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How to run a Football Club as a business.

We are no longer a Football club in the true sense. We are just a business. Building a team for the future is not on the agenda. Building a Fan base is not important. All that is important is to sell whatever you can to make money. RD will not invest in the First team . Loan players and journey men who are nearing the end of their career signing for a year is not building a team for success Russell Slade must have bought into the development of the Academy players otherwise he wouldn't have got the job. When will this all end I fear that we are not to far away from AFC Charlton....
All the protests and non renewal of season tickets show that the Belgiums have ruined our club. Under the watchful eye of Dick Murray (our man on the inside)


  • edited August 2016
    First rule of business 'Don't take your customers for granted' (like Gerald Ratner). When there are no 18+ yo kids to be sold, foreign stars gone, no real estate options at the Valley, no fans/income, academy status under threat and operating losses piling up, where does he go? And I think we are only a season away from his dilemma.
  • Lets hope so.
  • edited August 2016
    Oh good another thread on, basically, the same topic as so many before it.

    Frankly you cannot run a football club like anything else other than a business these days, the numbers are way too high.

    It's not like the 60s and 70s when a local businessman could bankroll a club. These days the average Championship club makes a loss in the multiple of millions of pounds a year.

    Look at Portsmouth and Bolton, and us before Roland came in - massive spending without any sensible business practices left the clubs with a realistic chance of administration and disappearing.

    Just because Roland has so much money and just because he has made a mess of running the club doesn't, in any shape or form, suggest that throwing all business sense out of the window is anything than receipe for disaster!
  • Rule 1. Sell all the players?
  • There is no point of a Football club no matter what division or league it is in if it has no ambition to succeed. Professional football clubs are a business but if there is no ambition (which has been clearly stated many times by this regime) they will alienate the fans that support the club with their hard earned cash to stay away. The reason you have an academy in the lower leagues is to find and produce talented youngsters for your team. Resources dictate that you can't splash the cash. What is criminal by this regime is the way that as soon as a youngster is a real talent they cash in. In the past under Dick Murray etc we held on to the talented ones (Scott Parker to name but one) yes he was sold but only after he played his part in our progress and because he wanted to go and made it impossible for the club to keep him. Saying that though he did go for quite a large fee which was reinvested in the Club. My gripe with this regime is that they want to produce talented footballers but only for financial gain not for the benefit of the club. We support a club because we hope we'll get to the top one day. Look at AFC Wimbledon. Leicester. two prime examples of success that will never happen under RD.
  • A friend of mine once said to me: "You can become a millionaire owning a football club. You just have to start as a billionaire..."

    Many a true word...
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Roland Out Forever!