's clubs. Now I understand that no upstanding Charlton fan would be seen dead in this kind of establishment, however I think for the purposes of this search they should be covered.
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