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Why moan or comment when...



  • Chizz said:

    1967CAFC said:

    Chizz you are why so many people are scared to post, you need to stop being an English Teacher, at least you new what I meant.

    Just to be clear, your view is

    (a) too many people are posting negative comments, and

    (b) many people are too scared to post, because of me

    Is that about right?
    He said Yer
  • ....and I for one don't blame him
  • RedChaser said:

    I got your back @1967CAFC , just give me the nod and we're steamin in son

    They lifted them blockades at the ports yet mate?
    They do when they know I'm coming through Redo
    Get down Calais Friday afternoon then mate I need passage home burning Fucking tyres and parking on a mway what sort of behaviour is that
  • Chizz - No I agree about the post against the regime, but what i'm saying is once you have left, it's like a divorce, you have a less of a say within the you're better in than out (protest).
  • 1967CAFC said:

    Chizz - No I agree about the post against the regime, but what i'm saying is once you have left, it's like a divorce, you have a less of a say within the you're better in than out (protest).

    Right. And the same goes for the people who choose to continue funding the regime I guess? By your logic, those who refuse to protest have abrogated their right to moan about those who do.
  • By buying a £175 season ticket (i've never bought in the ground or store) will never cover the cost of running the club....but just keep it alive for them to sell. It's a double edged scord...but we need to keep the club alive for them to sell & by being in the ground continue our protest we can still let them we want them out.
  • 1967CAFC said:

    By buying a £175 season ticket (i've never bought in the ground or store) will never cover the cost of running the club....but just keep it alive for them to sell. It's a double edged scord...but we need to keep the club alive for them to sell & by being in the ground continue our protest we can still let them we want them out.

    Well stop moaning then
  • Will you stop being an English teacher?
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  • 1967CAFC said:

    Chizz - No I agree about the post against the regime, but what i'm saying is once you have left, it's like a divorce, you have a less of a say within the you're better in than out (protest).

    Truly awful analogy.
  • 1967CAFC said:

    By buying a £175 season ticket (i've never bought in the ground or store) will never cover the cost of running the club....but just keep it alive for them to sell. It's a double edged scord...but we need to keep the club alive for them to sell & by being in the ground continue our protest we can still let them we want them out.

    What's a scord?
  • 1967CAFC said:

    By buying a £175 season ticket (i've never bought in the ground or store) will never cover the cost of running the club....but just keep it alive for them to sell. It's a double edged scord...but we need to keep the club alive for them to sell & by being in the ground continue our protest we can still let them we want them out.

    What's a scord?
    Something Simon Church didn't do much of ?
  • 1967CAFC said:

    By buying a £175 season ticket (i've never bought in the ground or store) will never cover the cost of running the club....but just keep it alive for them to sell. It's a double edged scord...but we need to keep the club alive for them to sell & by being in the ground continue our protest we can still let them we want them out.

    What's a scord?
    On second thoughts, if you eat an uncooked one (scord raw) it gains you a point.
  • Fair play 1967CAFC for speaking up. Unfortunately mate if your opinion doesn't fit with the others you will get shot down in flames or have your grammar pulled to pieces.
    Once again well done for speaking up and a voice that will continue to get louder over the coming months.
  • 1967CAFC said:

    You are boycotting the club.....if you don't want to go then quite rightly don't, but please stop having a go about how bad things are. YOU have left the club move on........Charlton to I die

    This is Roger isn't it....Hello Rog :)
  • I genuinely never realised we have so many idiots supporting Charlton. It's a nasty revelation.
  • 1967CAFC said:

    By buying a £175 season ticket (i've never bought in the ground or store) will never cover the cost of running the club....but just keep it alive for them to sell. It's a double edged scord...but we need to keep the club alive for them to sell & by being in the ground continue our protest we can still let them we want them out.

    When you say "our protest" who are you talking about?

    You say you want them out but you want other fans who want them out to stop commenting.

    Doesn't make sense.
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  • 1967CAFC said: in so many social groups, only the loud can be heard

    Well, it helps that the loud are also in the majority.

    But really, though. I'm going to agree with you* - there's probably an element of confirmation bias at play. Even so, there are just so many voices against the regime, or who are boycotting.

    The reason we are loud is because we are passionate. We are passionate because we love this fucking shitshow, and want to get back to where we should be. We are loud because we are so dissatisfied - much in the same way Corbyn supporters are loud, that the entire Brexit debate - both Leave and Remain - deafened us, and in the same way that feminism has a huge number of loud voices. It's because it's an emotive issue that many people feel strongly about.

    [*NB I don't actually think this is what you were getting at, but you've not really offered a real point, so I'm going to interpret as close to the text as possible]
  • 1967CAFC said:

    You are boycotting the club.....if you don't want to go then quite rightly don't, but please stop having a go about how bad things are. YOU have left the club move on........Charlton to I die


    I don't care about your spelling or grammar

    I haven't "left the club", You are totally wrong when you say that.

    I'm still the same 3rd generation Addick, going back to 1919, as I was last season.

    I'm still a Charlton fan.

    I still want Charlton to win every game and be a successful club.

    Frankly, it's quite insulting of you to suggest I'm no longer a fan and I'm no longer allowed to say what I think about the way Charlton play or the club is being run just because you don't want to hear it.

    It's also a narrow minded way of shutting down a debate. "I'm a real fan, you're not so I not going to listen to you and I'm actually going to tell you you're no longer allowed to speak at all." So much for freedom of speech.

    Who made you judge and jury about whether people are allowed to say if things are good or bad? You think 13 years of home games make you special? There are plenty protesting who've done more but that is irrelevant. If you are a fan you're a fan

    This is a message board. If you disagree with people's views then say so, give a counter argument but expect to get one back.

    You've never posted on here before but your first statement is to tell others to shut up. Sorry, you've got it wrong.

  • I love the idea that there's literally hundreds of posters with accounts, sat terrified of posting in case someone corrects their spelling. What bastards we definitely are
  • edited August 2016

    I love the idea that there's literally hundreds of posters with accounts, sat terrified of posting in case someone corrects their spelling. What bastards we definitely are

    Full stop or an exclamation mark after 'are' Garry :smiley: .
  • Henry, my first game was in 1971 not 13 years ago & I have travelled all over the country following the club I love.
  • Sorry, I've been busy today.

    Am I too late? Have I missed the good stuff?

    *searches furiously for popcorn*
  • edited August 2016
    1967CAFC said:

    You are boycotting the club.....if you don't want to go then quite rightly don't, but please stop having a go about how bad things are. YOU have left the club move on........Charlton to I die

    Did boycott Northampton game but haven't 'left the club' as you put it.

    The nature of the club and its spirit have been severely eroded. Simply burying ones head in the sand and turning up just for the games but being in denial about everything else inflicted by the regime which has been to the detriment of the club is one way of carrying on.

    However, to suggest that those boycotting should not express their concerns on this message board and instead adopt your benign view of the regime or walk away does those protesting (by whatever means) a great disservice.
    The club was once saved from permanent exile from The Valley by fans (some of whom boycotted games at Sellout park) - what would have happened if they had simply given up and moved on as you would advocate?

    The current regime has squeezed some of the life blood out of Charlton the club,
    which is why one of the slogan's which has arisen is We Want our Charlton back.

    You have posted on a board called Charlton Life - think about it?

  • I was there clearing the overgrown pitch...I was there at Selhurst & Upton Park & F Block 1st hame back. Missed only 4 games since!
  • Chizz said:

    1967CAFC said:

    Will you stop being an English teacher?

    I didn't see your hand go up, so I'm not listening.
    Sir; please send cafc1967 to the naughty step because he doesn't seem to realise that most of us who gave up our season tickets have been supporters for decades yet feel we've to let the owners know our discuss at the poor management of OUR club.
    I did sneak in on a freebie and see the Rick Holmes show on Tuesday.

    Thank you for the B+ for my Quantum physics homework.
  • So you sneaked in on a freebie...I thought you were on a boycot
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