Now it has been confirmed what kit we will be wearing next season, and that the C.A.R.D one has gone past it deadline. I have come up with a small idea, more to the point of my original idea before the C.A.R.D one had happened.
Who would be interested in getting a black & white (or even the red and white) version of our new kit with a Sword or wording of C.A.F.C (as a badge) embroiled on it?
Cost would be £15 for an Adult nike top, £5 for the badge to be sewn on so £20 roughly. Exc postage.
It will help keep us in the same colours/kit as the team but taking money away from the regime. Well let me know anyway and if I get strong enough interest, I will try and get this up and running as soon as possible, that the kits can be delivered before the new kit actually gets sold.


buy a protest shirt as they'll no doubt go on sale again in future.
I like the idea though, as i love the sword only badge, but the sword is copyrighted and you could get in a lot of financial trouble for using it.
"Copyright is infringed when any of the following acts are done without permission, whether directly or indirectly and whether the whole or a substantial part of a work is used:
copying the work in any way
issuing copies of the work to the public
renting or lending copies of the work to the public
performing, showing or playing the work in public
broadcasting the work or other communication to the public by electronic transmission
making an adaptation of the work.
However, some minor uses may fall within the scope of exceptions to copyright; further information on these, and on the recent changes to the law, can be found in our copyright guide.
Copyright infringement can lead to substantial penalties, even if the UK legal system is unlikely to hit American levels of awards.
Upon conviction in the magistrates' court the maximum term of incarceration in the UK for copyright infringement is 6 months and/or a fine of up to £50,000.
Upon conviction in the Crown Court the maximum term of incarceration in the UK for copyright infringement is 10 years and/or an "unlimited" fine.
Colleges, universities and other learning providers may be vulnerable to the extent that office holders and those responsible for compliance must not knowingly facilitate the commercial abuse of copyright protected work.
For example - most if not all of our contracts with our database providers reserve the right to terminate the agreement for a material breach and to recover the costs from ARU; this could also lead to compensation for such infringement. As a result, the entire University would lose access to all the journal articles etc. provided through that database."
And why not give other options? If someone doesn't like the look of the protest shirt but think the new kit looks smart, why not give the opportunity to get the same kit but without funding the regime.
I like the idea though. Gets rid of the shit sponser and keeps a few quid out of Roland's pocket.
Not really 100% sure that the red Nike shirt, identical, bar the badges and sponsorship, would make the same statement.
So as an individual item either Charlton Athletic have broken copy-write, or the sword on its own is OK to use.
If you're reading this Chris. I got it from Selectadisc in Berwick St.
The fact that it will be considerably cheaper than the official one would be a good bonus and it will mean less sales of the club shirt.