I saw Russell coming out of Sainsburys Chislehurst just before 10 am today. I thought to myself, shouldn't you be at Spartows Lane?
Perhaps he was buying sandwiches for the first team squad?
Reckon he was doing his personal shopping. Can't imagine that Roland would sanction feeding the players on expensive Sainsburys food when there are perfectly good branches of Aldi, Lidl and Pets At Home in the area.
Our Russell clearly has a healthy appetite, wouldn't be at all surprised if he regularly sneaks off mid-training to do some scouting, otherwise known as "buying a value pack of miniature pork pies and sitting in the car park trying to eat them as quickly as possible".
Funnily enough only last week RS saw me coming out of Sainsbury's Chislehurst, I was struggling with four heavy bags. "Can you manage?" he asked. "Eff off!" I replied. "You took the bloody job!"
So this photo was actually RS writing out his shopping list
I think Russ may have got a bit mixed up, someone let him know that he does the dictating and the secretary does the writing down. No wonder he works long hours!
Well I suppose they have to work Saturdays
Our Russell clearly has a healthy appetite, wouldn't be at all surprised if he regularly sneaks off mid-training to do some scouting, otherwise known as "buying a value pack of miniature pork pies and sitting in the car park trying to eat them as quickly as possible".