I saw we've only been allocated 483 tickets, I'm pretty sure we will take less then that, But does anyone know if Cheltenham are selling on the night ?
Yes almost certainly, see below from their website. You can always ring them to make 100% sure.
Away Ticket Procedures
Match tickets will be available through the turnstiles on matchdays unless we anticipate a large away following attending the game. If this is the case tickets will be sent to your own ticket office for sale in advance of the game.
And CAFC website;
Cheltenham Town (a) - Tuesday, August 9th (7.45pm)
Tickets for our EFL Cup first-round fixture at Cheltenham Town are now on sale. We have been handed an initial allocation of 463 seats and tickets are priced at £21 adults, £15 for over 65s and £7 for under 19s and students.
There are also a number of ambulant disabled spaces and wheelchair bays available, which are priced at £15 and include a free helper. These can be booked by contacting Cheltenham Town directly on 01242 588 117.
Spoke to James at Cheltenham, he said that Charlton are sending 180 tickets back, and these 180 tickets will be avalible for Charlton fans to buy on the night
Spoke to James at Cheltenham, he said that Charlton are sending 180 tickets back, and these 180 tickets will be avalible for Charlton fans to buy on the night
That means we've sold 300?! When you consider that 2 years ago we couldn't muster 200 away at Leeds that really is surprising.
Away Ticket Procedures
Match tickets will be available through the turnstiles on matchdays unless we anticipate a large away following attending the game. If this is the case tickets will be sent to your own ticket office for sale in advance of the game.
And CAFC website;
Cheltenham Town (a) - Tuesday, August 9th (7.45pm)
Tickets for our EFL Cup first-round fixture at Cheltenham Town are now on sale. We have been handed an initial allocation of 463 seats and tickets are priced at £21 adults, £15 for over 65s and £7 for under 19s and students.
There are also a number of ambulant disabled spaces and wheelchair bays available, which are priced at £15 and include a free helper. These can be booked by contacting Cheltenham Town directly on 01242 588 117.
Read more at http://www.cafc.co.uk/tickets/ticket-prices/index.aspx#VvSSUXqZRIVXDH58.99
When you consider that 2 years ago we couldn't muster 200 away at Leeds that really is surprising.
350-400 up there tonight after walk-ins maybe
Not bad for a Tuesday night in the cup especially after how we played on Saturday