So Arsene has said he treats Arsenal's money like its his own. I have visions of Poor old Mrs Wenger having to reuse tin foil and plastic wrap, Arsene saying we can still keep plenty of clean sheets and it provides plenty of protection.
Mrs A asking for a new toilet brush and Arsene screaming "we don't need a new toilet brush this one is totally effective and it gets into the bowl well and is good for at least 15-20 cleans a season".
I'm starting to feel a little sympathy for my Arsenal supporting mates and of course Mrs W.
They also get to watch champions league football every season and have no worries about finishing even in the bottom half, let alone languishing in league one whilst their CEO swans off to conferences and panel meetings instead of building a squad capable promotion.
This has turned into another Charlton based rant, but even ignoring Charlton - signing players for £30mill+, not losing big players and getting the the champs league every year = elicits no sympathy.
No sympathy.
Great football
Awesome stadium
Yeah - must be awful for them